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      my $server = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI
        ->options({compress_threshold => 10000})

    For more information see COMPRESSION in HTTP::Transport.

    For security reasons, the existing path for Perl modules (@INC) will be
    disabled once you have chosen dynamic deployment and specified your own
    "PATH/". If you wish to access other modules in your included package
    you have several options:

    1   Switch to static linking:

           use MODULE;

        Which can also be useful when you want to import something specific
        from the deployed modules:

           use MODULE qw(import_list);

    2   Change "use" to "require". The path is only unavailable during the
        initialization phase. It is available once more during execution.
        Therefore, if you utilize "require" somewhere in your package, it
        will work.

    3   Wrap "use" in an "eval" block:

           eval 'use MODULE qw(import_list)'; die if $@;

    4   Set your include path in your package and then specify "use". Don't
        forget to put @INC in a "BEGIN{}" block or it won't work. For

           BEGIN { @INC = qw(my_directory); use MODULE }

  Microsoft .NET client with SOAP::Lite Server
    In order to use a .NET client with a SOAP::Lite server, be sure you use
    fully qualified names for your return values. For example:

      return SOAP::Data->name('myname')

    In addition see comment about default encoding in .NET Web Services

  SOAP::Lite client with a .NET server
    If experiencing problems when using a SOAP::Lite client to call a .NET
    Web service, it is recommended you check, or adhere to all of the
    following recommendations:

    Declare a proper soapAction in your call
        For example, use "on_action( sub {
        ''; } )".

    Disable charset definition in Content-type header
        Some users have said that Microsoft .NET prefers the value of the
        Content-type header to be a mimetype exclusively, but SOAP::Lite
        specifies a character set in addition to the mimetype. This results
        in an error similar to:

          Server found request content type to be 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
          but expected 'text/xml'

        To turn off this behavior specify use the following code:

          use SOAP::Lite;
          $SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET = 1;
          # The rest of your code

    Use fully qualified name for method parameters
        For example, the following code is preferred:

          SOAP::Data->name(Query  => 'biztalk')

        As opposed to:

          SOAP::Data->name('Query'  => 'biztalk')

    Place method in default namespace
        For example, the following code is preferred:

          my $method = SOAP::Data->name('add')
                                 ->attr({xmlns => ''});
          my @rc = $soap->call($method => @parms)->result;

        As opposed to:

          my @rc = $soap->call(add => @parms)->result;
          # -- OR --
          my @rc = $soap->add(@parms)->result;

    Disable use of explicit namespace prefixes
        Some user's have reported that .NET will simply not parse messages
        that use namespace prefixes on anything but SOAP elements
        themselves. For example, the following XML would not be parsed:

          <SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...attributes skipped>
              <namesp1:mymethod xmlns:namesp1="urn:MyURI" />

        SOAP::Lite allows users to disable the use of explicit namespaces
        through the "use_prefix()" method. For example, the following code:

          $som = SOAP::Lite->uri('urn:MyURI')

        Will result in the following XML, which is more palatable by .NET:

          <SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...attributes skipped>
              <mymethod xmlns="urn:MyURI" />

    Modify your .NET server, if possible
        Stefan Pharies <>:

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