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SoundFont.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

# MIDI::SoundFont.pm
#        This Perl module is Copyright (c) 2002, Peter J Billam         #
#               c/o P J B Computing, www.pjb.com.au                     #
#                                                                       #
#     This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #

package MIDI::SoundFont;
no strict;
use bytes;
#my $debug = 1; use Data::Dumper;
$VERSION = '1.08';
$VERSION_DATE = '18may2013';

# 20130518 1.07 Makefile.PL specifies PREREQ_PM, to improve test results :-)
# 20130515 1.06 test.pl skips Gravis.zip test if String::Approx not installed
# 20120809 1.05 added the csound_scoresynth and csound_midisynth examples
# 20120322 1.04 pack a=zeropadded rather than A=spacepadded; introduce
#               new_gf(), gravis2file now works, and make_bank5 does gravis too
# 20120320 1.03 new_sf(), and chCorrection is packed as signed
# 20120318 1.02 detect duplicate Preset,Inst,Sample names and uniquely rename
# 20120216 1.01 gravis2file writes .zip files
# 20120215 1.00 first released version

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
@EXPORT = ();
@EXPORT_OK = qw( GeneratorOperators GenAmountType bytes2sf file2sf
  sf2bytes sf2file new_sf file2gravis gravis2file new_pat timidity_cfg
@EXPORT_CONSTS = qw(GeneratorOperators GenOpname2num GenAmountType

eval 'require File::Format::RIFF';
if ($@) {
 die "you need to install the File::Format::RIFF module from www.cpan.org\n";
# local $[ = 0; # SoundFont indexes start at zero but setting $[ is deprecated
my %SampleName = ();   # to avoid duplicating sample-names...

# ----------------------- exportable constants -----------------------
@GeneratorOperators = qw(
    startAddrsOffset endAddrsOffset startloopAddrsOffset endloopAddrsOffset
    startAddrsCoarseOffset modLfoToPitch vibLfoToPitch modEnvToPitch
    initialFilterFc initialFilterQ modLfoToFilterFc modEnvToFilterFc
    endAddrsCoarseOffset modLfoToVolume unused1 chorusEffectsSend
    reverbEffectsSend pan unused2 unused3
    unused4 delayModLFO freqModLFO delayVibLFO
    freqVibLFO delayModEnv attackModEnv holdModEnv
    decayModEnv sustainModEnv releaseModEnv keynumToModEnvHold
    keynumToModEnvDecay delayVolEnv attackVolEnv holdVolEnv
    decayVolEnv sustainVolEnv releaseVolEnv keynumToVolEnvHold
    keynumToVolEnvDecay instrument reserved1 keyRange
    velRange startloopAddrsCoarseOffset keynum velocity
    initialAttenuation reserved2 endloopAddrsCoarseOffset coarseTune
    fineTune sampleID sampleModes reserved3
    scaleTuning exclusiveClass overridingRootKey unused5
%GenOpname2num = (); {
	my $i=0; while ($i <= $#GeneratorOperators) {
		$GenOpname2num{$GeneratorOperators[$i]} = $i;
		$i += 1;
@GenAmountType = qw (
	S s s s
	s s s s
	s s s s
	s s x s
	s s x x
	x s s s
	s s s s
	s s s s
	s s s s
	s s s s
	s S x C2
	C2 s S S
	S x s s
	s S S x
	s S s x
);  # s signed, S unsigned, C2 two bytes, x null; sfspec21 8.1.2 & guesswork

$MODES_16BIT    = 1;  $MODES_UNSIGNED = 2;

# sf:
# see http://www.pjb.com.au/midi.sfspec21.html#8.1.3
my %OnlyValidInInstr = map { $_, 1 } (0,1,2,3,4,12,45,50,54,57,58);
# gravis:
my $DefaultEnvelopeData = "\x3f\x46\x81\x42\x3f\x3f\xd5\xf2\xf6\x08\x08\x08";

# ----------------------- exportable functions -----------------------
sub file2bytes {

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