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# $Id:,v 0.89 2000/08/12 01:05:27 josiah Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2000  Josiah Bryan  USA
# See AUTHOR section in pod text below for usage and distribution rights.   
# See UPDATES section in pod text below for info on what has changed in this release.

	$AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::VERSION = "0.89";

# name:   AI::NeuralNet::BackProp
# author: Josiah Bryan 
# date:   Tuesday August 15 2000
# desc:   A simple back-propagation, feed-foward neural network with
#		  learning implemented via a generalization of Dobbs rule and
#		  several principals of Hoppfield networks. 
# online:

package AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::neuron;
	use strict;
	# Dummy constructor
    sub new {
    	bless {}, shift
	# Rounds floats to ints
	sub intr  {
    	shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::');
      	try   { return int(sprintf("%.0f",shift)) }
      	catch { return 0 }
	# Receives input from other neurons. They must
	# be registered as a synapse of this neuron to effectively
	# input.
	sub input {
		my $self 	 =	shift;
		my $sid		 =	shift;
		my $value	 =	shift;
		# We simply weight the value sent by the neuron. The neuron identifies itself to us
		# using the code we gave it when it registered itself with us. The code is in $sid, 
		# (synapse ID) and we use that to track the weight of the connection.
		# This line simply multiplies the value by its weight and gets the integer from it.
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{VALUE}	=	intr($value	*	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{WEIGHT});
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{FIRED}	=	1;                                 
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{INPUT}	=	$value;
		# Debugger
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("\nRecieved input of $value, weighted to $self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{VALUE}, synapse weight is $self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{WEIGHT} (sid is $sid for $self).\n");
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1((($self->input_complete())?"All synapses have fired":"Not all synapses have fired"));
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1(" for $self.\n");
		# Check and see if all synapses have fired that are connected to this one.
		# If they have, then generate the output value for this synapse.
		$self->output() if($self->input_complete());
	# Loops thru and outputs to every neuron that this
	# neuron is registered as synapse of.
	sub output {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $size	=	$self->{OUTPUTS}->{SIZE} || 0;
		my $value	=	$self->get_output();
		for (0..$size-1) {
			AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("Outputing to $self->{OUTPUTS}->{LIST}->[$_]->{PKG}, index $_, a value of $value with ID $self->{OUTPUTS}->{LIST}->[$_]->{ID}.\n");
	# Used internally by output().
	sub get_output {
		my $self		=	shift;
		my $size		=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{SIZE} || 0;
		my $value		=	0;
		my $state		= 	0;
		my (@map,@weight);
	    # We loop through all the syanpses connected to this one and add the weighted
	    # valyes together, saving in a debugging list.
		for (0..$size-1) {
			$value	+=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$_]->{VALUE};
			$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$_]->{FIRED} = 0;
		# Debugger
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::join_cols(\@map,5) if(($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 3) || ($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 2));
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out2("Weights: ".join(" ",@weight)."\n");
		# Simply average the values and get the integer of the average.
		$state	=	intr($value/$size);
		# Debugger
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("From get_output, value is $value, so state is $state.\n");
		# Possible future exapnsion for self excitation. Not currently used.
		$self->{LAST_VALUE}	=	$value;
		# Just return the $state
		return $state;
	# Used by input() to check if all registered synapses have fired.
	sub input_complete {
		my $self		=	shift;
		my $size		=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{SIZE} || 0;
		my $retvalue	=	1;
		# Very simple loop. Doesn't need explaning.
		for (0..$size-1) {
			$retvalue = 0 if(!$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$_]->{FIRED});
		return $retvalue;
