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t/testcc.sh  view on Meta::CPAN

result[230]=' '
tests[232]='use Carp (); exit unless Carp::longmess(); print qq{ok\n}'
tests[234]='$c = 0; for ("-3" .. "0") { $c++ } ; print "$c"'
# t/testc.sh -O3 -Dp,-UCarp,-v 235
tests[235]='BEGIN{$INC{"Carp.pm"}="/dev/null"} $d = pack("U*", 0xe3, 0x81, 0xAF); { use bytes; $ol = bytes::length($d) } print $ol'
# -O3
tests[236]='sub t { if ($_[0] == $_[1]) { print "ok\n"; } else { print "not ok - $_[0] == $_[1]\n"; } } t(-1.2, " -1.2");'
tests[237]='print "\000\000\000\000_"'
tests[238]='sub f ($);
sub f ($) {
  my $test = $_[0];
  format STDOUT =
ok @<<<<<<<
tests[2381]='sub is { $_[0] eq $_[1] and print "ok\n"}
use constant INIT => 5; is(INIT, 5)'
tests[239]='my $x="1";
format STDOUT =
ok @<<<<<<<
write;print "\n";'
result[239]='ok 1'
tests[240]='my $a = "\x{100}\x{101}Aa";
print "ok\n" if "\U$a" eq "\x{100}\x{100}AA";
my $b = "\U\x{149}cD"; # no pb without that line'
tests[241]='package Pickup; use UNIVERSAL qw( can ); if (can( "Pickup", "can" ) != \&UNIVERSAL::can) { print "not " } print "ok\n";'
tests[242]='$xyz = ucfirst("\x{3C2}");
$a = "\x{3c3}foo.bar";
($c = $a) =~ s/(\p{IsWord}+)/ucfirst($1)/ge;
print "ok\n" if $c eq "\x{3a3}foo.Bar";'
tests[243]='use warnings "deprecated"; print hex(${^WARNINGS}) . " "; print hex(${^H})'
result[243]='0 598'
tests[244]='print "($_)\n" for q{-2}..undef;'
tests[245]='%INC = (); require XSLoader; XSLoader::load("Cwd"); print qq{ok}'
tests[2450]='sub foo {
    my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
    print "a: ".ord($a)." ; b: ".ord($b)." [ from foo ]\n";
print "a: ". ord(lc("\x{1E9E}"))." ; ";
print "b: ". ord("\x{df}")."\n";
foo(lc("\x{1E9E}"), "\x{df}");'
result[2450]='a: 223 ; b: 223
a: 223 ; b: 223 [ from foo ]'
tests[246]='no warnings "experimental::const_attr"; print qq{ok} if &{sub () : const { 42 }} == 42;'
# see t/issue235.t test 2
tests[2460]='sub foo($\@); eval q/foo "s"/; print $@'
result[2460]='Not enough arguments for main::foo at (eval 1) line 1, at EOF'
tests[247]='# WontFix
no warnings; $[ = 1; $big = "N\xabN\xab"; print qq{ok\n} if rindex($big, "N", 3) == 3'
tests[248]='#WONTFIX lexical $_ in re-eval
{my $s="toto";my $_="titi";{$s =~ /to(?{ print "-$_-$s-\n";})to/;}}'
tests[249]='use version; print version::is_strict(q{01}) ? 1 : q(ok)'
tests[2501]='#TODO version
use warnings qw/syntax/; use version; $withversion::VERSION = undef; eval q/package withversion 1.1_;/; print $@;'
result[2501]='Misplaced _ in number at (eval 1) line 1.
Invalid version format (no underscores) at (eval 1) line 1, near "package withversion "
syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "package withversion 1.1_"'
if [[ $v518 -gt 0 ]]; then
  tests[250]='use feature q/evalbytes/; print "ok\n" if evalbytes("1+7") == 8'
tests[251]='sub f;print "ok" if exists &f'
tests[2511]='#TODO 5.18
sub f :lvalue;print "ok" if exists &f'
tests[2512]='sub f ();print "ok" if exists &f'
tests[2513]='sub f ($);print "ok" if exists &f'
tests[2514]='sub f;print "ok" if exists &f'
# see also 188
tests[252]='package bar; sub search { shift =~ m?bar? ? 1 : 0 } sub reset_zlopp { reset } package foo; sub ZZIP { shift =~ m?ZZIP? ? 1 : 0 } package main; foo::ZZIP("ZZIP"); bar::reset_zlopp(); !foo::ZZIP("ZZIP") and print "ok"'
# same as 188
tests[2520]='package aiieee;sub zlopp {(shift =~ m?zlopp?) ? 1 : 0;} sub reset_zlopp {reset;}
package main; print aiieee::zlopp(""), aiieee::zlopp("zlopp"), aiieee::zlopp(""), aiieee::zlopp("zlopp");
aiieee::reset_zlopp(); print "ok" if aiieee::zlopp("zlopp") eq "01001"'
tests[2521]='package aiieee;sub zlopp { (shift =~ m?zlopp?) ? 1 : 0 } sub reset_zlopp { reset }
package main;
print "ok\n" if aiieee::zlopp("zlopp");'
tests[253]='use Unicode::UCD q/prop_invmap/; my @list = prop_invmap("Uppercase_Mapping"); print "ok"'
tests[2530]='INIT{require "t/TestBC.pm"}plan(tests=>2);is("\x{2665}", v9829);is(v9829,"\x{2665}");'
ok 1
ok 2'
tests[254]='Foo->UNIVERSAL::can("boogie"); print "ok" unless eval q/Foo->boogie(); 1/;'
tests[2540]='#TODO destroy upgraded lexvar
my $flag = 0;
sub  X::DESTROY { $flag = 1 }
  my $x;              # x only exists in that scope
  BEGIN { $x = 42 }   # pre-initialized as IV
  $x = bless {}, "X"; # run-time upgrade and bless to call DESTROY
  # undef($x);        # value should be free when exiting scope
print "ok\n" if $flag;'
# duplicate of 185, bytes_heavy
tests[255]='$a = chr(300);
my $l = length($a);
my $lb;
{ use bytes; $lb = length($a); }
print( ( $l == 1 && $lb == 2 ) ? "ok\n" : "l -> $l ; lb -> $lb\n" );'
tests[256]='BEGIN{ $| = 1; } print "ok\n" if $| == 1'
tests[2561]='BEGIN{ $/ = "1"; } print "ok\n" if $/ == "1"'
tests[259]='use JSON::XS; print encode_json([\0])'
tests[260]='sub FETCH_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES {''} sub MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES {''}; my $a :x=1; print $a'
tests[261]='q(12-feb-2015) =~ m#(\d\d?)([\-\./])(feb|jan)(?:\2(\d\d+))?#; print $4'

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