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lib/AAC/Pvoice/Panel.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $self = shift;
    $self->{text}->Refresh(); # Added to test it on the Mercury...added text
                              # isn't visible there...

sub BackspaceText
    my $self = shift;
    pop @{$self->{displaytextsave}};
    pop @{$self->{speechtextsave}};
    $self->{text}->SetValue(my $x = $self->RetrieveText);
    $self->{text}->SetStyle(0, length($self->{text}->GetValue), $self->{ta});
    $self->{text}->Refresh(); # Added to test it on the Mercury...added text
                              # isn't visible there...

sub SpeechRetrieveText
    my $self = shift;
    return wantarray ? @{$self->{speechtextsave}} : join('', @{$self->{speechtextsave}});



=head1 NAME

AAC::Pvoice::Panel - The base where a pVoice application consists of


  use AAC::Pvoice::Panel;


=head1 USAGE

=head2 new(parent, id, size, position, style, disabletextrow, itemspacing, selectionborderwidth, disabletitle)

This is the constructor for a new AAC::Pvoice::Panel. The first 5 parameters are
equal to the parameters for a normal Wx::Panel, see the wxPerl documentation
for those parameters.

=over 4

=item disabletextrow

This is s a boolean (1 or 0), which determines
if the text-input field at the bottom of the screen should be hidden or
not. Normally this inputfield will be shown (for an application like pVoice
this is normal, because that will contain the text the user is writing),
but for an application like pMusic this row is not nessecary, so it can be

=item itemspacing

This is the spacing used between the rows that are appended.

=item selectionborderwidth

This is the width of the border around a selected row or a selected item.

=item disabletitle

This is also a boolean (1 or 0), which determines if the panel should
reserve space for a title. If disabletitle is set to 1, AddTitle won't have
any effect at all.


=head2 SetEditmode($onoff)

This sets Editmode on or off (depending on $onoff to be a true or false value).
Editmode means that the typical pVoice input doesn't work anymore, and is
typically used in combination with AAC::Pvoice::EditableRow...

=head2 xsize

This returns the x-size of the panel in pixels.

=head2 ysize

This returns the y-size of the panel in pixels.

=head2 RoundCornerRadius

This sets the radius for the round corners that are used to draw the panel
background and to draw the selectionborder around rows and buttons.

=head2 lastrow

This retrieves the index of the last row that was added to the panel.

=head2 SelectColour(Wx::Colour)

This gets or sets the colour that indicates a selected row or selected item. It
takes a Wx::Colour (or a predefined colour constant) as a parameter.

=head2 BackgroundColour(Wx::Colour)

This gets or sets the normal backgroundcolour. It
takes a Wx::Colour (or a predefined colour constant) as a parameter.

=head2 AddTitle(title)

This method sets the title of the page and draws it on the AAC::Pvoice::Panel.
By default it uses the Comic Sans MS font at a size of 18pt. You can change
this using TitleFont.

=head2 TitleFont(Wx::Font)

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