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#!/usr/bin/env perl

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:

use Net::Interface qw(full_inet_ntop ipV6compress type :afs :iffs :iffIN6 :iftype :scope);
use Net::IP;
use Net::ISC::DHCPClient;
use POSIX qw();
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;

use warnings;
use strict;

sub DisplayInterfaceInfo($)
    my ($interfaces) = @_;

    my @paths_to_attempt = ('/var/lib/dhclient', '/var/lib/dhcp', '/var/lib/NetworkManager');

    for my $if (@$interfaces) {
        my $info = $if->info();
        my $flags = $if->flags();
        next if (!$info->{Net::Interface->af_inet()});

        print "interface = $if\n========================\n";
        my $hwaddr = join(':', (length($info->{mac}) ? unpack('H*', $info->{mac}) : '') =~ m/../g);
        $hwaddr = "none" if (!$hwaddr);
        printf("hwaddr = %s\n", $hwaddr);

        # Query DHCP-information (if any is available)
        my $dhclient = Net::ISC::DHCPClient->new(
                    leases_path => \@paths_to_attempt,
                    interface   => $if->{name},
                    af          => ['inet', 'inet6']

        # IPv4
        my $ipv4_addrs = $info->{Net::Interface->af_inet()}->{number};
        $ipv4_addrs = 0 if (!$ipv4_addrs);
        printf("IPv4 addrs = %d\n", $ipv4_addrs);
        my @v4addresses = $if->address(Net::Interface->af_inet());
        my @v6addresses = $if->address(Net::Interface->af_inet6());
        print "  addr =      ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($v4addresses[0]), "\n",
              "  broadcast = ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($if->broadcast(Net::Interface->af_inet())), "\n",
              "  netmask =   ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($if->netmask(Net::Interface->af_inet())), "\n";
        if ($dhclient->is_dhcp('inet')) {
            my $lease = @{$dhclient->leases_af_inet()}[0];
            print "  gateway =   ", $lease->option()->{routers}, " (from DHCP)\n";

        print "IPv4 flags:\n";
        print "  is running\n"     if $flags & IFF_RUNNING;
        print "  is broadcast\n"   if $flags & IFF_BROADCAST;
        print "  is p-to-p\n"      if $flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT;
        print "  is loopback\n"    if $flags & IFF_LOOPBACK;
        print "  is promiscuous\n" if $flags & IFF_PROMISC;
        print "  is multicast\n"   if $flags & IFF_MULTICAST;
        print "  is notrailers\n"  if $flags & IFF_NOTRAILERS;
        print "  is noarp\n"       if $flags & IFF_NOARP;

        if ($dhclient->is_dhcp('inet')) {
            print "  is DHCP, ";

            my $now = time();
            my $lease = @{$dhclient->leases_af_inet()}[0];
            if ($lease->expire >= $now) {
                printf("lease will expire at: %s\n",
                        POSIX::strftime("%F %X", localtime($lease->expire)));
            } else {
                print("lease is expired\n");

        # IPv6
        my $ipv6_addrs = $info->{Net::Interface->af_inet6()}->{number};
        $ipv6_addrs = 0 if (!$ipv6_addrs);
        printf("IPv6 addrs = %d\n", $ipv6_addrs);
        my $addrNro = 0;
        foreach my $ip (@v6addresses) {
            my $prefix = unpack('%B128', $if->netmask(Net::Interface->af_inet6()));
            my $scope = '-something-unknown-';
            $scope = RFC2373_NODELOCAL if ($if->scope() == 0x1);
            $scope = RFC2373_LINKLOCAL if ($if->scope() == 0x2);
            $scope = RFC2373_SITELOCAL if ($if->scope() == 0x5);
            $scope = RFC2373_ORGLOCAL if ($if->scope() == 0x8);
            $scope = RFC2373_GLOBAL if ($if->scope() == 0xe);

            my @types = ();
            push(@types, "any") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_ANY);
            push(@types, "unicast") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST);
            push(@types, "multicast") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST);
            push(@types, "anycast") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_ANYCAST);
            push(@types, "loopback") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK);
            push(@types, "link-local") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL);
            push(@types, "site-local") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL);
            push(@types, "compat-v4") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4);
            push(@types, "scope-local") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_MASK);
            push(@types, "mapped") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_MAPPED);
            push(@types, "reserved") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_RESERVED);
            push(@types, "uniq-lcl-unicast") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_ULUA);
            push(@types, "6to4") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_6TO4);
            push(@types, "6bone") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_6BONE);
            push(@types, "global-unicast") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_AGU);
            push(@types, "unspecified") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED);
            push(@types, "solicited-node") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_SOLICITED_NODE);
            push(@types, "ISATAP") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_ISATAP);
            push(@types, "productive") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_PRODUCTIVE);
            push(@types, "6to4-ms") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_6TO4_MICROSOFT);
            push(@types, "teredo") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_TEREDO);
            push(@types, "orchid") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_ORCHID);
            push(@types, "non-routeable-doc") if (type($ip) & IPV6_ADDR_NON_ROUTE_DOC);

            printf(" %d: addr =    %s/%s\n  scope =     %s\n  type =      %s\n",
                ipV6compress(full_inet_ntop($ip)), $prefix,
                $scope, join(', ', @types)
        if ($dhclient->is_dhcp('inet6')) {
            print "  is DHCP, ";

            my $now = time();
            my $lease = @{$dhclient->leases_af_inet6()}[0];
            my $starts = $lease->starts('non-temporary');
            my $max_life = $lease->max_life('non-temporary');
            if ($starts + $max_life >= $now) {
                printf("lease will expire at: %s,\n                         now is: %s\n",
                        POSIX::strftime("%F %H:%M:%S", localtime($starts + $max_life)),
                        POSIX::strftime("%F %H:%M:%S", localtime($now))
            } else {
                print("lease is expired\n");

        # IPv4 and IPv6 done.
        print "\n";

sub main()
    my %opts;
    GetOptions (\%opts,
    ) or die "Malformed arguments! Stopped.";

    pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1) if (defined($opts{help}));

    my @interfaces = Net::Interface->interfaces();


=head1 NAME

sample - Using Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage


sample [options] [file ...]
   -help            brief help message
   -man             full documentation

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.



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