Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 39 distributions and 61 files matching your query.
Next refresh should show more results. ( run in 2.408 )


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lib/Acme/  view on Meta::CPAN

    use Acme::EyeDrops qw(sightly);
    my $s = sightly( { Regex         => 1,
                       Shape         => 'naw',
                       Indent        => 1,
                       SourceString  => <<'NAKED_ARM_WRESTLING' } );
    substr($y,428,$%)='     AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!';
    $s =~ s/ +$//m;

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src/subversion/tools/dist/  view on Meta::CPAN

    last if /^Approved changes/;
  while (<STATUS>) {
    last unless /^=+$/;
  $/ = ""; # paragraph mode

  while (<STATUS>) {
    my @lines = split /\n/;

    given ($lines[0]) {

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t/2-tokenisation.t  view on Meta::CPAN

eval { use Data::Dumper; };
eval { (%config = Alvis::NLPPlatform::load_config("etc/alvis-nlpplatform/nlpplatform-test.rc")) && ($def_config=1)  };
ok(defined $def_config);
eval {
     local $/ ="";
     open DATAFILE, "lib/Alvis/NLPPlatform/data/pmid10788508-v2-3.xml";
     $doc_xml = <DATAFILE>;
     close DATAFILE;
     print STDERR "\n";

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lib/AnyData/Format/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub get_mp3_tag {
    my($file)   = shift;
    my $adf = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
    my(undef,$fh,undef) = $adf->open_local_file($file,'r');
    local $/ = '';
    my $str = <$fh> || '';
    return undef if !($str =~ /^TAG/);
    #$file = sprintf("%-255s",$file);

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    my $vassal_padding = $self->vassal_padding; 
    my $after = $self->after;

    my $navbar = $self->make_bar($r, $bar);

    local $/ = "";
    while (<$fh>) {
      s:(</BODY.*?>):$navbar$1:osi if $self->bottom;
    } continue {

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	my ($data, $pattern, $replacement, $uri, $rot13elements) = @_;

	return if (!$$data);

	my $old_terminator = $/;
	$/ = '';
	my %TODOS = ();
	my %ROT13TODOS = ();
	my $i = 0;

	# Detect parts that need to be deobfuscated before replacement

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lib/App/CSVUtils/  view on Meta::CPAN

        } else {
            open $fh, "<", $r->{util_args}{input_file}
                or die [500, "Can't read file '$r->{util_args}{input_file}: $!"];

        local $/ = "";
        my $i = 0;
        while (my $para = <$fh>) {
            $para =~ s/\R{2}\z//;
            #say "D:para=<$para>";
            my @h = _parse_para($r, $para, $i);

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bin/piglatin  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use App::PigLatin qw(translate);

my $text = <>;

print translate(\$text);

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lib/App/Rakubrew/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub slurp {
    my $file = shift;
    open(my $fh, '<', $file);
    local $/ = '';
    my $ret = <$fh>;
    return $ret // '';

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t/no-email.t  view on Meta::CPAN

        = defined $item->{error}
        ? (join "\n", @{$item->{error}})
        : '';
    my ($out, $got_error) = run_command( @{$item->{cmd}} );
        local $/ = "";     # chomp paragraph mode
        chomp $got_error;
        chomp $exp_error;
    is( $got_error, $exp_error, $item->{comment} );

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script/vtt2srt  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/<.+?>//g;

$/ = "";
my $num = 1;
while (my $para = <>) {
    unless ($para =~ /\A([0-9][^\n]+)(.+)/s) {
        log_trace "Paragraph does not begin with a digit, skipping";

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walk.c  view on Meta::CPAN

	str_cat(str," ");
	numeric |= numarg;
	if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,"$/ = ''"))
	    str_set(str, "$/ = \"\\n\\n\"");
    case OADD:
	prec = P_ADD;
	str = walk(1,level,ops[node+1].ival,&numarg,prec);

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t/002-main.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    my @records ;
    my %results;

        local $/ = ""; # paragraph mode

        open my $fh, '<', $filename
            or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!\n";

        @records = map { [ split "\n", $_ ] }

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t/roundtrip/5.014/base/rs.t  view on Meta::CPAN

  # Eat the line terminator
  $/ = "\n";
  $bar = <FH>;

  # Does paragraph mode work?
  $/ = '';
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "1234\n12345\n\n") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = ''\n";

  # Try slurping the rest of the file
  $/ = undef;
  $bar = <FH>;

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eg/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Btrieve handles its indices well, but sometimes the indices should
# be defined outside the typical c programmers budget. Let's make an
# index that allows sort by location and title.

open F, $ARGV[0];
while (<F>) {
    my $rhfixed;
    my ($fixed,$var)= split(/\n/);
    my @fvals = split(/\t/,$fixed);
    print $fvals[-1]." ";

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lib/Biblio/  view on Meta::CPAN


  # Redefine the record separator
  my $old_sep = $/;
  $/ = "";

  # The last line wasn't a comment, a command or an empty line, so use it!
  $_ .= <ISO>;

  my $ncommands = $.-1;

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scripts/wc-l  view on Meta::CPAN

sub sigint ( ) ; # Ctrl-C が押下された時の処理
sub hhmmss ( ) ; # 現在時刻を yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS の形で返す。
sub cyc_rep ( ) ;

