found 137 distributions and 321 files matching your query ! ( run in 1.493 )


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local/lib/perl5/IO/Async/  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 getfamilybyname

   $family = IO::Async::OS->getfamilybyname( $name )

Return a protocol family value based on the given name. If C<$name> looks like
a number it will be returned as-is. The string values C<inet>, C<inet6> and
C<unix> will be converted to the appropriate C<AF_*> constant.


sub getfamilybyname

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libcares/ares_getaddrinfo.c  view on Meta::CPAN

        case 'b':
          /* DNS lookup */
          hquery->remaining_lookups = p + 1;
          if ((hquery->hints.ai_family == AF_INET6) ||
              (hquery->hints.ai_family == AF_UNSPEC)) {
            /* if inet6 or unspec, start out with AAAA */
            hquery->sent_family = AF_INET6;
            ares_search(hquery->channel, hquery->name, C_IN, T_AAAA,
                        host_callback, hquery);
          else {

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libuv/src/unix/aix-common.c  view on Meta::CPAN


int uv_interface_addresses(uv_interface_address_t** addresses, int* count) {
  uv_interface_address_t* address;
  int sockfd, inet6, size = 1;
  struct ifconf ifc;
  struct ifreq *ifr, *p, flg;
  struct sockaddr_dl* sa_addr;

  *count = 0;

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lib/Apache/Logmonster/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $once = 0;

    my @ips = grep {/inet/} `$ifconfig`; chomp @ips;
       @ips = grep {!/inet6/} @ips if $p{exclude_ipv6};
       @ips = grep {!/inet 127\.0\.0/} @ips if $p{exclude_localhost};
       @ips = grep {!/inet (192\.168\.|10\.|172\.16\.|169\.254\.)/} @ips
            if $p{exclude_internals};

    # this keeps us from failing if the box has only internal IPs

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scripts/  view on Meta::CPAN

        # Query DHCP-information (if any is available)
        my $dhclient = Net::ISC::DHCPClient->new(
                    leases_path => \@paths_to_attempt,
                    interface   => $if->{name},
                    af          => ['inet', 'inet6']

        # IPv4
        my $ipv4_addrs = $info->{Net::Interface->af_inet()}->{number};
        $ipv4_addrs = 0 if (!$ipv4_addrs);
        printf("IPv4 addrs = %d\n", $ipv4_addrs);
        my @v4addresses = $if->address(Net::Interface->af_inet());
        my @v6addresses = $if->address(Net::Interface->af_inet6());
        print "  addr =      ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($v4addresses[0]), "\n",
              "  broadcast = ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($if->broadcast(Net::Interface->af_inet())), "\n",
              "  netmask =   ", Net::Interface::inet_ntoa($if->netmask(Net::Interface->af_inet())), "\n";
        if ($dhclient->is_dhcp('inet')) {
            my $lease = @{$dhclient->leases_af_inet()}[0];

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub sock_family
   my $self = shift;
   return AF_INET if $self->{inet4};
   return AF_INET6 if $self->{inet6};
   return AF_UNSPEC;

sub _pkg_for_command

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lib/App/Regather/  view on Meta::CPAN

use App::Regather::Plugin;

use constant LDAP => { opt => { async      => '',
				debug      => '',
				inet4      => '',
				inet6      => '',
				keepalive  => '',
				localaddr  => '',
				multihomed => '',
				onerror    => '',
				port       => 'port',

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lib/Slaughter/Info/  view on Meta::CPAN

    #  Parse the output of /sbin/ifconfig.
    foreach my $line ( split( /[\r\n]/, `ifconfig` ) )
        next unless ( $line =~ /(inet|inet6)/ );

        if ( $line =~ /inet ([^ \t]+)/ )
            my $addr = $1;
            next if ( $addr =~ /^127\./i );
            $ref->{ 'ip_' . $ipv4 } = $addr;
            $ipv4 += 1;
        if ( $line =~ /inet6 ([^ \t]+)/ )
            my $addr = $1;
            next if ( $addr =~ /fe80/i );
            $ref->{ 'ip6_' . $ipv6 } = $addr;
            $ipv6 += 1;

