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use warnings;

our $VERSION     = '4.06';
our $BAD_MESSAGE = 'Unathorized';
our $DEBUG_AUBBC = 0;
our $MEMOIZE     = 1;
my $msg          = '';
my $aubbc_error  = '';
my $long_regex   = '[\w\.\/\-\~\@\:\;\=]+(?:\?[\w\~\.\;\:\,\$\-\+\!\*\?\/\=\&\@\#\%]+?)?';
my @do_f         = (1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,time.$$.'000','',1);
my @key64        = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9,'+','/');
my %SMILEYS      = ();
my %Build_AUBBC  = ();
my %AUBBC        = (
    aubbc               => 1,
    utf                 => 1,
    smileys             => 1,
    highlight           => 1,
    highlight_function  => \&code_highlight,
    no_bypass           => 0,
    for_links           => 0,
    aubbc_escape        => 1,
    no_img              => 0,
    icon_image          => 1,
    image_hight         => '60',
    image_width         => '90',
    image_border        => '0',
    image_wrap          => ' ',
    href_target         => ' target="_blank"',
    images_url          => '',
    html_type           => ' /',
    fix_amp             => 1,
    line_break          => '1',
    code_class          => '',
    code_extra          => '',
    code_download       => '^Download above code^',
    href_class          => '',
    quote_class         => '',
    quote_extra         => '',
    script_escape       => 1,
    protect_email       => '0',
    email_message       => 'Contact Email',
    highlight_class1    => '',
    highlight_class2    => '',
    highlight_class3    => '',
    highlight_class4    => '',
    highlight_class5    => '',
    highlight_class6    => '',
    highlight_class7    => '',
    highlight_class8    => '',
    highlight_class9    => '',
my @security_levels = ('Guest', 'User', 'Moderator','Administrator');
my ($user_level, $high_level, $user_key) = ('Guest', 3, 0);
my %Tag_SecLVL = (
    code                => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },
    img                 => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },
    url                 => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },

sub security_levels {
 my ($self,@s_levels) = @_;
 $do_f[10] = 0;
  ? @security_levels = @s_levels
  : return @security_levels;

sub user_level {
 my ($self,$u_level) = @_;
 $do_f[10] = 0;
 defined $u_level
  ? $user_level = $u_level
  : return $user_level;

sub tag_security {
 my ($self,%s_tags) = @_;
  ? %Tag_SecLVL = %s_tags
  : return %Tag_SecLVL;

sub check_access {
 my $tag = shift;
 unless ($do_f[10]) {
  $do_f[10] = 1;
  ($high_level, $user_key) = (scalar(@security_levels), 0);

  for(my $i = 0; $i < $high_level;) {
   if ($security_levels[$i] eq $user_level) {
    $user_key = $i;
 if (defined $tag && $do_f[10]) {
  $user_key >= $Tag_SecLVL{$tag}{level}
   ? return 1
   : return '';

sub new {
 if ($MEMOIZE && ! $do_f[7]) {
  $do_f[7] = 1;
  eval 'use Memoize' if ! defined $Memoize::VERSION;
  unless ($@ || ! defined $Memoize::VERSION) {
   $aubbc_error .= $@."\n" if $@;
return bless {};


sub settings_prep {
$AUBBC{href_target}  = $AUBBC{href_target} ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
$AUBBC{image_wrap}   = $AUBBC{image_wrap} ? ' ' : '';
$AUBBC{image_border} = $AUBBC{image_border} ? '1' : '0';
$AUBBC{html_type}    = $AUBBC{html_type} eq 'xhtml' || $AUBBC{html_type} eq ' /' ? ' /' : '';

sub settings {
 my ($self,%s_hash) = @_;
  foreach (keys %s_hash) {
   if ('highlight_function' eq $_) {
    $AUBBC{highlight} = 0;
    $s_hash{$_} = check_subroutine($s_hash{$_},'');
    $AUBBC{highlight_function} = $s_hash{$_} unless ! $s_hash{$_};
   } else {
    $AUBBC{$_} = $s_hash{$_};
 if ($DEBUG_AUBBC) {
  my $uabbc_settings = '';
  $uabbc_settings .= $_ . ' =>' . $AUBBC{$_} . ', ' foreach keys %AUBBC;
  warn 'AUBBC Settings Change: '.$uabbc_settings;

sub get_setting {
 my ($self,$name) = @_;
 return $AUBBC{$name} if exists $AUBBC{$name};

