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lib/App/CSVUtils/  view on Meta::CPAN


    name => 'paras2csv',
    summary => 'Convert paragraphs to CSV',
    description => <<'_',

This utility is the counterpart of the <prog:csv2paras> utility. See its
documentation for more details.

Keywords: paragraphs, cards, pages, headers

    add_args => {
        input_file => {
            schema => 'filename*',
            default => '-',
            pos => 0,
        trim_header => {
            schema => 'bool*',
        rtrim_header => {
            schema => 'bool*',
        ltrim_header => {
            schema => 'bool*',
    add_args_rels => {
        'choose_one&' => [ [qw/trim_header rtrim_header ltrim_header/] ],
    links => [
    tags => ['category:converting'],

    examples => [
            summary => 'Convert paragraphs format to CSV',
            src => '[[prog]] - OUTPUT.csv',
            src_plang => 'bash',
            test => 0,
            'x.doc.show_result' => 0,

    reads_csv => 0,

    after_read_input => sub {
        my $r = shift;

        my $fh;
        if ($r->{util_args}{input_file} eq '-') {
            $fh = \*STDIN;
        } else {
            open $fh, "<", $r->{util_args}{input_file}
                or die [500, "Can't read file '$r->{util_args}{input_file}: $!"];

        local $/ = "";
        my $i = 0;
        while (my $para = <$fh>) {
            $para =~ s/\R{2}\z//;
            #say "D:para=<$para>";
            my @h = _parse_para($r, $para, $i);
            if ($i == 1) {
                my @h2 = @h;
                my $j = 0;
                while (my ($field, $value) = splice @h2, 0, 2) {
                    $r->{output_fields}[$j] = $field;
                    $r->{output_fields_idx}{$field} = $j;
            my @vals;
            while (my ($field, $value) = splice @h, 0, 2) {
                push @vals, $value;

# ABSTRACT: Convert paragraphs to CSV



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

App::CSVUtils::paras2csv - Convert paragraphs to CSV

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 1.034 of App::CSVUtils::paras2csv (from Perl distribution App-CSVUtils), released on 2024-02-02.


=head2 paras2csv


 paras2csv(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

Convert paragraphs to CSV.

This utility is the counterpart of the L<csv2paras> utility. See its
documentation for more details.

Keywords: paragraphs, cards, pages, headers

This function is not exported.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

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