	# Used to recursively adjust the weights of synapse input channeles
	# to give a desired value. Designed to be called via 
	# AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::NeuralNetwork::learn().
	sub weight	{                
		my $self		=	shift;
		my $ammount		=	shift;
		my $what		=	shift;
		my $size		=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{SIZE} || 0;
		my $value;
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("Weight: ammount is $ammount, what is $what with size at $size.\n");
		# Now this sub is the main cog in the learning wheel. It is called recursively on 
		# each neuron that has been bad (given incorrect output.)
		for my $i (0..$size-1) {
			$value		=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$i]->{VALUE};

if(0) {
       		# Formula by Steve Purkis
       		# Converges very fast for low-value inputs. Has trouble converging on high-value
       		# inputs. Feel free to play and try to get to work for high values.
			my $delta	=	$ammount * ($what - $value) * $self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$i]->{INPUT};
			$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$i]->{WEIGHT}  +=  $delta;
			# This formula in use by default is original by me (Josiah Bryan) as far as I know.
			# If it is equal, then don't adjust
			### Disabled because this soemtimes causes 
			### infinte loops when learning with range limits enabled
			#next if($value eq $what);
			# Adjust increment by the weight of the synapse of 
			# this neuron & apply direction delta
			my $delta = 
					$ammount * 
						($value<$what?1:-1) * 
			#print "($value,$what) delta:$delta\n";
			# Recursivly apply
			$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$i]->{WEIGHT}  +=  $delta;
	# Registers some neuron as a synapse of this neuron.           
	# This is called exclusively by connect(), except for
	# in initalize_group() to connect the _map() package.
	sub register_synapse {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $synapse	=	shift;
		my $sid		=	$self->{SYNAPSES}->{SIZE} || 0;
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{PKG}		=	$synapse;
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{WEIGHT}		=	1.00		if(!$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{WEIGHT});
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{FIRED}		=	0;       
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("$self: Registering sid $sid with weight $self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{WEIGHT}, package $self->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$sid]->{PKG}.\n");
		$self->{SYNAPSES}->{SIZE} = ++$sid;
		return ($sid-1);
	# Called via AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::NeuralNetwork::initialize_group() to 
	# form the neuron grids.
	# This just registers another synapes as a synapse to output to from this one, and
	# then we ask that synapse to let us register as an input connection and we
	# save the sid that the ouput synapse returns.
	sub connect {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $to		=	shift;
		my $oid		=	$self->{OUTPUTS}->{SIZE} || 0;
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out1("Connecting $self to $to at $oid...\n");
		$self->{OUTPUTS}->{LIST}->[$oid]->{PKG}	=	$to;
 		$self->{OUTPUTS}->{LIST}->[$oid]->{ID}	=	$to->register_synapse($self);
		$self->{OUTPUTS}->{SIZE} = ++$oid;
		return $self->{OUTPUTS}->{LIST}->[$oid]->{ID};
package AI::NeuralNet::BackProp;
	use Benchmark;          
	use strict;
	# Returns the number of elements in an array ref, undef on error
		my $a=$_[0];
		my ($b,$x);
		return undef if(substr($a,0,5) ne "ARRAY");
		foreach $b (@{$a}) { $x++ };
		return $x;

	# Debugging subs
	$AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG  = 0;
	sub whowasi { (caller(1))[3] . '()' }
	sub debug { shift; $AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG = shift || 0; } 
	sub out1  { print  shift() if ($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 1) }
	sub out2  { print  shift() if (($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 1) || ($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 2)) }
	sub out3  { print  shift() if ($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG) }
	sub out4  { print  shift() if ($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG eq 4) }
	# Rounds a floating-point to an integer with int() and sprintf()
	sub intr  {
    	shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::');