sub code_highlight {
 my $txt = shift;
 warn 'ENTER code_highlight' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $txt =~ s/:/&#58;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\[/&#91;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\]/&#93;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\000&#91;/&#91;&#91;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\000&#93;/&#93;&#93;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\{/&#123;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\}/&#125;/g;
 $txt =~ s/%/&#37;/g;
 $txt =~ s/(?<!>)\n/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>\n/g;
 if ($AUBBC{highlight}) {
  warn 'ENTER block highlight' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
  $txt =~ s/\z/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>/ if $txt !~ m/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>\z/;
  $txt =~ s/(&#60;&#60;(?:&#39;)?(\w+)(?:&#39;)?&#59;(?s)[^\2]+\b\2\b)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class1}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(?<![\&\$])(\#.*?(?:<br$AUBBC{html_type}>))/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class2}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(\bsub\b(?:\s+))(\w+)/$1<span$AUBBC{highlight_class8}>$2<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(\w+(?:\-&#62;)?(?:\w+)?&#40;(?:.+?)?&#41;(?:&#59;)?)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class9}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/((?:&amp;)\w+&#59;)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class9}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(&#39;(?s).*?(?<!&#92;)&#39;)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class3}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(&#34;(?s).*?(?<!&#92;)&#34;)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class4}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~ s/(?<![\#|\w])(\d+)(?!\w)/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class5}>$1<\/span>/g;
  $txt =~
  $txt =~ s/(?<!&#92;)((?:&#37;|\$|\@)\w+(?:(?:&#91;.+?&#93;|&#123;.+?&#125;)+|))/<span$AUBBC{highlight_class7}>$1<\/span>/g;
 return $txt;

sub code_download {
 if ($AUBBC{code_download}) {
  $do_f[9] =
   make_link('javascript:void(0)',$AUBBC{code_download}, "javascript:MyCodePrint('aubbcode$do_f[8]');",'');
  return " id=\"aubbcode$do_f[8]\"";
 } else { return ''; }

sub code_tag {
 my ($code,$name) = @_;
 if (check_access('code')) {
 $name = "# $name:<br$AUBBC{html_type}>\n" if $name;
 return "$name<div$AUBBC{code_class}".&code_download."><code>\n".
  else {
   return $Tag_SecLVL{code}{text};

sub make_image {
my ($align,$src,$width,$height,$alt) = @_;
 my $img = "<img$align src=\"$src\"";
 $img .= " width=\"$width\"" if $width;
 $img .= " height=\"$height\"" if $height;
 return $img." alt=\"$alt\" border=\"$AUBBC{image_border}\"$AUBBC{html_type}>";

sub make_link {
 my ($link,$name,$javas,$targ) = @_;
 my $linkd = "<a href=\"$link\"";
 $linkd .= " onclick=\"$javas\"" if $javas;
 $linkd .= $AUBBC{href_target} if $targ;
 $linkd .= $AUBBC{href_class}.'>';
 $linkd .= $name ? $name : $link;
 return $linkd.'</a>';

sub do_ubbc {
 warn 'ENTER do_ubbc' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $msg =~ s/\[(?:c|code)\](?s)(.+?)\[\/(?:c|code)\]/code_tag($1, '')/ge;
 $msg =~ s/\[(?:c|code)=(.+?)\](?s)(.+?)\[\/(?:c|code)\]/code_tag($2, $1)/ge;
 $do_f[9] = '' if $do_f[9];

 $msg =~ s/\[(img|right_img|left_img)\](.+?)\[\/img\]/fix_image($1, $2)/ge if ! $AUBBC{no_img};

 $msg =~ s/\[email\](?![\w\.\-\&\+]+\@[\w\.\-]+).+?\[\/email\]/\[<font color=red>$BAD_MESSAGE<\/font>\]email/g;
  ? $msg =~ s/\[email\]([\w\.\-\&\+]+\@[\w\.\-]+)\[\/email\]/protect_email($1)/ge
  : $msg =~ s/\[email\]([\w\.\-\&\+]+\@[\w\.\-]+)\[\/email\]/link_check("mailto:$1",$1,'','')/ge;

 $msg =~ s/\[color=([\w#]+)\](?s)(.+?)\[\/color\]/<span style="color:$1;">$2<\/span>/g;

 1 while $msg =~
 1 while $msg =~

 $msg =~ s/\[(left|right|center)\](?s)(.+?)\[\/\1\]/<div style=\"text-align: $1;\">$2<\/div>/g;
 $msg =~ s/\[li=(\d+)\](?s)(.+?)\[\/li\]/<li value="$1">$2<\/li>/g;
 $msg =~ s/\[u\](?s)(.+?)\[\/u\]/<span style="text-decoration: underline;">$1<\/span>/g;
 $msg =~ s/\[strike\](?s)(.+?)\[\/strike\]/<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">$1<\/span>/g;
 $msg =~ s/\[([bh]r)\]/<$1$AUBBC{html_type}>/g;
 $msg =~ s/\[list\](?s)(.+?)\[\/list\]/fix_list($1)/ge;

