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local/lib/perl5/IO/Async/  view on Meta::CPAN



=head2 getfamilybyname

   $family = IO::Async::OS->getfamilybyname( $name )

Return a protocol family value based on the given name. If C<$name> looks like
a number it will be returned as-is. The string values C<inet>, C<inet6> and
C<unix> will be converted to the appropriate C<AF_*> constant.


sub getfamilybyname
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   return undef unless defined $name;

   return $name if $name =~ m/^\d+$/;

   return AF_INET    if $name eq "inet";
   return AF_INET6() if $name eq "inet6" and defined &AF_INET6;
   return AF_UNIX    if $name eq "unix";

   croak "Unrecognised socket family name '$name'";

=head2 getsocktypebyname

   $socktype = IO::Async::OS->getsocktypebyname( $name )

Return a socket type value based on the given name. If C<$name> looks like a

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