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    Returns a Dancer::Request object representing the current request.

    See the Dancer::Request documentation for the methods you can call, for

        request->referer;         # value of the HTTP referer header
        request->remote_address;  # user's IP address
        request->user_agent;      # User-Agent header value


    Returns an HTTP error. By default the HTTP code returned is 500:

        get '/photo/:id' => sub {
            if (...) {
                send_error("Not allowed", 403);
            } else {
               # return content

    WARNING : Issuing a send_error immediately exits the current route, and
    perform the send_error. Thus, any code after a send_error is ignored,
    until the end of the route. So it's not necessary anymore to use return
    with send_error.

        get '/some/route' => sub {
            if (...) {
                # we want to let the next matching route handler process this one
                # This code will be ignored


    Lets the current route handler send a file to the client. Note that the
    path of the file must be relative to the public directory unless you
    use the system_path option (see below).

        get '/download/:file' => sub {

    WARNING : Issuing a send_file immediately exits the current route, and
    performs the send_file. Thus, any code after a send_file is ignored
    until the end of the route. So it's not necessary any more to use
    return with send_file.

        get '/some/route' => sub {
            if (...) {
                # we want to let the next matching route handler process this one
                # This code will be ignored

    Send file supports streaming possibility using PSGI streaming. The
    server should support it but normal streaming is supported on most, if
    not all.

        get '/download/:file' => sub {
            send_file( params->{file}, streaming => 1 );

    You can control what happens using callbacks.

    First, around_content allows you to get the writer object and the chunk
    of content read, and then decide what to do with each chunk:

        get '/download/:file' => sub {
                streaming => 1,
                callbacks => {
                    around_content => sub {
                        my ( $writer, $chunk ) = @_;
                        $writer->write("* $chunk");

    You can use around to all get all the content (whether a filehandle if
    it's a regular file or a full string if it's a scalar ref) and decide
    what to do with it:

        get '/download/:file' => sub {
                streaming => 1,
                callbacks => {
                    around => sub {
                        my ( $writer, $content ) = @_;
                        # we know it's a text file, so we'll just stream
                        # line by line
                        while ( my $line = <$content> ) {

    Or you could use override to control the entire streaming callback

        get '/download/:file' => sub {
                streaming => 1,
                callbacks => {
                    override => sub {
                        my ( $respond, $response ) = @_;
                        my $writer = $respond->( [ $newstatus, $newheaders ] );
                        $writer->write("some line");

    You can also set the number of bytes that will be read at a time
    (default being 42K bytes) using bytes:

        get '/download/:file' => sub {
                streaming => 1,
                bytes     => 524288, # 512K

    The content-type will be set depending on the current MIME types
    definition (see mime if you want to define your own).

    If your filename does not have an extension, or you need to force a
    specific mime type, you can pass it to send_file as follows:

        send_file(params->{file}, content_type => 'image/png');

    Also, you can use your aliases or file extension names on content_type,
    like this:

        send_file(params->{file}, content_type => 'png');

    For files outside your public folder, you can use the system_path
    switch. Just bear in mind that its use needs caution as it can be

       send_file('/etc/passwd', system_path => 1);

    If you have your data in a scalar variable, send_file can be useful as
    well. Pass a reference to that scalar, and send_file will behave as if
    there were a file with that contents:

       send_file( \$data, content_type => 'image/png' );

    Note that Dancer is unable to guess the content type from the data
    contents. Therefore you might need to set the content_type properly.
    For this kind of usage an attribute named filename can be useful. It is
    used as the Content-Disposition header, to hint the browser about the
    filename it should use.

       send_file( \$data, content_type => 'image/png'
                                 filename     => 'onion.png' );


    Defines a setting:

        set something => 'value';

    You can set more than one value at once:

        set something => 'value', otherthing => 'othervalue';


    Returns the value of a given setting:

        setting('something'); # 'value'


    Creates or updates cookie values:

        get '/some_action' => sub {
            set_cookie name => 'value',

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