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package AI::Genetic::Pro;
$AI::Genetic::Pro::VERSION = '1.009';

use warnings;
use strict;
use base 							qw( Class::Accessor::Fast::XS );
use Carp;
use Clone 							qw( clone );
use Struct::Compare;
use Digest::MD5 					qw( md5_hex );
use List::Util 						qw( sum );
use List::MoreUtils 				qw( minmax first_index apply );
#use Data::Dumper; 					$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
use Tie::Array::Packed;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use AI::Genetic::Pro::Array::Type 	qw( get_package_by_element_size );
use AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome;
	parents 		_parents 
	history 		_history
	fitness 		_fitness 		_fitness_real
	mutation 		_mutator
	strategy 		_strategist
	selection 		_selector 
	strict			_strict
# Additional modules
use constant STORABLE	=> 'Storable';
use constant GD 		=> 'GD::Graph::linespoints'; 
my $_Cache = { };
my $_temp_chromosome;
sub new {
	my ( $class, %args ) = ( shift, @_ );
	my %opts = map { if(ref $_){$_}else{ /^-?(.*)$/o; $1 }} @_;
	my $self = bless \%opts, $class;
	$AI::Genetic::Pro::Array::Type::Native = 1 if $self->native;
	croak(q/Type of chromosomes cannot be "combination" if "variable length" feature is active!/)
		if $self->type eq q/combination/ and $self->variable_length;
	croak(q/You must specify a crossover strategy with -strategy!/)
		unless defined ($self->strategy);
	croak(q/Type of chromosomes cannot be "combination" if strategy is not one of: OX, PMX!/)
		if $self->type eq q/combination/ and ($self->strategy->[0] ne q/OX/ and $self->strategy->[0] ne q/PMX/);
	croak(q/Strategy cannot be "/,$self->strategy->[0],q/" if "variable length" feature is active!/ )
		if ($self->strategy->[0] eq 'PMX' or $self->strategy->[0] eq 'OX') and $self->variable_length;
	$self->_set_strict if $self->strict;

	return $self unless $self->mce;

	delete $self->{ mce };
	'AI::Genetic::Pro::MCE'->use or die q[Cannot raise multicore support: ] . $@;
	return AI::Genetic::Pro::MCE->new( $self, \%args );
sub _Cache { $_Cache; }
# INIT #################################################################
sub _set_strict {
	my ($self) = @_;
	# fitness
	my $fitness = $self->fitness();
	my $replacement = sub {
		my @tmp = @{$_[1]};
		my $ret = $fitness->(@_);
		my @cmp = @{$_[1]};
		die qq/Chromosome was modified in a fitness function from "@tmp" to "@{$_[1]}"!\n/ unless compare(\@tmp, \@cmp);
		return $ret;
sub _fitness_cached {
	my ($self, $chromosome) = @_;
	#my $key = md5_hex(${tied(@$chromosome)});
	my $key = md5_hex( $self->_package ? md5_hex( ${ tied( @$chromosome ) } ) : join( q[:], @$chromosome ) );
	return $_Cache->{$key} if exists $_Cache->{$key};
	$_Cache->{$key} = $self->_fitness_real->($self, $chromosome);
	return $_Cache->{$key};
sub _init_cache {
	my ($self) = @_;
sub _check_data_ref {
	my ($self, $data_org) = @_;
	my $data = clone($data_org);
	my $ars;
		next if $ars->{$data->[$_]};
		$ars->{$data->[$_]} = 1;
		unshift @{$data->[$_]}, undef;
	return $data;
# we have to find C to (in some cases) incrase value of range
# due to design model
sub _find_fix_range {
	my ($self, $data) = @_;

	for my $idx (0..$#$data){
		if($data->[$idx]->[1] < 1){ 
			my $const = 1 - $data->[$idx]->[1];
			push @{$self->_fix_range}, $const; 
			$data->[$idx]->[1] += $const;
			$data->[$idx]->[2] += $const;
		}else{ push @{$self->_fix_range}, 0; }