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t/data/build.fresh.log  view on Meta::CPAN

t/cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t/cert_formats.t .................. ok
t/core.t .......................... ok
t/dhe.t ........................... ok
t/ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t/io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t/io-socket-ip.t .................. ok
t/memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... ok
t/npn.t ........................... ok
# -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client

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lib/App/remarkpl/public/remark.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

beginKeywords:"class interface",end:/[{;=]/,illegal:/[^\s:]/,contains:[e.TITLE_MODE,e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE]},{beginKeywords:"namespace",end:/[{;=]/,illegal:/[^\s:]/,contains:[e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE,{begin:"[a-zA-Z](\\.?\\w)*"}),...
},{begin:":\\s*"+t}]}]}}},{name:"hsp",create:function(e){return{case_insensitive:!0,lexemes:/[\w\._]+/,keywords:"goto gosub return break repeat loop continue wait await dim sdim foreach dimtype dup dupptr end stop newmod delmod mref run exgoto on mca...
contains:[{className:"comment",begin:/\(\*/,end:/\*\)/},e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,e.C_NUMBER_MODE,{begin:/\{/,end:/\}/,illegal:/:/}]}}},{name:"matlab",create:function(e){var t=[e.C_NUMBER_MODE,{className:"string",begin:"'",end:"'",contai...
contains:[i]});return{aliases:["ps"],lexemes:/-?[A-z\.\-]+/,case_insensitive:!0,keywords:{keyword:"if else foreach return function do while until elseif begin for trap data dynamicparam end break throw param continue finally in switch exit filter try...
literal:"true false nil"},contains:[e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,e.NUMBER_MODE,a,t.preprocessor],illegal:/#/}}},{name:"sql",create:function(e){var t=e.COMMENT("--","$");return{case_insensitive:!0,illegal:/[<>{}*#]/,contains:[{beginKey...
return{aliases:["styl"],case_insensitive:!1,keywords:"if else for in",illegal:"("+o.join("|")+")",contains:[e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,a,{begin:"\\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"+i,returnBegin:!0,cont...
built_in:"ip eip rip al ah bl bh cl ch dl dh sil dil bpl spl r8b r9b r10b r11b r12b r13b r14b r15b ax bx cx dx si di bp sp r8w r9w r10w r11w r12w r13w r14w r15w eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp esp eip r8d r9d r10d r11d r12d r13d r14d r15d rax rbx rcx rdx...
"atelier-lakeside-light":".hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-comment,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-quote{color:#5a7b8c}.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-variable,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-template-variable,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light ...
grayscale:".hljs-grayscale .hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:.5em;color:#333;background:#fff}.hljs-grayscale .hljs-comment,.hljs-grayscale .hljs-quote{color:#777;font-style:italic}.hljs-grayscale .hljs-keyword,.hljs-grayscale .hljs-selector...
"solarized-dark":".hljs-solarized-dark .hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:.5em;background:#002b36;color:#839496}.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-comment,.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-quote{color:#586e75}.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-keyword,.hljs-solari...

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share/revealjs/plugin/highlight/highlight.esm.js  view on Meta::CPAN

function e(t){return(e="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e})(t)}function t(e,t){if(!(...
 * reveal.js plugin that adds syntax highlight support.
var of={id:"highlight",HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER:"|",HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER:",",HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER:"-",hljs:rf,init:function(e){var t=e.getConfig().highlight||{};t.highlightOnLoad="boolean"!=typeof t.highlightOnLoad||t.highlightOnLoad,t....