      	try   { return int(sprintf("%.0f",shift)) }
      	catch { return 0 }
	# Used to format array ref into columns
	# Usage: 
	#	join_cols(\@array,$row_length_in_elements,$high_state_character,$low_state_character);
	# Can also be called as method of your neural net.
	# If $high_state_character is null, prints actual numerical values of each element.
	sub join_cols {
		no strict 'refs';
		shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $map		=	shift;
		my $break   =	shift;
		my $a		=	shift;
		my $b		=	shift;
		my $x;
		foreach my $el (@{$map}) { 
			my $str = ((int($el))?$a:$b);
			$str=$el."\0" if(!$a);
			print $str;
			if($x>$break-1) {
				print "\n";
		print "\n";
	# Returns percentage difference between all elements of two
	# array refs of exact same length (in elements).
	# Now calculates actual difference in numerical value.
	sub pdiff {
		no strict 'refs';
		shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $a1	=	shift;
		my $a2	=	shift;
		my $a1s	=	$#{$a1}; #AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::_FETCHSIZE($a1);
		my $a2s	=	$#{$a2}; #AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::_FETCHSIZE($a2);
		my ($a,$b,$diff,$t);
		#return undef if($a1s ne $a2s);	# must be same length
		for my $x (0..$a1s) {
			$a = $a1->[$x];
			$b = $a2->[$x];
			if($a!=$b) {
				$a=1 if(!$a);
		$a1s = 1 if(!$a1s);
		return sprintf("%.10f",($diff/$a1s));
	# Returns $fa as a percentage of $fb
	sub p {
		shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my ($fa,$fb)=(shift,shift);
	# This sub will take an array ref of a data set, which it expects in this format:
	#   my @data_set = (	[ ...inputs... ], [ ...outputs ... ],
	#				   				   ... rows ...
	#				   );
	# This wil sub returns the percentage of 'forgetfullness' when the net learns all the
	# data in the set in order. Usage:
	#	 learn_set(\@data,[ options ]);
	# Options are options in hash form. They can be of any form that $net->learn takes.
	# It returns a percentage string.
	sub learn_set {
		my $self	=	shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $data	=	shift;
		my %args	=	@_;
		my $len		=	$#{$data}/2-1;
		my $inc		=	$args{inc};
		my $max		=	$args{max};
	    my $error	=	$args{error};
	    my $p		=	(defined $args{flag})	?$args{flag}	   :1;
	    my $row		=	(defined $args{pattern})?$args{pattern}*2+1:1;
	    my ($fa,$fb);
		for my $x (0..$len) {
			print "\nLearning index $x...\n" if($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG);
			my $str = $self->learn( $data->[$x*2],			# The list of data to input to the net
					  		  		$data->[$x*2+1], 		# The output desired
					    			inc=>$inc,				# The starting learning gradient
					    			max=>$max,				# The maximum num of loops allowed
					    			error=>$error);			# The maximum (%) error allowed
			print $str if($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG); 
		my $res;
		$data->[$row] = $self->crunch($data->[$row]) if($data->[$row] == 0);
		if ($p) {
		} else {
		return $res;
	# This sub will take an array ref of a data set, which it expects in this format:
	#   my @data_set = (	[ ...inputs... ], [ ...outputs ... ],
	#				   				   ... rows ...
	#				   );
	# This wil sub returns the percentage of 'forgetfullness' when the net learns all the
	# data in the set in RANDOM order. Usage:
	#	 learn_set_rand(\@data,[ options ]);
	# Options are options in hash form. They can be of any form that $net->learn takes.
	# It returns a true value.
	sub learn_set_rand {
		my $self	=	shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $data	=	shift;
		my %args	=	@_;
		my $len		=	$#{$data}/2-1;
		my $inc		=	$args{inc};
		my $max		=	$args{max};
	    my $error	=	$args{error};
	    my @learned;
		while(1) {
			my $x=$self->intr(rand()*$len);
			goto _GET_X if($learned[$x]);
			print "\nLearning index $x...\n" if($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG); 
			my $str =  $self->learn($data->[$x*2],			# The list of data to input to the net
					  		  		$data->[$x*2+1], 		# The output desired
					    			inc=>$inc,				# The starting learning gradient
			 		    			max=>$max,				# The maximum num of loops allowed
					    			error=>$error);			# The maximum (%) error allowed
			print $str if($AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::DEBUG); 
		return 1; 

	# Returns the index of the element in array REF passed with the highest comparative value
	sub high {
		shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $ref1	=	shift;
		my ($el,$len,$tmp);
		foreach $el (@{$ref1}) {
		for my $x (0..$len-1) {
			$tmp = $x if((@{$ref1})[$x] > (@{$ref1})[$tmp]);
		return $tmp;
	# Returns the index of the element in array REF passed with the lowest comparative value
	sub low {
		shift if(substr($_[0],0,4) eq 'AI::'); 
		my $ref1	=	shift;
		my ($el,$len,$tmp);
		foreach $el (@{$ref1}) {
		for my $x (0..$len-1) {
			$tmp = $x if((@{$ref1})[$x] < (@{$ref1})[$tmp]);
		return $tmp;
	# Returns a pcx object
	sub load_pcx {
		my $self	=	shift;
		return AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::PCX->new($self,shift);
	# Crunch a string of words into a map
	sub crunch {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my (@map,$ic);
		my @ws 		=	split(/[\s\t]/,shift);
		for my $a (0..$#ws) {
			if(!defined $ic) {
			} else {
		return \@map;
	# Finds if a word has been crunched.
	# Returns undef on failure, word index for success.
	sub crunched {
		my $self	=	shift;
		for my $a (0..$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{_LENGTH}-1) {
			return $a+1 if($self->{_CRUNCHED}->{LIST}->[$a] eq $_[0]);
		return undef;
	# Alias for crunched(), above
	sub word { crunched(@_) }
	# Uncrunches a map (array ref) into an array of words (not an array ref) and returns array
	sub uncrunch {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $map = shift;
		my ($c,$el,$x);
		foreach $el (@{$map}) {
			$c .= $self->{_CRUNCHED}->{LIST}->[$el-1].' ';
		return $c;
	# Sets/gets randomness facter in the network. Setting a value of 0 disables random factors.
	sub random {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $rand	=	shift;
		return $self->{random}	if(!(defined $rand));
		$self->{random}	=	$rand;
	# Sets/gets column width for printing lists in debug modes 1,3, and 4.
	sub col_width {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $width	=	shift;
		return $self->{col_width}	if(!$width);
		$self->{col_width}	=	$width;
	# Sets/Removes value ranging
	sub range {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $ref		=	shift;
		my $b		=	shift;
		if(substr($ref,0,5) ne "ARRAY") {
			if(($ref == 0) && (!defined $b)) {
				$ref	= $self->crunch($ref);
				#print "\$ref is a string, crunching to ",join(',',@{$ref}),"\n";
			} else {
    			my $a	= $ref;
    			$a		= $self->crunch($a)->[0] if($a == 0);
				$b		= $self->crunch($b)->[0] if($b == 0);
				$_[++$#_] = $a;
    			$_[++$#_] = $b;
    			$ref	= \@_;
				#print "Found ranged definition, joined to ",join(',',@{$ref}),"\n";
		my $rA		=	0;
		my $rB		=	$#{$ref};
		my $rS		=	0; #shift;
		if(!$rA && !$rB) {
			return undef;
		if($rB<$rA){my $t=$rA;$rA=$rB;$rB=$t};
		$self->{rS}=$rS if($rS);
		$self->{rRef} = $ref;
		return $ref;
	# Used internally to scale outputs to fit range
	sub _range {
		my $self	=	shift;  
		my $in		=	shift;
		my $rA		=	$self->{rA};
		my $rB		=	$self->{rB};
		my $rS		=	$self->{rS};
		my $r		=	$rB;#-$rA+1;
		return $in if(!$rA && !$rB);
		my $l		=	$self->{OUT}-1;
		my $out 	=	[];
		# Adjust for a maximum outside what we have seen so far
		for my $i (0..$l) {
			$rS=$in->[$i] if($in->[$i]>$rS);
		#print "\$l:$l,\$rA:$rA,\$rB:$rB,\$rS:$rS,\$r:$r\n";
		# Loop through, convert values to percentage of maximum, then multiply
		# percentage by range and add to base of range to get finaly value
		for my $i (0..$l) {
			#print "\$i:$i,\$in:$in->[$i]\n";
			$rS=1 if(!$rS);
			my $t=intr((($rS-$in->[$i])/$rS)*$r+$rA);
			#print "t:$t,$self->{rRef}->[$t],i:$i\n";
			$out->[$i] = $self->{rRef}->[$t];
		return $out;