	return $data;
sub init { 
	my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
	croak q/You have to pass some data to "init"!/ unless $data;
	$self->_init( $data );
	$self->_fitness( { } );
	$self->_fix_range( [ ] );
	$self->_history( [  [ ], [ ], [ ] ] );
	$self->_init_cache if $self->cache;
	if($self->type eq q/listvector/){
		croak(q/You have to pass array reference if "type" is set to "listvector"/) unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY';
		$self->_translations( $self->_check_data_ref($data) );
	}elsif($self->type eq q/bitvector/){
		croak(q/You have to pass integer if "type" is set to "bitvector"/) if $data !~ /^\d+$/o;
		$self->_translations( [ [ 0, 1 ] ] );
		$self->_translations->[$_] = $self->_translations->[0] for 1..$data-1;
	}elsif($self->type eq q/combination/){
		croak(q/You have to pass array reference if "type" is set to "combination"/) unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY';
		$self->_translations( [ clone($data) ] );
		$self->_translations->[$_] = $self->_translations->[0] for 1..$#$data;
	}elsif($self->type eq q/rangevector/){
		croak(q/You have to pass array reference if "type" is set to "rangevector"/) unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY';
		$self->_translations( $self->_find_fix_range( $self->_check_data_ref($data) ));
		croak(q/You have to specify first "type" of vector!/);
	my $size = 0;

	if($self->type ne q/rangevector/){ for(@{$self->_translations}){ $size = $#$_ if $#$_ > $size; } }
#	else{ for(@{$self->_translations}){ $size = $_->[1] if $_->[1] > $size; } }
	else{ for(@{$self->_translations}){ $size = $_->[2] if $_->[2] > $size; } }		# Provisional patch for rangevector values truncated to signed  8-bit quantities. Thx to Tod Hagan

	my $package = get_package_by_element_size($size);

	my $length = ref $data ? sub { $#$data; } : sub { $data - 1 };
		$length = ref $data ? sub { 1 + int( rand( $#{ $self->_init } ) ); } : sub { 1 + int( rand( $self->_init - 1) ); };

	$self->_length( $length );

	$self->chromosomes( [ ] );
	push @{$self->chromosomes}, 
		AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome->new($self->_translations, $self->type, $package, $length->())
			for 1..$self->population;
# SAVE / LOAD ##########################################################
sub spew {
	STORABLE->use( qw( store retrieve freeze thaw ) ) or croak(q/You need "/.STORABLE.q/" module to save a state of "/.__PACKAGE__.q/"!/);
	$Storable::Deparse = 1;
	$Storable::Eval = 1;
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my $clone = { 
		_selector	=> undef,
		_strategist	=> undef,
		_mutator	=> undef,
	$clone->{ chromosomes } = [ map { ${ tied( @$_ ) } } @{ $self->chromosomes } ] 
		if $self->_package;
	foreach my $key(keys %$self){
		next if exists $clone->{$key};
		$clone->{$key} = $self->{$key};
	return $clone;
sub slurp {
	my ( $self, $dump ) = @_;

	if( my $typ = $self->_package ){ 
		@{ $dump->{ chromosomes } } = map {
			my $arr = $typ->make_with_packed( $_ );
			bless $arr, q[AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome];
		} @{ $dump->{ chromosomes } };
    %$self = %$dump;
	return 1;
sub save { 
	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
	croak(q/You have to specify file!/) unless defined $file;
	store( $self->spew, $file );
sub load { 
	STORABLE->use( qw( store retrieve freeze thaw ) ) or croak(q/You need "/.STORABLE.q/" module to load a state of "/.__PACKAGE__.q/"!/);	
	$Storable::Deparse = 1;
	$Storable::Eval = 1;
	my ($self, $file) = @_;
	croak(q/You have to specify file!/) unless defined $file;

	my $clone = retrieve($file);
	return carp('Incorrect file!') unless $clone;
	return $self->slurp( $clone );
# CHARTS ###############################################################
sub chart { 
	GD->require or croak(q/You need "/.GD.q/" module to draw chart of evolution!/);	
	my ($self, %params) = (shift, @_);

	my $graph = GD()->new(($params{-width} || 640), ($params{-height} || 480));

	my $data = $self->getHistory;

	if(defined $params{-font}){
    	$graph->set_title_font  ($params{-font}, 12);
    	$graph->set_x_label_font($params{-font}, 10);
    	$graph->set_y_label_font($params{-font}, 10);
    	$graph->set_legend_font ($params{-font},  8);
    	$params{legend1} || q/Max value/,
    	$params{legend2} || q/Mean value/,
    	$params{legend3} || q/Min value/,

