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=head2 scr:: - scroll exposure results

C<Widget::scroll> returns one of these.

	scr::Error           - failure
	scr::NoExpose        - call resulted in no new exposed areas
	scr::Expose          - call resulted in new exposed areas, expect a repaint

=head2 sv::  - system value indices

See also L<Prima::Application/get_system_value>

	sv::YMenu            - height of menu bar in top-level windows
	sv::YTitleBar        - height of title bar in top-level windows
	sv::XIcon            - width and height of main icon dimensions,
	sv::YIcon              acceptable by the system
	sv::XSmallIcon       - width and height of alternate icon dimensions,
	sv::YSmallIcon         acceptable by the system
	sv::XPointer         - width and height of mouse pointer icon
	sv::YPointer           acceptable by the system
	sv::XScrollbar       - width of the default vertical scrollbar
	sv::YScrollbar       - height of the default horizontal scrollbar
	sv::XCursor          - width of the system cursor
	sv::AutoScrollFirst  - the initial and the repetitive
	sv::AutoScrollNext     scroll timeouts
	sv::InsertMode       - the system insert mode
	sv::XbsNone          - widths and heights of the top-level window
	sv::YbsNone            decorations, correspondingly, with borderStyle
	sv::XbsSizeable        bs::None, bs::Sizeable, bs::Single, and
	sv::YbsSizeable        bs::Dialog.
	sv::MousePresent     - 1 if the mouse is present, 0 otherwise
	sv::MouseButtons     - number of the mouse buttons
	sv::WheelPresent     - 1 if the mouse wheel is present, 0 otherwise
	sv::SubmenuDelay     - timeout ( in ms ) before a sub-menu shows on
				an implicit selection
	sv::FullDrag         - 1 if the top-level windows are dragged dynamically,
	                       0 - with marquee mode
	sv::DblClickDelay    - mouse double-click timeout in milliseconds
	sv::ShapeExtension   - 1 if Prima::Widget::shape functionality is supported,
	                       0 otherwise
	sv::ColorPointer     - 1 if system accepts color pointer icons.
	sv::CanUTF8_Input    - 1 if system can generate key codes in unicode
	sv::CanUTF8_Output   - 1 if system can output utf8 text
	sv::CompositeDisplay - 1 if system uses double-buffering and alpha composition for the desktop,
	                       0 if it doesn't, -1 if unknown
	sv::LayeredWidgets   - 1 if system supports layering
	sv::FixedPointerSize - 0 if system doesn't support arbitrary sized pointers and will resize custom icons to the system size
	sv::MenuCheckSize    - width and height of default menu check icon
	sv::FriBidi          - 1 if Prima is compiled with libfribidi and full bidi unicode support is available
	sv::Antialias        - 1 if system supports antialiasing and alpha layer for primitives
	sv::LibThai          - 1 if Prima is compiled with libthai

=head2 ta::  - alignment constants

Used in: L<Prima::InputLine>, L<Prima::ImageViewer>, L<Prima::Label>.



=head2 to::  - text output constants

These constants are used in various text and glyph related functions, 
and form a somewhat vague group of bit values that may or may not be used together
depending on the function

	to::Plain         - default value, 0
	to::AddOverhangs  - used in C<get_text_width> and C<get_text_shape_width>
	                    to request text overhangs to be included in the returned
			    text width
	to::Glyphs        - used in C<get_font_abc> and C<get_font_def> to select extension of
	                    glyph indexes rather than text codepoints
	to::Unicode       - used in C<get_font_abc> and C<get_font_def> to select extension of
	                    unicode rather than ascii text codepoints
	to::RTL           - used in C<get_text_shape_width> to request RTL bidi direction.
	                    Also used in C<Prima::Drawable::Glyphs::indexes> values to mark
			    RTL characters.

=head2 tw::  - text wrapping constants

See L<Prima::Drawable/text_wrap>

	tw::CalcMnemonic          - calculates tilde underline position
	tw::CollapseTilde         - removes escaping tilde from text
	tw::CalcTabs              - wraps text with respect to tab expansion
	tw::ExpandTabs            - expands tab characters
	tw::BreakSingle           - determines if text is broken to single
	                            characters when text cannot be fit
	tw::NewLineBreak          - breaks line on newline characters
	tw::SpaceBreak            - breaks line on space or tab characters
	tw::ReturnChunks          - returns wrapped text chunks
	tw::ReturnLines           - returns positions and lengths of wrapped
	                            text chunks
	tw::WordBreak             - defines if text break by width goes by the
	                            characters or by the words
	tw::ReturnFirstLineLength - returns length of the first wrapped line
	tw::Default               - tw::NewLineBreak | tw::CalcTabs | tw::ExpandTabs |
	                            tw::ReturnLines | tw::WordBreak

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