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Examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

require '';
use Getopt::Std;
do getopts("d:z");

$[ = 0;
if ((defined $opt_d && !defined $ARGV[0]) || (!defined $opt_d && !defined $ARGV[1]))
    die 'ADDPCLT [-d directory] [-z] <infile> <outfile>

v1.0.0, 18-Mar-1998  (c)

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devel/array-base.t  view on Meta::CPAN

      Gtk2::major_version(), ".",
      Gtk2::minor_version(), ".",
      Gtk2::micro_version(), ".");

$[ = 6;

my $store = Gtk2::ListStore->new ('Glib::String');
$store->set ($store->insert(0), 0=>'zero');
$store->set ($store->insert(1), 0=>'one');
$store->set ($store->insert(2), 0=>'two');

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t/html-dom.t  view on Meta::CPAN


	no warnings 'deprecated';
	local $[ = 1;
	use warnings 'deprecated';
	my @p_tags = $doc->body->childNodes;
		is $p_tags[$_]->tagName, 'P',
			"body\'s child node no. $_ is a P elem";

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eval 'require File::Format::RIFF';
if ($@) {
 die "you need to install the File::Format::RIFF module from\n";
# local $[ = 0; # SoundFont indexes start at zero but setting $[ is deprecated
my %SampleName = ();   # to avoid duplicating sample-names...

# ----------------------- exportable constants -----------------------
@GeneratorOperators = qw(
    startAddrsOffset endAddrsOffset startloopAddrsOffset endloopAddrsOffset

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HISTORY  view on Meta::CPAN

  + objects/numbers now can have a local accuracy/precision
 internal fixes:
  + uses a blessed hash ref instead scalar ref (easier subclassable)
  + my instead of local
  + use strict and -w
  + s/$[/0/ (after all, $[ = 1; in main does not effect this package)
  + $# partially removed ($#y is scalar @y -1, $#$y is scalar @$y-1 - ugh!)
  + added LICENSE section and file
 new stuff:
  + MBF: :constant works now
  + MBI: :constant picks up binary and hexadecimal constants

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examples/three-body  view on Meta::CPAN

&move (0,$maxrows-1);
exit 0;

sub dydt { my ($t, @y) = @_;
	# t  x0 y0 vx0 vy0  x1 y1 vx1 vy1  x2 y2 vx2 vy2
	my @dydt; local $[=0;

	$dydt[0] = $y[2];  $dydt[1] = $y[3];
	$dydt[4] = $y[6];  $dydt[5] = $y[7];
	$dydt[8] = $y[10]; $dydt[9] = $y[11];

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		return undef;
	} elsif (ref $yref ne 'ARRAY') { warn
	"Math::WalshTransform::logical_convolution 2nd arg must be array ref\n";
		return undef;
	local $[ = 0;
	my @x = @$xref; my @y = @$yref;
	my $n = scalar @x;
	my @z; $#z=$#x;
	my $j; my $k; my $sum;
	for ($k=$[; $k<=$#x; $k++) {

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t/year_imports.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $year = _get_year(shift);

    my $warning = '';
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = shift };

    if (eval qq|use Modern::Perl $year; \$[ = 10|) {
        like $warning, qr/Use of assignment to \$\[ is deprecated/,
            qq|use Modern::Perl $year disables array_base|;
    else {
        like $@, qr/Assigning non-zero to \$\[ is no longer possible/,

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lib/Net/  view on Meta::CPAN

use Config;
use Exporter;
use IO::Socket;
use MIME::Base64;

local $[ = 0;

($VERSION='$Revision: 1.21 $')=~s/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+.*/$1/;

@ISA = qw( Exporter );

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# -------------------------------- Defines --------------------------------

# global_definitions

# \05
%PPSET = (
   "\05SummaryInformation" => {
      TYPE => 1,

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Basic/IO-FITS/t/m51.fits.fz  view on Meta::CPAN