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mpg123/Makefile  view on Meta::CPAN


### KAME stack
### BSD/OS 4.0 (NRL) stack
### Linux stack
#IPV6LIBDIR= #/usr/inet6/lib
#IPV6LIB= #-linet6

######                                       ######
######   End of user-configurable settings   ######
######                                       ######

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ramblings/remark.js  view on Meta::CPAN

require=function(e,t,n){function i(n,s){if(!t[n]){if(!e[n]){var o=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!s&&o)return o(n,!0);if(r)return r(n,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'")}var u=t[n]={exports:{}};e[n][0].call(u.exports,function(t)...
}()},{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){exports.addClass=function(element,className){element.className=exports.getClasses(element).concat([className]).join(" ")};exports.removeClass=function(element,className){element.className=exports.getClasse...
events.on("slideChanged",updateHash);navigateByHash()}function navigateByHash(){var slideNoOrName=(dom.getLocationHash()||"").substr(1);events.emit("gotoSlide",slideNoOrName)}function updateHash(slideNoOrName){dom.setLocationHash("#"+slideNoOrName)}}...

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lib/BGPmon/CPM/Prefix/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $source = shift;
  my $netname = shift;

  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $res = $ua->get("" .
                     "&type-filter=inetnum&type-filter=inet6num" .
                     "&source=$source-grs&query-string=$netname" .
  my $res_struct = decode_json($res->content);
  print Dumper($res_struct);

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Sysctl.xs  view on Meta::CPAN

#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip_var.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <netinet/udp_var.h>

#include <netinet6/raw_ip6.h>
#include "bsd-sysctl.h"

_init_iterator(HV *self, int *mib, int *miblenp, int valid) {
    SV **headp;

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if test x"$enable_ipv6" != x"no"; then
	{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking ipv6 stack type" >&5
$as_echo_n "checking ipv6 stack type... " >&6; }
	for i in inria kame linux-glibc linux-inet6 solaris toshiba v6d zeta cygwin; do
		case $i in

cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext

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xt/js/uri.js  view on Meta::CPAN

0;d<c;d++)if(a.charAt(d)!==b.charAt(d)){d--;break}if(1>d)return a.charAt(0)===b.charAt(0)&&"/"===a.charAt(0)?"/":"";if("/"!==a.charAt(d)||"/"!==b.charAt(d))d=a.substring(0,d).lastIndexOf("/");return a.substring(0,d+1)};d.withinString=function(a,b){re...
a+"' contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]");}};{if(!0===a)this._deferred_build=!0;else if(void 0===a||this._deferred_build),this._deferred_build=!1;return this};e.clone=function(){return new d(...
b;!c);return this}};for(h in k)e[h]=q(k[h]);k={query:"?",fragment:"#"};q=function(a,b){return function(c,d){if(void 0===c)return this._parts[a]||"";null!==c&&(c+="",c.charAt(0)===b&&(c=c.substring(1)));this._parts[a]=c;!d);retur...
a||!0===a){var c=this._parts.path||(this._parts.urn?"":"/");return a?d.decodePath(c):c}this._parts.path=a?d.recodePath(a):"/";!b);return this};e.path=e.pathname;e.href=function(a,b){var c;if(void 0===a)return this.toString();this._string="...
c)&&(this._parts[c]=f[c]);else throw new TypeError("invalid input");!b);return this};{var b=!1,c=!1,f=!1,g=!1,e=!1,m=!1,j=!1,h=!this._parts.urn;this._parts.hostname&&(h=!1,c=d.ip4_expression.test(this._parts.hostname),f=d.i...
case "domain":case "name":return g;case "sld":return e;case "ip":return b;case "ip4":case "ipv4":case "inet4":return c;case "ip6":case "ipv6":case "inet6":return f;case "idn":return m;case "url":return!this._parts.urn;case "urn":return!!this._parts.u...
return,a,b)};e.scheme=e.protocol;e.port=function(a,b){if(this._parts.urn)return void 0===a?"":this;if(void 0!==a&&(0===a&&(a=null),a&&(a+="",":"===a.charAt(0)&&(a=a.substring(1)),a.match(/[^0-9]/))))throw new TypeError("Port '"+a+"' conta...
a?"":this;if(void 0===a)return this._parts.hostname?d.buildHost(this._parts):"";d.parseHost(a,this._parts);!b);return this};e.authority=function(a,b){if(this._parts.urn)return void 0===a?"":this;if(void 0===a)return this._parts.hostname?d....
c.length-1)}"@"!==a[a.length-1]&&(a+="@");d.parseUserinfo(a,this._parts);!b);return this};e.resource=function(a,b){var c;if(void 0===a)return this.path();c=d.parse(a);this._parts.path=c.path;this._parts.query=c.qu...
1;return this._parts.hostname.substring(0,c)||""}c=this._parts.hostname.length-this.domain().length;c=this._parts.hostname.substring(0,c);c=RegExp("^"+n(c));a&&"."!==a.charAt(a.length-1)&&(a+=".");a&&d.ensureValidHostname(a);this._parts.hostname=this...
if(c&&2>c.length)return this._parts.hostname;c=this._parts.hostname.length-this.tld(b).length-1;c=this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf(".",c-1)+1;return this._parts.hostname.substring(c)||""}if(!a)throw new TypeError("cannot set domain empty");d.ensureVa...