 1 while $msg =~
 $msg =~ s/(<\/?(?:ol|ul|li|hr)\s?\/?>)\r?\n?<br(?:\s?\/)?>/$1/g;

 $msg =~ s/\[url=(\w+\:\/\/$long_regex)\](.+?)\[\/url\]/link_check($1,fix_message($2),'',1)/ge;
 $msg =~ s/(?<!["=\.\/\'\[\{\;])((?:\b\w+\b\:\/\/)$long_regex)/link_check($1,$1,'',1)/ge;

sub link_check {
 my ($link,$name,$javas,$targ) = @_;
  ? make_link($link,$name,$javas,$targ)
  : return $Tag_SecLVL{url}{text};

sub fix_list {
my $list = shift;
 if ($list =~ m/\[\*/) {
 $list =~ s/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>//g;
 my $type = 'ul';
 $type = 'ol' if $list =~ s/\[\*=(\d+)\]/\[\*\]$1\|/g;
  my @clean = split('\[\*\]', $list);
  $list = "<$type>\n";
  foreach (@clean) {
   if ($_ && $_ =~ s/\A(\d+)\|(?s)(.+?)/$2/) {
    $list .= "<li value=\"$1\">$_<\/li>\n" if $_ !~ m/\A\r?\n?\z/;
   } elsif ($_ && $_ !~ m/\A\s+|\d+\|\r?\n?\z/) {
    $list .= "<li>$_<\/li>\n";
  $list .= "<\/$type>";
 return $list;

sub fix_image {
 my ($tmp2, $tmp) = @_;
 if (check_access('img')) {
 if ($tmp !~ m/\A\w+:\/\/|\// || $tmp =~ m/\?|\#|\.\bjs\b\z/i) {
  $tmp = "[<font color=red>$BAD_MESSAGE</font>]$tmp2";
  else {
  $tmp2 = '' if $tmp2 eq 'img';
  $tmp2 = ' align="right"' if $tmp2 eq 'right_img';
  $tmp2 = ' align="left"' if $tmp2 eq 'left_img';
  $tmp = $AUBBC{icon_image}
   ? make_link($tmp,make_image($tmp2,$tmp,$AUBBC{image_width},
   : make_image($tmp2,$tmp,'','','').$AUBBC{image_wrap};
 return $tmp;
  else {
   return $Tag_SecLVL{img}{text};

sub protect_email {
 my $em = shift;
 if (check_access('url')) {
 my ($email1, $email2, $ran_num, $protect_email, @letters) =
  ('', '', '', '', split (//, $em));
 $protect_email = '[' if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3 || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4;

 foreach my $character (@letters) {
  $protect_email .= '&#' . ord($character) . ';' if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 1 || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2;
  $protect_email .= ord($character) . ',' if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3;
  $ran_num = int(rand(64)) || 0 if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4;
  $protect_email .= '\'' . (ord($key64[$ran_num]) ^ ord($character)) . '\',\'' . $key64[$ran_num] . '\','
   if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4;

 return make_link("&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;$protect_email",$protect_email,'','')
  if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 1;

 ($email1, $email2) = split ("&#64;", $protect_email) if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2;
 $protect_email = "'$email1' + '&#64;' + '$email2'" if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 2;
 $protect_email =~ s/\,\z/]/g if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 3 || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq 4;

 return make_link('javascript:void(0)',$AUBBC{email_message},"javascript:MyEmCode('$AUBBC{protect_email}',$protect_email);",'')
  if $AUBBC{protect_email} eq '2' || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq '3' || $AUBBC{protect_email} eq '4';
  else {
   return $Tag_SecLVL{url}{text};

sub js_print {
my $self = shift;
print <<JS;
Content-type: text/javascript


print <<'JS';
Fully supports dynamic view in XHTML.
function MyEmCode (type, content) {
var returner = false;
if (type == 4) {
 var farray= new Array(content.length,1);
 for(farray[1];farray[1]<farray[0];farray[1]++) { returner+=String.fromCharCode(content[farray[1]].charCodeAt(0)^content[farray[1]-1]);farray[1]++; }
} else if (type == 3) {
 for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { returner+=String.fromCharCode(content[i]); }
} else if (type == 2) { returner=content; }
if (returner) { window.location='mailto:'+returner; }

function MyCodePrint (input) {
 if (input && document.getElementById(input)) {
  var TheCode = document.getElementById(input).innerHTML;
  TheCode = TheCode.replace(/<([^br<]+|\/?[puib])>/ig, "");
  codewin ="", input, "width=800,height=600,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes");
  top.codewin.document.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"+
"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\n"+

sub do_build_tag {
 warn 'ENTER do_build_tag' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;

 foreach (keys %Build_AUBBC) {
  warn 'ENTER foreach do_build_tag' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
  $msg =~ s/(\[$_\:\/\/([$Build_AUBBC{$_}[0]]+)\])/
   do_sub( $_, $2 , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || $1;
  /eg if $Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq '1';

