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    highlight_class9    => '',
my @security_levels = ('Guest', 'User', 'Moderator','Administrator');
my ($user_level, $high_level, $user_key) = ('Guest', 3, 0);
my %Tag_SecLVL = (
    code                => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },
    img                 => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },
    url                 => { level => 0, text => $BAD_MESSAGE, },

sub security_levels {
 my ($self,@s_levels) = @_;
 $do_f[10] = 0;
  ? @security_levels = @s_levels
  : return @security_levels;

sub user_level {
 my ($self,$u_level) = @_;
 $do_f[10] = 0;
 defined $u_level
  ? $user_level = $u_level
  : return $user_level;

sub tag_security {
 my ($self,%s_tags) = @_;
  ? %Tag_SecLVL = %s_tags
  : return %Tag_SecLVL;

sub check_access {
 my $tag = shift;
 unless ($do_f[10]) {
  $do_f[10] = 1;
  ($high_level, $user_key) = (scalar(@security_levels), 0);

  for(my $i = 0; $i < $high_level;) {
   if ($security_levels[$i] eq $user_level) {
    $user_key = $i;

README  view on Meta::CPAN

        pattern  => '',
        type     => 4,
        function => 'Hello World!',
  my $message = '[ok://test me] [ok://test other] [ok://n0 w00rk] [ip] [agent] [hello]';

  $message = $aubbc->do_all_ubbc($message);

  print $message;

  sub check_ok_tag {
  my ($tag_name, $text_from_AUBBC) = @_;

   if ($text_from_AUBBC eq 'test me') {
        return 'Works Good 1';
         else {
               return 'Works Good 2';

  sub get_some_tag {
  my ($tag_name, $text_from_AUBBC) = @_;
  $tag_name = lc($tag_name);
  $text_from_AUBBC = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} if ($tag_name eq 'ip');
  $text_from_AUBBC = $aubbc->script_escape($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}) if ($tag_name eq 'agent');
  return $text_from_AUBBC;


=head2 $aubbc->remove_build_tag($name, $option);

examples/Database_Manipulation.cgi  view on Meta::CPAN

# The message will have some characters that would normaly brake some database
# structures, cause risky errors or be html.

my $message = <<FORM;
<i>This will not work</i>
Brake the database |||| ''''''''''' """"""

sub saving_data {
# This is to show how to save the user input safely to your backend
# you will need to use a module like CGI or what ever is out there
# to recive the HTML form data lets say the data is in $message

# Befor the data can be saved you will have to use the script_escape method on $message

$message = $aubbc->script_escape($message);

# Then save $message to your database, extra security methods maybe required or desired
# depending on the type of backend used.......


sub editing_data {
# This will be a two part subroutine. This first one will get the message from
# the backend and display the data in a HTML form to be edited lets say its
# in variable $form_data

# Since this gets into sandboxing the html_to_text method you may want
# to play with settings for other view's or can skip the form feilds sandboxing
# the option 1 for html_to_text is needed to not convert &, spaces, tab's

$form_data = $aubbc->html_to_text( $form_data );

# Now $form_data can be printed in the form feild
# When the HTML form is submitted we fictitiously sent the edited data to editing_data2
# of this file to be saved

sub editing_data2 {
# Part 2 of editing data, you will need to use a module like CGI or what ever is out there
# to recive the HTML form data

# Before the HTML form data can be saved you will have to use the script_escape
# method on the variable that holds the HTML form data lets say its $message2

$message2 = $aubbc->script_escape($message2);

# Then save it to your database, extra security methods maybe required or desired
# depending on the type of backend used.......


sub display_data {
# Get the data from the backend lets say we did that and its in $message3
# use do_all_ubbc on $message3 and now $message3 is ready to be printed in HTML.
$message3 = $aubbc->do_all_ubbc($message3);

# Here you would want to print the propper HTML headers and elements with $message3 in it
# or return the variable, how ever you want to make it!!