	# Initialzes the base for a new neural network.
	# It is recomended that you call learn() before run()ing a pattern.
	# See documentation above for usage.
	sub new {
    	no strict;
    	my $type	=	shift;
		my $self	=	{};
		my $layers	=	shift;
		my $size	=	shift;
		my $out		=	shift || $size;
		my $flag	=	shift || 0;
		bless $self, $type;
		# If $layers is a string, then it will be nummerically equal to 0, so try to load it
		# as a network file.
		if($layers == 0) {  
		    # We use a "1" flag as the second argument to indicate that we want load()
		    # to call the new constructor to make a network the same size as in the file
		    # and return a refrence to the network, instead of just creating the network from
		    # pre-exisiting refrence
			return $self->load($layers,1);
		#print "Creating $size neurons in each layer for $layers layer(s)...\n";
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out2 "Creating $size neurons in each layer for $layers layer(s)...\n";
		# Error checking
		return undef if($out>$size);
		# When this is called, they tell us howmany layers and neurons in each layer.
		# But really what we store is a long line of neurons that are only divided in theory
		# when connecting the outputs and inputs.
		my $div = $size;
		my $size = $layers * $size;
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out2 "Creating RUN and MAP systems for network...\n";
		#print "Creating RUN and MAP systems for network...\n";
		# Create a new runner and mapper for the network.
		$self->{RUN} = new AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::_run($self);
		$self->{MAP} = new AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::_map($self);
		$self->{SIZE}	=	$size;
		$self->{DIV}	=	$div;
		$self->{OUT}	=	$out;
		$self->{FLAG}	=	$flag;
		$self->{col_width}= 5;
		$self->{random} = 0.001;
		return $self;

	# Save entire network state to disk.
	sub save {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $file	=	shift;
		my $size	=	$self->{SIZE};
		my $div		=	$self->{DIV};
		my $out		=	$self->{OUT};
		my $flag	=	$self->{FLAG};

	    print FILE "size=$size\n";
	    print FILE "div=$div\n";
	    print FILE "out=$out\n";
	    print FILE "flag=$flag\n";
	    print FILE "rand=$self->{random}\n";
	    print FILE "cw=$self->{col_width}\n";
		print FILE "crunch=$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{_LENGTH}\n";
		print FILE "rA=$self->{rA}\n";
		print FILE "rB=$self->{rB}\n";
		print FILE "rS=$self->{rS}\n";
		print FILE "rRef=",(($self->{rRef})?join(',',@{$self->{rRef}}):''),"\n";
		for my $a (0..$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{_LENGTH}-1) {
			print FILE "c$a=$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{LIST}->[$a]\n";
		my $w;
		for my $a (0..$self->{SIZE}-1) {
			for my $b (0..$self->{DIV}-1) {
				$w .= "$self->{NET}->[$a]->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$b]->{WEIGHT},";
			print FILE "n$a=$w\n";
	    return $self;
