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use lib '..';

# Btrieve handles its indices well, but sometimes the indices should
# be defined outside the typical c programmers budget. Let's make an
# index that allows sort by location and title.

open F, $ARGV[0];
while (<F>) {
    my $rhfixed;
    my ($fixed,$var)= split(/\n/);
    my @fvals = split(/\t/,$fixed);
    print $fvals[-1]." ";
    for (qw/loc dbcn date ZZ/) {
	$rhfixed->{$_}= shift @fvals;

    $rhfixed->{loc_title_sort}= "a"x7;

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( run in 0.952 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )