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 - Added a 'Build.PL' file for an alternate installation method using

 - Fixed a problem in the Hypothesis' best_category() method that
   would often result in the wrong category being reported.  Added a
   regression test to exercise the Hypothesis class.  [Spotted by
   Xiaobo Li]

 - The 'categorizer' script now records more useful benchmarking
   information about time & memory in its outfile.

 - The AI::Categorizer->dump_parameters() method now tries to avoid
   showing you its entire list of stopwords.

 - Document objects now use a default 'name' if none is supplied.

 - For some Learner classes, the generated Hypothesis objects had
   non-functioning all_categories() methods.  Fixed.

 - The Collection::Files class now uses File::Spec internally to

eg/categorizer  view on Meta::CPAN

# Copyright 2002 Ken Williams, under the same license as the
# AI::Categorizer distribution.

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer;
use Benchmark;
my $HAVE_YAML = eval "use YAML; 1";

my ($opt, $do_stage, $outfile) = parse_command_line(@ARGV);
@ARGV = grep !/^-\d$/, @ARGV;

my $c = eval {new AI::Categorizer(%$opt)};
if ($@ and $@ =~ /^The following parameter/) {
  die "$@\nPlease see the AI::Categorizer documentation for a description of parameters accepted.\n";
die $@ if $@;

%$do_stage = map {$_, 1} 1..5 unless keys %$do_stage;

my $out_fh;
if ($outfile) {
  open $out_fh, ">> $outfile" or die "Can't create $outfile: $!";
  select((select($out_fh), $|=1)[0]);
  if (keys(%$do_stage) > 1) {
    print $out_fh "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", scalar(localtime), "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
    if ($HAVE_YAML) {
      print {$out_fh} YAML::Dump($c->dump_parameters);
    } else {
      warn "More detailed parameter dumping is available if you install the YAML module from CPAN.\n";

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