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docs/BugLog.html view on Meta::CPAN
<p>Testing with random parameters produced a case of unstable formatting involving welding with parameter -notrim-qw. The problem was that the -notrim-qw flag converts a qw quote into a quote with fixed leading whitespace. The lines of these types of...
<p>For example, in the following snippet the terminal '}' is alone on a line:</p>
<pre><code> is eval(q{
$[ = 3;
BEGIN { my $x = "foo\x{666}"; $x =~ /foo\p{Alnum}/; }
), "a";</code></pre>
<p># In the previous version this was half-welded: # OLD: perltidy -wn -sil=0</p>
<pre><code> is eval( q{
$[ = 3;
BEGIN { my $x = "foo\x{666}"; $x =~ /foo\p{Alnum}/; }
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lib/Perlito5/ view on Meta::CPAN
$" = ' ' unless defined $";
$, = undef unless defined $,;
$! = '' unless defined $!;
$; = chr(28) unless defined $;;
$? = 0 unless defined $?;
# $[ = 0 unless defined $[; # "assignment to $[ is deprecated"
$] = sprintf( "%d.%03d%03d", @PERL_VERSION ) unless $]; # $] is defined(), but ${"main::]"} is not
$^V = bless( { 'original' => 'v' . join( ".", @PERL_VERSION ), # v5.26.0
'qv' => 1,
'version' => [ @PERL_VERSION ]
}, 'version' )
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lib/Pg/Loader/ view on Meta::CPAN
sub ranges2set {
my @unit = (0..20);
my $tmp = range2list( shift||return) ;
{ no warnings 'deprecated';
$[=0; no warnings; %_= map { ($_=>undef)} eval ' @unit['.$tmp.']' }
[ sort keys %_ ];
sub init_csv {
my ($s) = @_ ;
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files/SCCS/s.base.dta view on Meta::CPAN
o>%r0S>}'/F<FQuJC[g=UnNU0s:kR- I:01 D:32
E 32
I 32
NQftp[0[R59Me"AR^J:uYik;.hNCGb I:01 I:32
E 32
$GFf_4JBJ{]+=}0J&BXv7FRs<$[=d& I:01
+ pzeAj2V(ZE@?CyH0R:ayBm8sbZ4g I:01
?h?5/9MdK1){Z6g>A(]i,YI=}kD,Hu I:01
D 32
Y"L>xQ{yT;}tnH>enPLI l)[,~s_8R I:01 D:32
E 32
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t/lib/feature/bundle view on Meta::CPAN
# :default and $[
# SKIP ? not defined DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader
no feature;
use feature ":default";
$[ = 0;
$[ = 1;
Assigning non-zero to $[ is no longer possible at - line 5.
# "no feature"
use feature ':5.16'; # turns array_base off
no feature; # resets to :default, thus would turn array_base on, if it still existed
$[ = 0;
$[ = 1;
Assigning non-zero to $[ is no longer possible at - line 5.
# "no feature 'all"
no feature ':all'; # turns array_base (and everything else) off
$[ = 1;
Assigning non-zero to $[ is no longer possible at - line 3.
# NAME $^H accidentally enabling all features
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os2/B/ view on Meta::CPAN
my $loc = $op->file;
$loc =~ s[.*/][];
$loc .= ":" . $op->line;
my($stash, $cseq) = ($op->stash->NAME, $op->cop_seq - $cop_seq_base);
my $arybase = $op->arybase;
$arybase = $arybase ? ' $[=' . $arybase : "";
$h{arg} = "($label$stash $cseq $loc$arybase)";
} elsif ($h{class} eq "LOOP") {
$h{arg} = "(next->" . seq($op->nextop) . " last->" . seq($op->lastop)
. " redo->" . seq($op->redoop) . ")";
} elsif ($h{class} eq "LOGOP") {
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benchmarks/app/perlfunc.pod view on Meta::CPAN
except for -LENGTH elements at the end of the array.
If both OFFSET and LENGTH are omitted, removes everything. If OFFSET is
past the end of the array, perl issues a warning, and splices at the
end of the array.
The following equivalences hold (assuming C<< $[ == 0 and $#a >= $i >> )
push(@a,$x,$y) splice(@a,@a,0,$x,$y)
pop(@a) splice(@a,-1)
shift(@a) splice(@a,0,1)
unshift(@a,$x,$y) splice(@a,0,0,$x,$y)
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PNMTYAK/splain view on Meta::CPAN
That use of $[ is unsupported
(F) Assignment to $[ is now strictly circumscribed,
and interpreted as a compiler directive. You may only
say one of
$[ = 0;
$[ = 1;
local $[ = 0;
local $[ = 1;
This is to prevent the problem of one module changing the array base
out from under another module inadvertently. See the section on $[ in
the perlvar manpage.
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