	# Load entire network state from disk.
	sub load {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $file	=	shift;
		my $load_flag = shift || 0;
	    return undef if(!(-f $file));
	    my @lines=<FILE>;
	    my %db;
	    for my $line (@lines) {
	    	my ($a,$b) = split /=/, $line;
	    return undef if(!$db{"size"});
	    if($load_flag) {
		    undef $self;
			# Create new network
		    $self = AI::NeuralNet::BackProp->new(intr($db{"size"}/$db{"div"}),
		} else {
			$self->{DIV}	=	$db{"div"};
			$self->{SIZE}	=	$db{"size"};
			$self->{OUT}	=	$db{"out"};
			$self->{FLAG}	=	$db{"flag"};
	    # Load variables
	    $self->{col_width}	= $db{"cw"};
	    $self->{random}		= $db{"rand"};
        $self->{rA}			= $db{"rA"};
		$self->{rB}			= $db{"rB"};
		$self->{rS}			= $db{"rS"};
		my @tmp				= split /\,/, $db{"rRef"};
		$self->{rRef}		= \@tmp;
	   	$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{_LENGTH}	=	$db{"crunch"};
		for my $a (0..$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{_LENGTH}-1) {
			$self->{_CRUNCHED}->{LIST}->[$a] = $db{"c$a"}; 
		my ($w,@l);
		for my $a (0..$self->{SIZE}-1) {
			@l=split /\,/, $w;
			for my $b (0..$self->{DIV}-1) {
	    return $self;

	# Dumps the complete weight matrix of the network to STDIO
	sub show {
		my $self	=	shift;
		for my $a (0..$self->{SIZE}-1) {
			print "Neuron $a: ";
			for my $b (0..$self->{DIV}-1) {
				print $self->{NET}->[$a]->{SYNAPSES}->{LIST}->[$b]->{WEIGHT},"\t";
			print "\n";
	# Used internally by new() and learn().
	# This is the sub block that actually creats
	# the connections between the synapse chains and
	# also connects the run packages and the map packages
	# to the appropiate ends of the neuron grids.
	sub initialize_group() {
		my $self	=	shift;
		my $size	=	$self->{SIZE};
		my $div		=	$self->{DIV};
		my $out		=	$self->{OUT};
		my $flag	=	$self->{FLAG};
		my $x		=	0; 
		my $y		=	0;
		# Reset map and run synapse counters.
		$self->{RUN}->{REGISTRATION} = $self->{MAP}->{REGISTRATION} = 0;
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out2 "There will be $size neurons in this network group, with a divison value of $div.\n";
		#print "There will be $size neurons in this network group, with a divison value of $div.\n";
		# Create initial neuron packages in one long array for the entire group
		for($y=0; $y<$size; $y++) {
			#print "Initalizing neuron $y...     \r";
			$self->{NET}->[$y]=new AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::neuron();
		AI::NeuralNet::BackProp::out2 "Creating synapse grid...\n";
		my $z  = 0;    
		my $aa = 0;
		my ($n0,$n1,$n2);
		# Outer loop loops over every neuron in group, incrementing by the number
		# of neurons supposed to be in each layer
		for($y=0; $y<$size; $y+=$div) {
			if($y+$div>=$size) {
			# Inner loop connects every neuron in this 'layer' to one input of every neuron in
			# the next 'layer'. Remeber, layers only exist in terms of where the connections
			# are divided. For example, if a person requested 2 layers and 3 neurons per layer,
			# then there would be 6 neurons in the {NET}->[] list, and $div would be set to
			# 3. So we would loop over and every 3 neurons we would connect each of those 3 
			# neurons to one input of every neuron in the next set of 3 neurons. Of course, this
			# is an example. 3 and 2 are set by the new() constructor.
			# Flag values:
			# 0 - (default) - 
			# 	My feed-foward style: Each neuron in layer X is connected to one input of every
			#	neuron in layer Y. The best and most proven flag style.
			#   ^   ^   ^               
			#	O\  O\ /O       Layer Y
			#   ^\\/^/\/^
			#	| //|\/\|
			#   |/ \|/ \|		
			#	O   O   O       Layer X
			#   ^   ^   ^
			# 1	-
			#	In addition to flag 0, each neuron in layer X is connected to every input of 
			#	the neurons ahead of itself in layer X.
			# 2 - ("L-U Style") - 
			#	No, its not "Learning-Unit" style. It gets its name from this: In a 2 layer, 3

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