examples/Mixing_HTML_and_BBcode.cgi  view on Meta::CPAN


<aubbc> [b]Full AUBBC support[/b]
<i>This will not work</i> [i]This will work[/i]
[b]Work[/b] <b>Not Work</b>

sub saving_data {
# This is to show how to save the user input safely to your backend
# you will need to use a module like CGI or what ever is out there
# to recive the HTML form data lets say the data is in $message

# Befor the data can be saved you will have to use the script_escape method on $message
# But not on the hole $message, so I use this filter to get the <aubbc> tag

$message =~ s/(<aubbc>(?s)(.*?)<\/aubbc>)/
        my $ret = $aubbc->script_escape( $2 );
        $ret ? '<aubbc>'.$ret."<\/aubbc>" : $1;

# Then save $message to your database, extra security methods maybe required or desired
# depending on the type of backend used.......


sub editing_data {
# This will be a two part subroutine. This first one will get the message from
# the backend and display the data in a HTML form to be edited lets say its
# in variable $form_data

# Since this gets into sandboxing the script_escape method you may want
# to play with settings for other view's or can skip the form feilds sandboxing
# the option 1 for script_escape is needed to not convert spaces, tab's, new lines

$form_data =~ s/(<aubbc>(?s)(.*?)<\/aubbc>)/
        my $ret = $aubbc->html_to_text( $2 );
        $ret ? '<aubbc>'.$ret."<\/aubbc>" : $1;
$form_data = $aubbc->script_escape( $form_data, 1 );

# Now $form_data can be printed in the form feild
# When the HTML form is submitted we fictitiously sent the edited data to editing_data2
# of this file to be saved

sub editing_data2 {
# Part 2 of editing data, you will need to use a module like CGI or what ever is out there
# to recive the HTML form data

# Before the HTML form data can be saved you will have to use the script_escape
# method with the regex on the variable that holds the HTML form data lets say its $message2

$message2 =~ s/(<aubbc>(?s)(.*?)<\/aubbc>)/
        my $ret = $aubbc->script_escape( $2 );
        $ret ? '<aubbc>'.$ret."<\/aubbc>" : $1;

# Then save it to your database, extra security methods maybe required or desired
# depending on the type of backend used.......


sub display_data {
# Get the data from the backend lets say we did that and its in $message3
# use do_all_ubbc on $message3 and

$message3 = $aubbc->do_all_ubbc($message3);

# Before you print we want to remove the <aubbc> home made element
$message3 =~ s{\<\/?aubbc\>}{}g;

# now $message3 is ready to be printed in HTML.
# Here you would want to print the propper HTML headers and elements with $message3 in it

examples/  view on Meta::CPAN


[b]Unicode Support[/b][br]
[utf://#x3A3]] = [utf://#x3A3][br]
[utf://#0931]] = [utf://#0931][br]
[utf://iquest]] = [utf://iquest][br]

sub create_pb {
use Parse::BBCode;
$loaded{'Parse::BBCode'} = Parse::BBCode->VERSION;
    my $pb = Parse::BBCode->new();
    return $pb;

sub create_hb {
use HTML::BBCode;
$loaded{'HTML::BBCode'} = HTML::BBCode->VERSION;
    my $bbc  = HTML::BBCode->new();
    return $bbc;

sub create_bp {
use BBCode::Parser;
$loaded{'BBCode::Parser'} = BBCode::Parser->VERSION;
    my $parser = BBCode::Parser->new(follow_links => 1);
    return $parser;

sub create_bbr {
use HTML::BBReverse;
$loaded{'HTML::BBReverse'} = HTML::BBReverse->VERSION;
my $bbr = HTML::BBReverse->new();
return $bbr;

sub create_au {
use AUBBC;
#use Memoize;
my $au = AUBBC->new();
return $au;

my $pb = &create_pb;
my $bp = &create_bp;

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