        x_label_skip        => int(($data->[0]->[-1]*4)/100),
        x_labels_vertical   => 1,
        x_label_position    => .5,
        y_label_position    => .5,
        y_long_ticks        => 1,   # poziome linie
        x_ticks             => 1,   # poziome linie

        l_margin            => 10,
        b_margin            => 10,
        r_margin            => 10,
        t_margin            => 10,

        show_values         => (defined $params{-show_values} ? 1 : 0),
        values_vertical     => 1,
        values_format       => ($params{-format} || '%.2f'),

        zero_axis           => 1,
        #interlaced          => 1,
        logo_position       => 'BR',
        legend_placement    => 'RT',

        bgclr               => 'white',
        boxclr              => '#FFFFAA',
        transparent         => 0,

        title       		=> ($params{'-title'}   || q/Evolution/ ),
        x_label     		=> ($params{'-x_label'} || q/Generation/),
        y_label     		=> ($params{'-y_label'} || q/Value/     ),
        ( $params{-logo} && -f $params{-logo} ? ( logo => $params{-logo} ) : ( ) )
    my $gd = $graph->plot( [ [ 0..$#{$data->[0]} ], @$data ] ) or croak($@);
    open(my $fh, '>', $params{-filename}) or croak($@);
    binmode $fh;
    print $fh $gd->png;
    close $fh;
    return 1;
# TRANSLATIONS #########################################################
sub as_array_def_only {
	my ($self, $chromosome) = @_;
	return $self->as_array($chromosome) 
		if not $self->variable_length or $self->variable_length < 2;
	if( $self->type eq q/bitvector/ ){
		return $self->as_array($chromosome);
		my $ar = $self->as_array($chromosome);
		my $idx = first_index { $_ } @$ar;
		my @array = @$ar[$idx..$#$chromosome];
		return @array if wantarray;
		return \@array;
sub as_array {
	my ($self, $chromosome) = @_;
	if($self->type eq q/bitvector/){
		# This could lead to internal error, bacause of underlaying Tie::Array::Packed
		#return @$chromosome if wantarray;
		#return $chromosome;
		my @chr = @$chromosome;
		return @chr if wantarray;
		return \@chr;
	}elsif($self->type eq q/rangevector/){
		my $fix_range = $self->_fix_range;
		my $c = -1;
		#my @array = map { $c++; warn "WARN: $c | ",scalar @$chromosome,"\n" if not defined $fix_range->[$c]; $_ ? $_ - $fix_range->[$c] : undef } @$chromosome;
		my @array = map { $c++; $_ ? $_ - $fix_range->[$c] : undef } @$chromosome;
		return @array if wantarray;
		return \@array;
		my $cnt = 0;
		my @array = map { $self->_translations->[$cnt++]->[$_] } @$chromosome;
		return @array if wantarray;
		return \@array;
sub as_string_def_only {	
	my ($self, $chromosome) = @_;
	return $self->as_string($chromosome) 
		if not $self->variable_length or $self->variable_length < 2;

	my $array = $self->as_array_def_only($chromosome);
	return join(q//, @$array) if $self->type eq q/bitvector/;
	return join(q/___/, @$array);
sub as_string {	
	return join(q//, @{$_[1]}) if $_[0]->type eq q/bitvector/;
	return 	join(q/___/, map { defined $_ ? $_ : q/ / } $_[0]->as_array($_[1]));
sub as_value { 
	my ($self, $chromosome) = @_;
	croak(q/You MUST call 'as_value' as method of 'AI::Genetic::Pro' object./)
		unless defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and ( ref $_[0] eq 'AI::Genetic::Pro' or ref $_[0] eq 'AI::Genetic::Pro::MCE');
	croak(q/You MUST pass 'AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome' object to 'as_value' method./) 
		unless defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and ref $_[1] eq 'AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome';
	return $self->fitness->($self, $chromosome);  
# ALGORITHM ############################################################
sub _calculate_fitness_all {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->_fitness( { } );
	$self->_fitness->{$_} = $self->fitness()->($self, $self->chromosomes->[$_]) 
		for 0..$#{$self->chromosomes};

# sorting the population is not necessary	
#	my (@chromosomes, %fitness);
#	for my $idx (sort { $self->_fitness->{$a} <=> $self->_fitness->{$b} } keys %{$self->_fitness}){
#		push @chromosomes, $self->chromosomes->[$idx];
#		$fitness{$#chromosomes} = $self->_fitness->{$idx};
#		delete $self->_fitness->{$idx};
#		delete $self->chromosomes->[$idx];
#	}
#	$self->_fitness(\%fitness);
#	$self->chromosomes(\@chromosomes);

sub _select_parents {
	my ($self) = @_;
		croak "You must specify a selection strategy!"
			unless defined $self->selection;
		my @tmp = @{$self->selection};
		my $selector = q/AI::Genetic::Pro::Selection::/ . shift @tmp;
		$selector->require or die $!;
sub _crossover {
	my ($self) = @_;
		my @tmp = @{$self->strategy};
		my $strategist = q/AI::Genetic::Pro::Crossover::/ . shift @tmp;
		$strategist->require or die $!;

	my $a = $self->_strategist->run($self);
	$self->chromosomes( $a );
sub _mutation {
	my ($self) = @_;
		my $mutator = q/AI::Genetic::Pro::Mutation::/ . ucfirst(lc($self->type));
			$mutator = q/AI::Genetic::Pro::Mutation::Listvector/;
	return $self->_mutator->run($self);
sub _save_history {
	my @tmp;
	if($_[0]->history){ @tmp = $_[0]->getAvgFitness; }
	else { @tmp = (undef, undef, undef); }
	push @{$_[0]->_history->[0]}, $tmp[0]; 
	push @{$_[0]->_history->[1]}, $tmp[1];
	push @{$_[0]->_history->[2]}, $tmp[2];
	return 1;
sub inject {
	my ($self, $candidates) = @_;
		push @{$self->chromosomes}, 
			AI::Genetic::Pro::Chromosome->new_from_data($self->_translations, $self->type, $self->_package, $_, $self->_fix_range);
		$self->_fitness->{$#{$self->chromosomes}} = $self->fitness()->($self, $self->chromosomes->[-1]);

	$self->_strict( [ ] );
	$self->population( $self->population + scalar( @$candidates ) );

	return 1;
sub _state {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my @res;
	if( $self->_package ){
		@res = map { 
				${ tied( @{ $self->chromosomes->[ $_ ] } ) },
				$self->_fitness->{ $_ },
		} 0 .. $self->population - 1
		@res = map { 
				$self->chromosomes->[ $_ ],
				$self->_fitness->{ $_ },
		} 0 .. $self->population - 1
	return \@res;
sub evolve {
	my ($self, $generations) = @_;

	# generations must be defined
	$generations ||= -1; 	 
	if($self->strict and $self->_strict){
		for my $idx (0..$#{$self->chromosomes}){
			croak(q/Chromosomes was modified outside the 'evolve' function!/) unless $self->chromosomes->[$idx] and $self->_strict->[$idx];
			my @tmp0 = @{$self->chromosomes->[$idx]};
			my @tmp1 = @{$self->_strict->[$idx]};
			croak(qq/Chromosome was modified outside the 'evolve' function from "@tmp0" to "@tmp1"!/) unless compare(\@tmp0, \@tmp1);
	# split into two loops just for speed
		for(my $i = 0; $i != $generations; $i++){
			# terminate ----------------------------------------------------
			last if $self->terminate and $self->terminate->($self);
			# update generation --------------------------------------------
			$self->generation($self->generation + 1);
			# update history -----------------------------------------------
			# selection ----------------------------------------------------
			# crossover ----------------------------------------------------
			# mutation -----------------------------------------------------
		croak('You cannot preserve more chromosomes than is in population!') if $self->preserve > $self->population;
		my @preserved;
		for(my $i = 0; $i != $generations; $i++){
			# terminate ----------------------------------------------------
			last if $self->terminate and $self->terminate->($self);
			# update generation --------------------------------------------
			$self->generation($self->generation + 1);
			# update history -----------------------------------------------
			# preservation of N unique chromosomes
			@preserved = map { clone($_) } @{ $self->getFittest_as_arrayref($self->preserve - 1, 1) };
			# selection ----------------------------------------------------
			# crossover ----------------------------------------------------
			# mutation -----------------------------------------------------
				my $idx = int rand @{$self->chromosomes};
				$self->chromosomes->[$idx] = $_;
				$self->_fitness->{$idx} = $self->fitness()->($self, $_);
		$self->_strict( [ ] );
		push @{$self->_strict}, $_->clone for @{$self->chromosomes};
# ALIASES ##############################################################
sub people { $_[0]->chromosomes() }
sub getHistory { $_[0]->_history()  }
sub mutProb { shift->mutation(@_) }
sub crossProb { shift->crossover(@_) }
sub intType { shift->type() }
# STATS ################################################################
sub getFittest_as_arrayref { 
	my ($self, $n, $uniq) = @_;
	$n ||= 1;
	$self->_calculate_fitness_all() unless scalar %{ $self->_fitness };
	my @keys = sort { $self->_fitness->{$a} <=> $self->_fitness->{$b} } 0..$#{$self->chromosomes};
		my %grep;
		my $chromosomes = $self->chromosomes;
		if( my $pkg = $self->_package ){
			my %tmp;
			@keys = grep { 
				my $key = ${ tied( @{ $chromosomes->[ $_ ] } ) };
				#my $key = md5_hex( ${ tied( @{ $chromosomes->[ $_ ] } ) } ); # ?
				$tmp{ $key } && 0 or $tmp{ $key } = 1;
			} @keys;
			#@keys = grep { 
			#		my $add_to_list = 0;
			#		my $key = md5_hex(${tied(@{$chromosomes->[$_]})});
			#		unless($grep{$key}) { 
			#			$grep{$key} = 1; 
			#			$add_to_list = 1;
			#		}
			#		$add_to_list;
			#	} @keys;
			my %tmp;
			@keys = grep { 
				my $key = md5_hex( join( q[:], @{ $chromosomes->[ $_ ] } ) );
				$tmp{ $key } && 0 or $tmp{ $key } = 1;
			} @keys;
	$n = scalar @keys if $n > scalar @keys;
	return [ reverse @{$self->chromosomes}[ splice @keys, $#keys - $n + 1, $n ] ];
sub getFittest { return wantarray ? @{ shift->getFittest_as_arrayref(@_) } : shift @{ shift->getFittest_as_arrayref(@_) }; }
sub getAvgFitness {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my @minmax = minmax values %{$self->_fitness};
	my $mean = sum(values %{$self->_fitness}) / scalar values %{$self->_fitness};
	return $minmax[1], int($mean), $minmax[0];


=head1 NAME

AI::Genetic::Pro - Efficient genetic algorithms for professional purpose with support for multiprocessing.


    use AI::Genetic::Pro;
    sub fitness {
        my ($ga, $chromosome) = @_;
        return oct('0b' . $ga->as_string($chromosome)); 
    sub terminate {
        my ($ga) = @_;
        my $result = oct('0b' . $ga->as_string($ga->getFittest));
        return $result == 4294967295 ? 1 : 0;
    my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 1000,             # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.01,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 0,                # cache results
        -history         => 1,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 3,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 1,                # turn variable length ON
        -mce             => 1,                # optional MCE support
        -workers         => 3,                # number of workers (MCE)
    # init population of 32-bit vectors
    # evolve 10 generations
    # best score
    print "SCORE: ", $ga->as_value($ga->getFittest), ".\n";
    # save evolution path as a chart
    $ga->chart(-filename => 'evolution.png');
    # save state of GA
    # load state of GA


This module provides efficient implementation of a genetic algorithm for
professional purpose with support for multiprocessing. It was designed to operate as fast as possible
even on very large populations and big individuals/chromosomes. C<AI::Genetic::Pro> 
was inspired by C<AI::Genetic>, so it is in most cases compatible 
(there are some changes). Additionally C<AI::Genetic::Pro> isn't a pure Perl solution, so it 
doesn't have limitations of its ancestor (such as slow-down in the
case of big populations ( >10000 ) or vectors with more than 33 fields).

If You are looking for a pure Perl solution, consider L<AI::Genetic>.

=over 4

=item Speed

To increase speed XS code is used, however with portability in 
mind. This distribution was tested on Windows and Linux platforms 
(and should work on any other).

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( run in 1.433 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )