found 75 distributions and 93 files matching your query ! ( run in 1.223 )


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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

	* t/ refactor: Try to timeout on all tests (compiler and exec) if
	  IPC::Run is installed
	* MANIFEST, *.pod: Moved conference pods to ramblings,
	removed lib/B/ again, added t/
	* t/, t/ added, -t not working yet though
	* t/b.t: $[ => $]

1.18	2010-02-06 rurban
	evaltry (test 12) still broken on most systems.

	*, C.xs: fixed r-magic for 5.6 (ExtUtils::Install,

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lib/B/DeparseTree/  view on Meta::CPAN

	push @texts, $self->keyword("package") . " $stash;";
	$self->{'curstash'} = $stash;

    if (OPpCONST_ARYBASE && $self->{'arybase'} != $op->arybase) {
	push @texts, '$[ = '. $op->arybase .";";
	$self->{'arybase'} = $op->arybase;

    my $warnings = $op->warnings;
    my $warning_bits;

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corpus/dists/B-C.changes  view on Meta::CPAN

	* t/ refactor: Try to timeout on all tests (compiler and exec) if
	  IPC::Run is installed
	* MANIFEST, *.pod: Moved conference pods to ramblings,
	removed lib/B/ again, added t/
	* t/, t/ added, -t not working yet though
	* t/b.t: $[ => $]

1.18	2010-02-06 rurban
	evaltry (test 12) still broken on most systems.

	*, C.xs: fixed r-magic for 5.6 (ExtUtils::Install,

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lib/Classic/  view on Meta::CPAN

  split //, "smat";
  print join " ", @_;
    # prints "s m a t" in perl 5.10.x; nothing in 5.12

  use Classic::Perl '$[';
  $[ = 1;
  print qw(a b c d)[2]; # prints "b"

  use Classic::Perl '$*';
  $* = 1;
  print "yes\n" if "foo\nbar" =~ /^bar/; # prints yes

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t/50_shebang.t  view on Meta::CPAN

     [__LINE__, q($^L\n), qq(\$^L=\"\N{SYMBOL FOR FORM FEED}\"\n) ],
     [__LINE__, q($:\n), qq(\$:=\"${SS}\\n-\"\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q($?\n), qq(\$?=0\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q($[\n), qq(\$[=0\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q($$\n), qq(\$\$=$$\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q($^N\n), qq(\$^N=\"GroupB\"\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q($+\n), qq(\$+=\"GroupB\"\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q(@+ $#+\n), qq(\@+=(13,6,13) \$#+=2\n) ],
    [__LINE__, q(@- $#-\n), qq(\@-=(0,0,7) \$#-=2\n) ],

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	use FileHandle;
	use vars qw($VERSION);

	$VERSION = 0.021;

	local $[ 	= 0;

	my %_cfg		= ('_set_'		=>  {'-Nodes'		=> 0,		# show nodes as normal items
										 '-DigLevel'	=> undef,	# dig down to this level
					   					 '-DigFiles'	=> 1,		# show file's content if value is in '-FILE:...'-format
					   					 '-DigGlobs'	=> 1,		# resolve glob references

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t/1-basic.t  view on Meta::CPAN


ok(cop_seq(), 'cop_seq');

no warnings 'deprecated';
$[ = 10;
is(cop_arybase(), 10, 'cop_arybase');

is(cop_line(), __LINE__, 'cop_line');


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Examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

require '';
use Getopt::Std;
do getopts("d:z");

$[ = 0;
if ((defined $opt_d && !defined $ARGV[0]) || (!defined $opt_d && !defined $ARGV[1]))
    die 'ADDPCLT [-d directory] [-z] <infile> <outfile>

v1.0.0, 18-Mar-1998  (c)

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( run in 1.223 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1925d2aa809 )