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PropertySet.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

# NEXTKEY this, lastkey
   scalar each %{$_[0]->_prop};

# -------------------------------- Defines --------------------------------

# global_definitions

# \05
%PPSET = (
   "\05SummaryInformation" => {
      TYPE => 1,
      NAME => "Summary Info",
      DICT => {
          2 => "Title",
          3 => "Subject",
          4 => "Authress",

Storage.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#   - creating documents 
#   - many property set things: 
#     *  documentation of variable types
#     *  code page support
#   - consistant name giving, checked against MS'

package OLE::Storage;
my $VERSION=do{my@R=('$Revision: 1.8 $'=~/\d+/g);sprintf"%d."."%d"x$#R,@R};

# Storage.pm has public method interfaces and private functions. Functions
# assume a local($S) as $self. I put some efforts into making it strict-proof,
# especially to "methodize" all functions, but I didn't like the resulting 
# code. May be I'll regret this once ;-), but momentarily I'm quite ok with: 
no strict; $^W=0;


tools/lclean  view on Meta::CPAN

   $global_targetdir = "doctrash"; # This is the output directory

sub error { $Startup->string() }

use Startup;
use Getopt::Std;
use OLE::Storage::Std;

global: {
   $|=1; $[=0;
   $REV = '$Revision: $' =~ /: ([^ ]*)/ && $1;
   $DATE = '$Date: 1998/02/25 21:13:00 $' =~ / ..(..)\/(.{5})/ && "$2/$1";
   getopts ('acdefhi:lnrsz');
   usage() if !@ARGV || $opt_h;
   usage() if !@ARGV
      || $opt_h
      || !($opt_r||$opt_c||$opt_s||$opt_i||$opt_l||$opt_e)

   require OLE::Storage;

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