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local/lib/perl5/IO/Async/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Do we support POSIX-style true fork()ed processes at all?
# Can we potentially support threads? (would still need to 'require threads')
   eval { require Config && $Config::Config{useithreads} };

# Preferred trial order for built-in Loop classes
use constant LOOP_BUILTIN_CLASSES => qw( Poll Select );

# Should there be any other Loop classes we try before the builtin ones?
use constant LOOP_PREFER_CLASSES => ();

# Do we have Sereal available?
use constant HAVE_SEREAL => defined eval { require Sereal::Encoder; require Sereal::Decoder; };

=head1 NAME

C<IO::Async::OS> - operating system abstractions for C<IO::Async>


This module acts as a class to provide a number of utility methods whose exact
behaviour may depend on the type of OS it is running on. It is provided as a
class so that specific kinds of operating system can override methods in it.

As well as these support functions it also provides a number of constants, all
with names beginning C<HAVE_> which describe various features that may or may
not be available on the OS or perl build. Most of these are either hard-coded
per OS, or detected at runtime.

The following constants may be overridden by environment variables.

=over 4


True if the C<fork()> call has full POSIX semantics (full process separation).
This is true on most OSes but false on MSWin32.

This may be overridden to be false by setting the environment variable


True if C<ithreads> are available, meaning that the C<threads> module can be
used. This depends on whether perl was built with threading support.

This may be overridable to be false by setting the environment variable



=head2 getfamilybyname

   $family = IO::Async::OS->getfamilybyname( $name )

Return a protocol family value based on the given name. If C<$name> looks like
a number it will be returned as-is. The string values C<inet>, C<inet6> and
C<unix> will be converted to the appropriate C<AF_*> constant.


sub getfamilybyname
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   return undef unless defined $name;

   return $name if $name =~ m/^\d+$/;

   return AF_INET    if $name eq "inet";
   return AF_INET6() if $name eq "inet6" and defined &AF_INET6;
   return AF_UNIX    if $name eq "unix";

   croak "Unrecognised socket family name '$name'";

=head2 getsocktypebyname

   $socktype = IO::Async::OS->getsocktypebyname( $name )

Return a socket type value based on the given name. If C<$name> looks like a
number it will be returned as-is. The string values C<stream>, C<dgram> and
C<raw> will be converted to the appropriate C<SOCK_*> constant.


sub getsocktypebyname
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   return undef unless defined $name;

   return $name if $name =~ m/^\d+$/;

   return SOCK_STREAM if $name eq "stream";
   return SOCK_DGRAM  if $name eq "dgram";
   return SOCK_RAW    if $name eq "raw";

   croak "Unrecognised socktype name '$name'";

# This one isn't documented because it's not really overridable. It's largely
# here just for completeness
sub socket
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $family, $socktype, $proto ) = @_;

   croak "Cannot create a new socket without a family" unless $family;
   # PF_UNSPEC and undef are both false
   $family = $self->getfamilybyname( $family ) || AF_UNIX;

   # SOCK_STREAM is the most likely
   $socktype = $self->getsocktypebyname( $socktype ) || SOCK_STREAM;

   defined $proto or $proto = 0;

   if( HAVE_IO_SOCKET_IP and ( $family == AF_INET || $family == AF_INET6() ) ) {
      return IO::Socket::IP->new->socket( $family, $socktype, $proto );

   my $sock = eval {
         Domain => $family,
         Type   => $socktype,
         Proto  => $proto,
   return $sock if $sock;

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