$/ = "\r\n" if $o{r} ;
#$/ = "" ;
$| = 1 if $o{'!'} ; 
* CYAN = * BRIGHT_CYAN = * BLUE = * BRIGHT_BLUE = sub { @_ } if $o{b} ; # <-- TRICKY A LITTLE.

my ($time0, $time00) = (time) x 2 ; 
my $cyc_sec = $o{'"'} // 10 ; # 何行毎にレポートを発生させるか。

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Bio/SeqIO/  view on Meta::CPAN

        'peptide'   => 'protein',

    sub next_seq {
        my( $self ) = @_;
        local $/ = "";  # Split input on blank lines

        my $fh = $self->_filehandle;
        my( $type, $id );
        while (<$fh>) {
            if (($type, $id) = /^(DNA|Peptide)[\s:]+(.+?)\s*\n/si) {

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t/20emit.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	$txn->test_transaction(delete $_->{_test});

	my $data = do {
		# Work around bug #17687
		local $/ = '';
		scalar <DATA>;


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t/path.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More tests => 269;
use Data::Dumper;

use CPAN::DistnameInfo;

local $/ ="";

while(<DATA>) {
  my($file,%exp) = split(/[\t\n]+/, $_);
  $exp{pathname} = $file;

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examples/sql/  view on Meta::CPAN

    if (-e $dbfile) { unlink $dbfile or die "Failed to unlink $dbfile: $!"; }

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile",'','',{ sqlite_unicode => 1 });

    open my $sql_fh, "$name.sql" or die "Can't read SQL file: $!";
    local $/ = "";  ## empty line(s) are delimeters
    while (my $sql = <$sql_fh>) {
        print $sql;

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t/lib/TestApp/Controller/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $dbfile = "/tmp/__listframework_testapp.sqlite";
    if (-e $dbfile) { unlink $dbfile or die "Failed to unlink $dbfile: $!"; }
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite2:dbname=$dbfile","","");

    open my $sql_fh, $c->config()->{'sql_path'}.'/test_app.sql' or die "Can't read SQL file: $!";
    local $/ = "";  ## empty line(s) are delimeters
    while (my $sql = <$sql_fh>) {
    close $sql_fh;

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lib/Catmandu/Importer/MARC/  view on Meta::CPAN

    sub {
        state $fh    = $self->fh;
        state $count = 0;

        # set input record separator to paragraph mode
        local $/ = '';

        # get next record
        while (defined(my $data = $fh->getline)) {
            my @record;

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examples/CCreport  view on Meta::CPAN

	# Get the comment and format it correctly.
	my $cmt = $ct->desc([qw(-fmt %c)], $version)->qx;
	next if $?;

	# "Paragraph mode" - causes chomp to remove multiple trailing \n
	{ local $/ = ''; chomp $cmt; }

	# If the comment contains a line ending with ~p we
	# consider it to be intentionally private.
	# Useful when testing triggers etc.
	next if $cmt =~ /~p$/mi;

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tools/  view on Meta::CPAN

use integer;

my $tblpath = 'tbl';

open(CTBL, "<$tblpath") || die "opening $tblpath\n";
$/ = '';
my @e2a_tbl = unpack("C256", <CTBL>);
my @a2e_tbl = ();
my $nul_str = "";
my $a2e_str = "";
my $e2a_str = "";

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lib/Convert/Pheno/IO/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Before resorting to writting this subroutine I performed an exhaustive search on CPAN:
# - Tested MySQL::Dump::Parser::XS but I could not make it work...
# - App-MysqlUtils-0.022 has a CLI utility (mysql-sql-dump-extract-tables)
# - Of course one can always use *nix tools (sed, grep, awk, etc) or other programming languages....
# Anyway, I ended up writting the parser myself...
# The parser is based in reading COPY paragraphs from PostgreSQL dump by using Perl's paragraph mode  $/ = "";
# NB: Each paragraph (TABLE) is loaded into memory. Not great for large files.

    # Define variables that modify what we load
    my $max_lines_sql = $self->{max_lines_sql};
    my @omop_tables   = @{ $self->{omop_tables} };

    # Set record separator to paragraph
    local $/ = "";

#COPY "OMOP_cdm_eunomia".attribute_definition (attribute_definition_id, attribute_name, attribute_description, attribute_type_concept_id, attribute_syntax) FROM stdin;
# ......
# \.

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sub get_mp3_tag {
    my($file)   = shift;
    open(I,$file) || return '';
    binmode I;
    local $/ = '';
    seek I, -128, 2;
    my $str = <I> || '';
    return '' if !($str =~ /^TAG/);
    $file = sprintf("%-255s",$file);
    $str =~ s/^TAG(.*)/$file$1/;

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t/01.xxd.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More 'no_plan';    # substitute with previous line when done

local $/ = '';

   my $input = join '', map { chr $_ } 0 .. 255;
   (my $expected = <DATA>) =~ s/\s*\z//mxs;
   is(Data::HexDump::XXD::xxd($input), $expected, 'dump as expected');

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t/01_undump.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::LongString;
use Data::Undump qw(undump);
use Data::Dumper;
our @dump;
    local $/="";
    while (<DATA>) {
        push @dump, $_;

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( run in 2.408 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-d29e8ade9f55 )