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lib/Apache/Logmonster/Utility.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

sub get_dir_files {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift or die "missing dir name";
    my %p = validate( @_, { %std_opts } );

    my %args = $self->get_std_args( %p );

    my @files;

    return $log->error( "dir $dir is not a directory!", %args)
        if ! -d $dir;

    opendir D, $dir or return $log->error( "couldn't open $dir: $!", %args );

    while ( defined( my $f = readdir(D) ) ) {
        next if $f =~ /^\.\.?$/;
        push @files, "$dir/$f";


    return @files;

sub get_my_ips {

    # Usage      : @list_of_ips_ref = $util->get_my_ips();
    # Purpose    : get a list of IP addresses on local interfaces
    # Returns    : an arrayref of IP addresses
    # Parameters : only - can be one of: first, last
    #            : exclude_locahost  (all 127.0 addresses)
    #            : exclude_internals (192.168, 10., 169., 172.)
    #            : exclude_ipv6
    # Comments   : exclude options are boolean and enabled by default.
    #              tested on Mac OS X and FreeBSD

    my $self = shift;
    my %p = validate(
        {   'only' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, default => 0 },
            'exclude_localhost' =>
                { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, default => 1 },
            'exclude_internals' =>
                { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, default => 1 },
            'exclude_ipv6' =>
                { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, default => 1 },

    my $debug = $p{debug};
    my $only  = $p{only};

    my $ifconfig = $self->find_bin( "ifconfig", debug => 0 );

    my $once = 0;

    my @ips = grep {/inet/} `$ifconfig`; chomp @ips;
       @ips = grep {!/inet6/} @ips if $p{exclude_ipv6};
       @ips = grep {!/inet 127\.0\.0/} @ips if $p{exclude_localhost};
       @ips = grep {!/inet (192\.168\.|10\.|172\.16\.|169\.254\.)/} @ips
            if $p{exclude_internals};

    # this keeps us from failing if the box has only internal IPs
    if ( @ips < 1 || $ips[0] eq "" ) {
        carp "yikes, you really don't have any public IPs?!" if $debug;
        $p{exclude_internals} = 0;
        goto TRY if ( $once < 2 );

    foreach ( @ips ) { ($_) = $_ =~ m/inet ([\d\.]+)\s/; };

    return [ $ips[0]  ] if $only eq 'first';
    return [ $ips[-1] ] if $only eq 'last';
    return \@ips;

sub get_std_args {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = @_;
    my %args;
    foreach ( qw/ debug fatal test_ok quiet / ) {
        next if ! defined $p{$_};
        $args{$_} = $p{$_};
    return %args;

sub get_the_date {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = validate(
        {   'bump'  => { type => SCALAR,  optional => 1, },

    my $bump  = $p{bump} || 0;
    my %args = $self->get_std_args( %p );

    my $time = time;
    my $mess = "get_the_date time: " . time;

    $bump = $bump * 86400 if $bump;
    my $offset_time = time - $bump;
    $mess .= ", (selected $offset_time)" if $time != $offset_time;

    # load Date::Format to get the time2str function
    eval { require Date::Format };
    if ( !$EVAL_ERROR ) {

        my $ss = Date::Format::time2str( "%S", ($offset_time) );
        my $mn = Date::Format::time2str( "%M", ($offset_time) );
        my $hh = Date::Format::time2str( "%H", ($offset_time) );
        my $dd = Date::Format::time2str( "%d", ($offset_time) );
        my $mm = Date::Format::time2str( "%m", ($offset_time) );
        my $yy = Date::Format::time2str( "%Y", ($offset_time) );
        my $lm = Date::Format::time2str( "%m", ( $offset_time - 2592000 ) );

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