¶Q…2ÊÚ<˜Û]ÒŒE"MáTnÇùB`˜Yà<ÁóYI®Šh_‹Y-i;·ZA€e¦gÉ•æÅCOw&_+a›oÕÖ¼Ä؆»/ûŠòßÜœ@§&ÒîjæÊÒœlêúTå¥NDŸd¨JqmhX‘D´»±c;漝|H¥±ÉÕö¢î@>£»4³e\hÇkùÎñ#QKmƒÖ¬�½É´49äÐl<aMzTÍ×J’„ÉÏb’ãð!F´†ÔhRàÍF7fzëVˆÌa0"ÉDòD#¡aÓ}¦ÐÕ{ãÃãO›JzÏ© ...
pV¾°\Si”È!'ÄÙôBÀ¢ˆ²	ÅS_"{e·þÝ©ÊÎÚç·-ñòh°!EyQÒ|‘•ÙI½äʱ3§)FSäèe©ZWª
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b:ŒCâY U.'Š²Ý¬Òü*Œ}Ä.¡"ÍõQ_¶5=,+IK™Œ˜¦Ò3aŸÆTÇäŸ)÷ÛoÍWk¤;–za	<a‰ìŽ§ú*KJòŠÑÝ‡Ì¡¡Ø„�PBÁ‰
OšË–}å3ÅüJÕô½’ãqª·š^MZ–7@ïx¢L¨Ü‡å‘­		=¸üÙ•Ÿ¯<`*°ÓŸˆá"¦¹‘W´¶Ôh_CÏJ}B¾\™k õ§2

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FR/perldiag.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

(F) L'affectation de C<$[> est maintenant strictement réglementée, et
interprétée comme une directive du compilateur. Vous devez maintenant
seulement avoir une solution parmi celles-ciE<nbsp>:

     $[ = 0;
     $[ = 1;
     local $[ = 0;
     local $[ = 1;

Cela est pour prévenir le problème d'un module changeant la base du
tableau depuis un autre module par inadvertance. Voir L<perlvar/$[>.

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IT/perlfunc.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

viene omesso, rimuove tutto da SCOSTAMENTO in poi. Se LUNGHEZZA E<egrave> negativo, rimuove 
tutti gli elementi da SCOSTAMENTO in poi, tranne -LUNGHEZZA elementi alla fine dell'array. Se 
sia SCOSTAMENTO che LUNGHEZZA vengono omessi, rimuove tutto. Se SCOSTAMENTO E<egrave> oltre la 
fine dell'array, perl emette un avvertimento, e unisce alla fine dell'array.

Si hanno le seguenti equivalenze (assumendo C<< $[ == 0 e $#a >= $i >>):

    push(@a,$x,$y)	splice(@a,@a,0,$x,$y)
    pop(@a)		splice(@a,-1)
    shift(@a)		splice(@a,0,1)
    unshift(@a,$x,$y)	splice(@a,0,0,$x,$y)

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t/lex_arybase.t  view on Meta::CPAN

BEGIN { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "WARNING: $_[0]" }; }

my($env_0, $env_1, $env_2);

$env_0 = current_environment;
{ $[ = 1; $env_1 = current_environment; }
{ no warnings "void"; $[ = 2; $env_2 = current_environment; }

sub test_env($$$) {
	my($env, $override, $expect) = @_;
	@main::activity = ();
	parse_perl($env, q{
		}.(defined($override) ? "\$[ = $override;" : "").q{
		push @main::activity, [ (qw(a b c d e))[3], $[ ];
	is_deeply \@main::activity, $expect;

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t/Community/  view on Meta::CPAN

## name BadFeatures
## failures 51
## cut

$[ = 1;
my $x := 1;
use UNIVERSAL 'foo';
for my $foo qw(foo bar) { ... }

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t/Freenode/  view on Meta::CPAN

## name BadFeatures
## failures 51
## cut

$[ = 1;
my $x := 1;
use UNIVERSAL 'foo';
for my $foo qw(foo bar) { ... }

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t/Policy/Variables/require_localized_punctuation_vars.t  view on Meta::CPAN

local $) = ();
local $EGID = ();
local $0 = ();
local $PROGRAM_NAME = ();
local $[ = ();
local $] = ();
local $^A = ();
local $ACCUMULATOR = ();
local $^C = ();
local $COMPILING = ();

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