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examples/v2/vos/examine  view on Meta::CPAN

$AFS::CODE and print "AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE\n";


sub print_vol {
    my $vollist = shift;

    print "$vollist->{name} \t$vollist->{volid} $vollist->{type} \t $vollist->{size} K $vollist->{inUse}\n";
    print "\t$vollist->{server}  $vollist->{partition}\n";
    print "\tRWrite $vollist->{parentID}  ROnly $vollist->{cloneID} Backup $vollist->{backupID}\n";
    print "\tMaxQuota    $vollist->{maxquota} K\n";
    print "\tCreation    ", ctime($vollist->{creationDate}), "\n";
    print "\tCopy        ", ctime($vollist->{copyDate}), "\n";
    print "\tBackup      ", ctime($vollist->{backupDate}), "\n";
    print "\tLast Update ", ctime($vollist->{updateDate}),   "\n";
    print "\t$vollist->{dayUse} accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references)\n";

sub print_vldb {
    my ($vldblist) = @_;

examples/v2/vos/listvolume  view on Meta::CPAN

my $vollist = $vos->listvolume($volume);
$AFS::CODE and print "AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE\n";

$Debugging && print_debug($vollist) && exit;

sub print_volume {
    my $vollist = shift;

    print "$vollist->{name} \t$vollist->{parentID} $vollist->{type} \t $vollist->{size} K $vollist->{inUse}\n";
    print "\t$vollist->{server}  $vollist->{partition}\n";
    print "\tRWrite $vollist->{parentID}  ROnly $vollist->{cloneID} Backup $vollist->{backupID}\n";
    print "\tMaxQuota    $vollist->{maxquota} K\n";
    print "\tCreation    ", ctime($vollist->{creationDate}), "\n";
    print "\tCopy        ", ctime($vollist->{copyDate}), "\n";
    print "\tBackup      ", ctime($vollist->{backupDate}),   "\n";
    print "\tLast Access ", ctime($vollist->{accessDate}),   "\n";
    print "\tLast Update ", ctime($vollist->{updateDate}),   "\n";
    print "\t$vollist->{dayUse} accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references)\n";

sub print_debug {

pod/v2/afsperlvos.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

If you set EXTENDED (default 0) to 1, it returns extensive statistics
about access patterns for each volume.  If you set FAST (default 0) to
1, it returns only the volume IDs and the numbers of volumes.

The return value is a reference to a hash table containing the values
from the C structure C<volintinfo>.  The hash table has the following

       backupID    cloneID     creationDate
       dayUse      inUse       maxquota
       parentID    server      size
       status      type        updateDate
       copyDate    backupDate  accessDate

It calls the AFS system library function I<UV_ListPartitions>.

You can find an example how to print the entire content of the
returned hash reference in the C<examples/v2/vos> directory.

=item B<$vollist = $vos-E<gt>listvolume(VOLUME);>

src/AFS.xs  view on Meta::CPAN

      case VL_REPSFULL:
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: run out of space for replication sites\n");
      case VL_NOREPSERVER:
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: no such repsite server exists\n");
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: replication site server already exists\n");
      case VL_RWNOTFOUND:
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: parent r/w entry not found\n");
      case VL_BADREFCOUNT:
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: illegal reference count number\n");
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: vldb size for attributes exceeded\n");
      case VL_BADENTRY:
          sprintf(buffer, "VLDB: bad incoming vldb entry\n");

src/inc/Test/  view on Meta::CPAN

        $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/;
    $Test_Died = 1 unless $in_eval;

sub _ending {
    my $self = shift;


    # Don't bother with an ending if this is a forked copy.  Only the parent
    # should do the ending.
    do{ _my_exit($?) && return } if $Original_Pid != $$;

    # Bailout if plan() was never called.  This is so
    # "require Test::Simple" doesn't puke.
    do{ _my_exit(0) && return } if !$Have_Plan && !$Test_Died;

    # Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
    if( @Test_Results ) {
        # The plan?  We have no plan.

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( run in 1.103 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )