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my @weightsHO;


#********** THIS IS THE MAIN PROGRAM **************************

sub main

 # initiate the weights

 # load in the data

 # train the network
    for(my $j = 0;$j <= $numEpochs;$j++)

lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

use AI::NNFlex::Mathlib;
use base qw(AI::NNFlex::Mathlib);

# AI::NNFlex::new
sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $network={};
	bless $network,$class;

	# intercept the new style 'empty network' constructor call
	# Maybe I should deprecate the old one, but its convenient, provided you
	# can follow the mess of hashes
	if (!grep /HASH/,@_)

lib/AI/NNFlex/  view on Meta::CPAN


package AI::NNFlex::Backprop;
use AI::NNFlex;
use AI::NNFlex::Feedforward;
use base qw(AI::NNFlex::Feedforward AI::NNFlex);
use strict;

sub calc_error
	my $network = shift;

	my $outputPatternRef = shift;
	my @outputPattern = @$outputPatternRef;

	my @debug = @{$network->{'debug'}};

	if (scalar @debug > 0)
	{$network->dbug ("Output pattern @outputPattern received by Backprop",4);}

lib/AI/NNFlex/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
package AI::NNFlex::Dataset;

# AI::NNFlex::Dataset::new
sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $params = shift;
	my $dataset;
	if ($class =~ /HASH/)
		$dataset = $class;
		$dataset->{'data'} = $params;
		return 1;

lib/AI/NNFlex/  view on Meta::CPAN

# The hopfield network has connections from every
# node to every other node, rather than being 
# arranged in distinct layers like a feedforward
# network. We can retain the layer architecture to
# give us blocks of nodes, but need to overload init
# to perform full connections
sub init

	my $network = shift;
	my @nodes;

	# Get a list of all the nodes in the network
	foreach my $layer (@{$network->{'layers'}})
		foreach my $node (@{$layer->{'nodes'}})

lib/AI/NNFlex/  view on Meta::CPAN

#Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Charles Colbourn. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

package AI::NNFlex::Mathlib;
use strict;

# tanh activation function
sub tanh

	my $network = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	my @debug = @{$network->{'debug'}};

	my $a = exp($value);
	my $b = exp(-$value);
   if ($value > 20){ $value=1;}

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