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t/2_XMLout.t  view on Meta::CPAN

like($_, qr{
}x, 'Failed to unwrap/group stripped content - as expected');

# Check 'NoIndent' option

$ref = {
  nest   => [ qw(one two three) ]

# Expect:
# <opt><nest>one</nest><nest>two</nest><nest>three</nest></opt>

$_ = XMLout($ref, NoIndent => 1);

is_deeply(XMLin($_), $ref, 'parses ok');
is($_, '<opt><nest>one</nest><nest>two</nest><nest>three</nest></opt>',
'NoIndent worked ok');

# Check 'NoIndent' works with KeyAttr

$ref = {
  person => {
    bob  => { age => 25 },
    kate => { age => 22 },

# Expect:
# <opt><person name="bob" age="25"><person name="kate" age="22"></opt>

$_ = XMLout($ref, NoIndent => 1, KeyAttr => {person => 'name'});

is_deeply(XMLin($_), $ref, 'parses ok');
like($_, qr{
'NoIndent worked ok with KeyAttr');

# Try the 'AttrIndent' option (assume NoSort defaults to off)

$ref = {
  beta => '2',
  gamma => '3',
  alpha => '1',
  colours => {
    red => '#ff0000',
    green => '#00ff00',

$_ = XMLout($ref, AttrIndent => 1, RootName => 'opt');

is($_, '<opt alpha="1"
  <colours green="#00ff00"
           red="#ff0000" />
', 'AttrIndent seems to work');

# Test the attribute/element sorting algorithm

$xml = q{
  <test id="beta"  animal="elephant" vegetable="carrot" />
  <test id="gamma" animal="tiger"    vegetable="turnip" />
  <test id="alpha" animal="giraffe"  vegetable="pumpkin" />
  <box size="small" key="a" />
  <box size="medium" id="b" />

$ref = XMLin($xml);

$_ = XMLout($ref, RootName => 'opt');

is($_, qq(<opt>\n) .
       qq(  <box name="a" size="small" />\n) .
       qq(  <box name="b" size="medium" />\n) .
       qq(  <test name="alpha" animal="giraffe" vegetable="pumpkin" />\n) .
       qq(  <test name="beta" animal="elephant" vegetable="carrot" />\n) .
       qq(  <test name="gamma" animal="tiger" vegetable="turnip" />\n) .
'sorting by default key attribute works');

# Try again but with specific key fields:

$ref = XMLin($xml, KeyAttr => {test => 'vegetable', box => 'size'});

$_ = XMLout($ref,
  RootName => 'opt',
  KeyAttr => {test => 'vegetable', box => 'size'}

is($_, qq(<opt>\n) .
       qq(  <box size="medium" id="b" />\n) .
       qq(  <box size="small" key="a" />\n) .
       qq(  <test vegetable="carrot" animal="elephant" id="beta" />\n) .
       qq(  <test vegetable="pumpkin" animal="giraffe" id="alpha" />\n) .
       qq(  <test vegetable="turnip" animal="tiger" id="gamma" />\n) .
'sorting by specified key attributes works');

# Try again but with no key fields:

$ref = XMLin($xml, KeyAttr => {});

$_ = XMLout($ref, RootName => 'opt', KeyAttr => {});

like($_, qr{^<opt>\s*

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