Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 18 distributions and 60 files matching your query.
Next refresh should show more results. ( run in 4.804 )


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t/01sanity.t  view on Meta::CPAN

BEGIN { use_ok('A1z::HTML5::Template') };

my $h = new A1z::HTML5::Template;
is( $h->VERSION, 0.22, "Version 0.22");
is( $h->NAME, "Fast and Easy Web Apps", "A complete web page with just 3 lines of perl code");
like ( $h->head, qr/charset=UTF-8/i, "charset UTF-8 is set by default for default content-type");
like ( $h->body, qr/<\/body>/i, "Default - HTML5 compatible web page");

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docs/AI-Perceptron-Simple-1.04.html  view on Meta::CPAN

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rev="made" href="mailto:root@localhost" />


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lib/AI/SimulatedAnnealing.htm  view on Meta::CPAN

<html xmlns="">
    <title>AI::SimulatedAnnealing &#8211; optimize a list of numbers
      according to a specified cost function.</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <link href="mailto:" rev="made"/>
  <body style="background-color: white">
      <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>

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doc/code.html  view on Meta::CPAN

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type"
 content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
  <title>AMF::Perl - Flash Remoting in Perl and Python</title>
body {  
	scrollbar-3d-light-color:		#000000; 

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lib/API/  view on Meta::CPAN


Query parameters are represented as command line options starting with

    % metacpancl GET /pod/:module App::Spec --q-content-type text/x-pod
    =head1 NAME

    App::Spec - Specification for commandline apps

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lib/API/Eulerian/EDW/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my ( $class, $response ) = @_;
  my $type;

  # Get content type value from HTTP response
  $type = $response->header( 'content-type' );
  if( defined( $type ) ) {
    # Split content type into an array.
    my @subtypes = split( '; ', $type );
    # Iterate on subtypes entries
    foreach my $subtype ( @subtypes ) {

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lib/API/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $response = $ua->get($query_string);

    if ($response->is_success) {
        my $content = $response->content;

        if ($response->header('content-type') eq 'text/xml') {
            # allow only XML answers
            if ($content && $content =~ /^<\?xml version="\d\.\d" encoding="UTF-8"\?>/s) {
                warn $content if $DEBUG;
                return $content;
            } else {

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lib/API/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( $data->{req_type} => $url );

    if ( $data->{req_type} eq 'POST' || $data->{req_type} eq 'PUT' ) {
        $req->header( 'content-type' => 'application/json' );
        $req->content( $post_data );

    $req->authorization_basic( $self->{username}, $self->{password} );
    $ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 );

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CHANGES  view on Meta::CPAN

Changelog for API-Stripe

0.07 2015-10-12T20:41:41
 - Updated build.
 - Fixed content-type for DELETE, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests.

0.06 2015-10-11T08:10:30
 - v0.06
 - Updated build.
 - Modified the implementation style and dependencies.

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lib/APISchema/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $content_type = $content_type =~ s/\s*;.*$//r;
    $encoding_spec //= DEFAULT_ENCODING_SPEC;

    if (ref $encoding_spec) {
        $encoding_spec = $encoding_spec->{$content_type};
        return ( undef, { message => "Wrong content-type: $content_type" } )
            unless $encoding_spec;

    my $method = $encoding_spec;
    return ( undef, {

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html/Simple.html  view on Meta::CPAN

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rev="made" href="mailto:" />

<body style="background-color: white">

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lib/ASNMTAP/Asnmtap/Plugins/  view on Meta::CPAN

        if ( $debug >= 2 ) {
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): Header\n", $head->stringify, "\n\n";
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): MIME-Version: ", $head->get ('MIME-Version'), "\n";
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): MIME-Type: ", $head->mime_type, "\n";
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): MIME-Encoding: ", $head->mime_encoding, "\n";
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): Content-Type Charset: ", $head->mime_attr ('content-type.charset'), "\n"if ( $head->mime_attr('content-type.charset') );
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): Content-Type Name: ", $head->mime_attr(''), "\n" if ( $head->mime_attr('') );
          print ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): Multipart Boundary: ", $head->multipart_boundary, "\n" if ( $head->multipart_boundary );

        print "\n", ref ($self), "::receiving_fingerprint_mails(): HEAD\n" if ($debug);

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lib/ASP4/  view on Meta::CPAN

          foreach my $up ( keys %{ $preq->uploads } )
            my $upload = $preq->uploads->{$up};
            push @pairs, $up => [
              $upload->{tempname}, $upload->{filename},
              'content-type' => $upload->{'content-type'}
          }# end foreach()
          # Now we can upload:
          $api->ua->upload( $env->{REQUEST_URI}, \@pairs );

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

  use MIME::Base64;
    from                        => '',
    to                          => '',
    subject                     => 'Hello, world!',
    'content-type'              => 'text/html',
    'content-transfer-encoding' => 'base64',
    message => encode_base64(<<"HTML")
    <p>This is an html email.</p>

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lib/ASP4x/Captcha/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $str = "";
  $img->write(type=>'png', data => \$str)
    or die $img->errstr;
  $Response->Expires( -30 );
  $Response->AddHeader( pragma => 'no-cache' );
  $Response->SetHeader('content-type' => 'image/png');
  $Response->ContentType( 'image/png' );
  $Response->Write( $str );
}# end run()

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author/  view on Meta::CPAN

        head_or_put("$name/$", $zip);
        my $metadata = encode_json({
            url => "$name/$",
        run_command("echo '$metadata' | aws --region 'us-east-1' s3 cp --content-type application/json - s3://shogo82148-lambda-perl-runtime-us-east-1/$name.json");

if ($force) {

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lib/AWS/S3/  view on Meta::CPAN

    confess "Cannot get file: ", $res->as_string, " " unless $res->is_success;
    return AWS::S3::File->new(
        bucket       => $s,
        key          => $key || undef,
        size         => $res->header( 'content-length' ) || 0,
        contenttype  => $res->header( 'content-type' ) || 'application/octet-stream',
        etag         => $res->header( 'etag' ) || undef,
        lastmodified => $res->header( 'last-modified' ) || undef,
        is_encrypted => ( $res->header( 'x-amz-server-side-encryption' ) || '' ) eq 'AES256' ? 1 : 0,
}    # end file()

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( run in 4.804 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-f5108d614456 )