  $msg =~ s/(\[$_\](?s)([$Build_AUBBC{$_}[0]]+)\[\/$_\])/
   do_sub( $_, $2 , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || $1;
  /eg if $Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq '2';

  $msg =~ s/(\[$_\])/
   do_sub( $_, '' , $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] ) || $1;
  /eg if $Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq '3';

  $msg =~ s/\[$_\]/
   check_access($_) ? $Build_AUBBC{$_}[2] : $Tag_SecLVL{$_}{text};
  /eg if $Build_AUBBC{$_}[1] eq '4';

sub do_sub {
 my ($key, $term, $fun) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER do_sub' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
  ? return $fun->($key, $term) || ''
  : return $Tag_SecLVL{$key}{text};

sub check_subroutine {
 my $name = shift;
 defined $name && exists &{$name} && (ref $name eq 'CODE' || ref $name eq '')
   ? return \&{$name}
   : return '';

sub add_build_tag {
 my ($self,%NewTag) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER add_build_tag' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $NewTag{function2} = $NewTag{function} || 'undefined!';
 $NewTag{function} = check_subroutine($NewTag{function},'')
  if $NewTag{type} ne '4';
 $self->aubbc_error("Usage: add_build_tag - function 'Undefined subroutine' => $NewTag{function2}")
  if ! $NewTag{function};
 if ($NewTag{function}) {
  $NewTag{pattern} = 'l' if $NewTag{type} eq '3' || $NewTag{type} eq '4';
  if ($NewTag{type} && $NewTag{name} =~ m/\A[\w\-]+\z/ && $NewTag{pattern} =~ m/\A[lns_:\-,]+|all\z/) {
    if ($NewTag{pattern} eq 'all') {
     $NewTag{pattern} = '^\[|\]';
     else {
     my @pat_split = ();
     my %is_pat = ('l' => 'a-z', 'n' => '\d', '_' => '\_', ':' => '\:', 's' => '\s', '-' => '\-');
     @pat_split = split /\,/, $NewTag{pattern};
     $NewTag{pattern} = '';
     $NewTag{pattern} .= $is_pat{$_} || '' foreach @pat_split;
   $Build_AUBBC{$NewTag{name}} = [$NewTag{pattern}, $NewTag{type}, $NewTag{function}];
   $NewTag{level}  ||= 0;
   $NewTag{error}  ||= $BAD_MESSAGE;
   $Tag_SecLVL{$NewTag{name}}  = {level => $NewTag{level}, text => $NewTag{error},};
   $do_f[5] = 1 if !$do_f[5];
   warn 'Added Build_AUBBC Tag '.$Build_AUBBC{$NewTag{name}} if $DEBUG_AUBBC && $Build_AUBBC{$NewTag{name}};
   else {
   $self->aubbc_error('Usage: add_build_tag - Bad name or pattern format');

sub remove_build_tag {
 my ($self,$name,$type) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER remove_build_tag' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 delete $Build_AUBBC{$name} if exists $Build_AUBBC{$name} && !$type; # clear one
 %Build_AUBBC = () if $type && !$name; # clear all

sub do_unicode{
 warn 'ENTER do_unicode' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $msg =~ s/\[utf:\/\/(\#?\w+)\]/&$1;/g;

sub do_smileys {
warn 'ENTER do_smileys' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
$msg =~
 foreach keys %SMILEYS;

sub smiley_hash {
 my ($self,%s_hash) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER smiley_hash' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 if (keys %s_hash) {
 %SMILEYS = %s_hash;
 $do_f[6] = 1;