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t/data/build.fresh.log  view on Meta::CPAN

t/cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t/cert_formats.t .................. ok
t/core.t .......................... ok
t/dhe.t ........................... ok
t/ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t/io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t/io-socket-ip.t .................. ok
t/memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... ok
t/npn.t ........................... ok
# -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client

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src/Reachability.h  view on Meta::CPAN

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>

#import <sys/socket.h>
#import <netinet/in.h>
#import <netinet6/in6.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
#import <ifaddrs.h>
#import <netdb.h>


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lib/Complete/  view on Meta::CPAN

            for my $line (@lines) {
                if ($line =~ /^\s*inet addr:(\S+)/) {
                    log_trace("[comphost]   Adding %s", $1) if $COMPLETE_HOST_TRACE;
                if ($line =~ m!^\s*inet6 addr:\s*(\S+?)(?:/\d+)?(?=\s)!) {
                    log_trace("[comphost]   Adding %s", $1) if $COMPLETE_HOST_TRACE;
            last IFCONFIG;

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lib/Config/Model/models/Ssh/  view on Meta::CPAN

        'choice' => [
        'description' => 'Specifies which address family
to use when connecting. Valid arguments are B<any> (the
default), B<inet> (use IPv4 only), or B<inet6> (use
IPv6 only).Specifies which address family
to use when connecting. Valid arguments are B<any> (the
default), B<inet> (use IPv4 only), or B<inet6> (use
IPv6 only).',
        'type' => 'leaf',
        'upstream_default' => 'any',
        'value_type' => 'enum'

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lib/Config/Model/Manual/ModelCreationIntroduction.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

To know which attributes to use, you should read the
documentation of the target application.

For instance, C<AddressFamily> parameter (sshd_config(5)) is specified
with: I<Specifies which address family should be used by sshd(8).
Valid arguments are "any", "inet" (use IPv4 only), or "inet6" (use
IPv6 only).  The default is "any".>

For Config::Model, C<AddressFamily> is a type C<leaf> element,
value_type C<enum> and the application falls back to C<any> if this
parameter is left blank in C<sshd_config> file.

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lib/Device/Network/ConfigParser/Linux/  view on Meta::CPAN

            ifconfig(s) { { ifconfig => $item{'ifconfig(s)'} } } |
            not_parsed { $item[1] }

                interface encap hw_addr(?) inet(?) inet6(s?) flag(s) mtu if_metric rx_stats tx_stats rx_bytes tx_bytes {
                        interface => $item{interface},
                        encapsulation => $item{encap},
                        hw_addr => $item{'hw_addr(?)'},
                        inet => $item{'inet(?)'},
                        inet6 => $item{'inet6(s?)'},
                        flags => $item{'flag(s)'},
                        mtu => $item{mtu},
                        metric => $item{if_metric},
                        rx_stats => $item{rx_stats},
                        tx_stats => $item{tx_stats},

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( run in 1.493 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1925d2aa809 )