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            -workers                => 4,                                                   
        my $fitValue       = $pso->optimize ();
        my ($best)         = $pso->getBestParticles (1);
        my ($fit, @values) = $pso->getParticleBestPos ($best);
        printf "Fit %.4f at (%s)\n",
            $fit, join ', ', map {sprintf '%.4f', $_} @values;
        sub calcFit {
            my @values = @_;
            my $offset = int (-@values / 2);
            my $sum;
            select( undef, undef, undef, 0.01 );    # Simulation of heavy processing...
            $sum += ($_ - $offset++) ** 2 for @values;
            return $sum;

lib/AI/ParticleSwarmOptimization/  view on Meta::CPAN

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw(
$Storable::Deparse 	= 1;
$Storable::Eval 	= 1;
sub new {
    my ($class, %params) = @_;
    my $self = bless {}, $class;
    $self->SUPER::setParams( %params );
	$self->_init_mce( \%params );
	$self->_init_pop( \%params );
	$self->_init_tpl( \%params );
    return $self;
sub _init_tpl {
	my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
	my $cln = clone( $params );
	delete $cln->{ $_ } for qw( 
	$self->_tpl( $cln );
sub _init_pop {
	my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
	my $pop = int( $self->{ numParticles } / $self->_wrk );
	my $rst = $self->{ numParticles } % $self->_wrk;
	my @pop = ( $pop ) x $self->_wrk;
	$pop[ 0 ] += $rst;
	$self->_pop( \@pop );
sub _init_mce {
	my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
	$self->_wrk( $params->{ '-workers' } || MCE::Util::get_ncpu() );
		chunk_size 	=> 1,				# Thanks Roy :-)
		#chunk_size => q[auto],			# The old one. Currently it should be the same... 
		max_workers => $self->_wrk,
		posix_exit  => 1,				# Thanks Roy :-)
sub setParams {
	my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
	my $fles = __PACKAGE__->new( %params );
	$self->{ $_ } = $fles->{ $_ } for keys %$fles;
	return 1;
sub init {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my $pop = $self->{ numParticles };
	$self->{ numParticles } = 1;
	$self->{ numParticles } = $pop;
	$self->{ prtcls } = [ ];

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