sub do_all_ubbc {
 my ($self,$message) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER do_all_ubbc' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $msg = defined $message ? $message : '';
 if ($msg) {
  $msg = $self->script_escape($msg,'') if $AUBBC{script_escape};
  $msg =~ s/&(?!\#?\w+;)/&amp;/g if $AUBBC{fix_amp};
  if (!$AUBBC{no_bypass} && $msg =~ m/\A\#no/) {
   $do_f[4] = 0 if $msg =~ s/\A\#none//;
   if ($do_f[4]) {
   $do_f[0] = 0 if $msg =~ s/\A\#noubbc//;
   $do_f[1] = 0 if $msg =~ s/\A\#nobuild//;
   $do_f[2] = 0 if $msg =~ s/\A\#noutf//;
   $do_f[3] = 0 if $msg =~ s/\A\#nosmileys//;
   warn 'START no_bypass' if $DEBUG_AUBBC && !$do_f[4];
  if ($do_f[4]) {
   escape_aubbc() if $AUBBC{aubbc_escape};
   if (!$AUBBC{for_links}) {
    do_ubbc($msg) if $do_f[0] && $AUBBC{aubbc};
    do_build_tag() if $do_f[5] && $do_f[1];
   do_unicode() if $do_f[2] && $AUBBC{utf};
   do_smileys() if $do_f[6] && $do_f[3] && $AUBBC{smileys};
 $msg =~ tr/\000//d if $AUBBC{aubbc_escape};
 return $msg;

sub fix_message {
 my $txt = shift;
 $txt =~ s/\./&#46;/g;
 $txt =~ s/\:/&#58;/g;
 return $txt;
sub escape_aubbc {
 warn 'ENTER escape_aubbc' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $msg =~ s/\[\[/\000&#91;/g;
 $msg =~ s/\]\]/\000&#93;/g;

sub script_escape {
 my ($self, $text, $option) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER html_escape' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $text = '' unless defined $text;
 if ($text) {
  $text =~ s/(&|;)/$1 eq '&' ? '&amp;' : '&#59;'/ge;
  if (!$option) {
   $text =~ s/\t/ \&nbsp; \&nbsp; \&nbsp;/g;
   $text =~ s/  / \&nbsp;/g;
  $text =~ s/"/&#34;/g;
  $text =~ s/</&#60;/g;
  $text =~ s/>/&#62;/g;
  $text =~ s/'/&#39;/g;
  $text =~ s/\)/&#41;/g;
  $text =~ s/\(/&#40;/g;
  $text =~ s/\\/&#92;/g;
  $text =~ s/\|/&#124;/g;
  ! $option && $AUBBC{line_break} eq '2'
   ? $text =~ s/\n/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>/g
   : $text =~ s/\n/<br$AUBBC{html_type}>\n/g if !$option && $AUBBC{line_break} eq '1';
  return $text;

sub html_to_text {
 my ($self, $html, $option) = @_;
 warn 'ENTER html_to_text' if $DEBUG_AUBBC;
 $html = '' unless defined $html;
 if ($html) {
  $html =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
  $html =~ s/&#59;/;/g;
  if (!$option) {
   $html =~ s/ \&nbsp; \&nbsp; \&nbsp;/\t/g;
   $html =~ s/ \&nbsp;/  /g;
  $html =~ s/&#34;/"/g;
  $html =~ s/&#60;/</g;
  $html =~ s/&#62;/>/g;
  $html =~ s/&#39;/'/g;
  $html =~ s/&#41;/\)/g;
  $html =~ s/&#40;/\(/g;
  $html =~ s/&#92;/\\/g;
  $html =~ s/&#124;/\|/g;
  $html =~ s/<br(?:\s?\/)?>\n?/\n/g if $AUBBC{line_break};
  return $html;

sub version {
 my $self = shift;
 return $VERSION;

sub aubbc_error {
 my ($self, $error) = @_;
 defined $error && $error
  ? $aubbc_error .= $error . "\n"
  : return $aubbc_error;




=head1 COPYLEFT, v4.06 4/12/2011 By: N.K.A.

Advanced Universal Bulletin Board Code a Perl BBcode API

shakaflex [at]

Development Notes: Highlighting functions list and tags/commands for more
language highlighters. Ideas make some new tags like [perl] or have a command in the code
tag like [code]perl:print 'perl';[/code] with a default highlighting method if
a command was not used. Then highlighting of many types of code could be allowed
even markup like HTML.

Notes: This code has a lot of settings and works good
with most default settings see the POD and example files
in the archive for usage.

=head1 NAME



  use AUBBC;
  my $aubbc = AUBBC->new();

  my $message = 'Lets [b]Bold in HTML[/b]';

  print $aubbc->do_all_ubbc($message);


Advanced Universal Bulletin Board Code a Perl BBcode API


AUBBC is a object oriented BBcode API designed as a developers tool for themes, wiki's, forums and other BBcode to HTML Parser needs.


1) Massive amount of supported tags.

2) Build your own tags to add custom made tags.

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