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t/50-click.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More;
use WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS;
use lib 'inc', '../inc', '.';
use Test::HTTP::LocalServer;

use t::helper;

# What instances of PhantomJS will we try?
my $instance_port = 8910;
my @instances = t::helper::browser_instances();

if (my $err = t::helper::default_unavailable) {
    plan skip_all => "Couldn't connect to PhantomJS: $@";
} else {
    plan tests => 27*@instances;

sub new_mech {
        autodie => 1,

t::helper::run_across_instances(\@instances, $instance_port, \&new_mech, 27, sub {
    my ($browser_instance, $mech) = @_;

    isa_ok $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS';

    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);

    my ($clicked,$type,$ok);

    eval {
        ($clicked, $type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
        $ok = 1;

    if (! $clicked) {
        SKIP: { skip "Couldn't get at 'clicked'. Do you have a Javascript blocker?", 15; };

    ok $clicked, "We found 'clicked'";

    # Xpath
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ xpath => '//*[@id="a_link"]', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_link', "->click() with an xpath selector works";

    # Xpath
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ xpath => '//div[@id="a_div"]', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_div', "->click() with an xpath selector works";

    # CSS
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ selector => '#a_link', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_link', "->click() with a CSS selector works";

    # CSS
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ selector => '#a_div', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_div', "->click() with a CSS selector works";

    # id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ id => 'a_link', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_link', "->click() with an id works";

    # id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ id => 'a_div', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_div', "->click() with an id works";

    # id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ id => 'foo:fancy', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'foo:fancy', "->click() with an id works";

    # id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ id => 'foo:array[1]', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'foo:array[1]', "->click() with an id works";

    # by_id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ by_id => 'a_link', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_link', "->click() with by_id works";

    # by_id
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    $mech->click({ by_id => 'a_div', synchronize=>0, });
    ($clicked,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('clicked');
    is $clicked, 'a_div', "->click() with by_id works";

    # Name via options
    $mech->click({ name => 'Go' }); # click the "Go" button
    like $mech->uri, qr/\bGo=/, "->click() the 'Go' button works via options";

    # Name
    $mech->click('Go'); # click the "Go" button
    like $mech->uri, qr/\bGo=/, "->click() the 'Go' button works";

    # Name
    $mech->click('imageGo'); # click the "imageGo" button
    like $mech->uri, qr/\bimageGo\.x=/, "->click() the 'imageGo' button works";

    # Name via options
    $mech->click({ name => '' }); # click the unnamed button
    like $mech->uri, qr/\b51-mech-submit.html\??$/i, "->click() the unnamed button works";

    # Name
    $mech->click(''); # click the empty button
    # this weirdly raises no events in FF if it points to the same page
    like $mech->uri, qr/\b51-mech-submit.html\??$/i, "->click() the unnamed button works";

    # Non-existing link
    my $lives = eval { $mech->click('foobar'); 1 };
    my $msg = $@;
    ok !$lives, "->click() on non-existing parameter fails correctly";
    like $msg, qr/No elements found for Button with name 'foobar'/,
        "... with the right error message";

    # Non-existing link via CSS selector
    $lives = eval { $mech->click({ selector => 'foobar' }); 1 };
    $msg = $@;
    ok !$lives, "->click() on non-existing parameter fails correctly";
    like $msg, qr/No elements found for CSS selector 'foobar'/,
        "... with the right error message";
    # Non-existing link via id
    $lives = eval { $mech->click({ id => 'foobar' }); 1 };
    $msg = $@;
    ok !$lives, "->click() on non-existing parameter fails correctly";
    like $msg, qr/No elements found for id 'foobar'/,
        "... with the right error message";

    # Non-existing link via ids
    $lives = eval { $mech->click({ id => ['foobar','foobaz'] }); 1 };
    $msg = $@;
    ok !$lives, "->click() on non-existing parameter fails correctly";
    like $msg, qr/No elements found for id 'foobar' or 'foobaz'/,
        "... with the right error message";

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( run in 0.530 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1310916c57ae )