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#line 1
package Module::Install::Makefile;

use strict 'vars';
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker   ();
use Module::Install::Base ();
use Fcntl qw/:flock :seek/;

use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
	$VERSION = '1.06';
	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
	$ISCORE  = 1;

sub Makefile { $_[0] }

my %seen = ();

sub prompt {

	# Infinite loop protection
	my @c = caller();
	if ( ++$seen{"$c[1]|$c[2]|$_[0]"} > 3 ) {
		die "Caught an potential prompt infinite loop ($c[1]|$c[2]|$_[0])";

	# In automated testing or non-interactive session, always use defaults
		local $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} = 1;
		goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt;
	} else {
		goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt;

# Store a cleaned up version of the MakeMaker version,
# since we need to behave differently in a variety of
# ways based on the MM version.
my $makemaker = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;

# If we are passed a param, do a "newer than" comparison.
# Otherwise, just return the MakeMaker version.
sub makemaker {
	( @_ < 2 or $makemaker >= eval($_[1]) ) ? $makemaker : 0

# Ripped from ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.56, and slightly modified
# as we only need to know here whether the attribute is an array
# or a hash or something else (which may or may not be appendable).
my %makemaker_argtype = (
 C                  => 'ARRAY',
 CONFIG             => 'ARRAY',
# CONFIGURE          => 'CODE', # ignore
 DIR                => 'ARRAY',
 DL_FUNCS           => 'HASH',
 DL_VARS            => 'ARRAY',
 EXCLUDE_EXT        => 'ARRAY',
 EXE_FILES          => 'ARRAY',
 FUNCLIST           => 'ARRAY',
 H                  => 'ARRAY',
 IMPORTS            => 'HASH',
 INCLUDE_EXT        => 'ARRAY',
 LIBS               => 'ARRAY', # ignore ''
 MAN1PODS           => 'HASH',
 MAN3PODS           => 'HASH',
 META_ADD           => 'HASH',
 META_MERGE         => 'HASH',
 PL_FILES           => 'HASH',
 PM                 => 'HASH',
 PMLIBDIRS          => 'ARRAY',
 PREREQ_PM          => 'HASH',
 SKIP               => 'ARRAY',
 TYPEMAPS           => 'ARRAY',
 XS                 => 'HASH',
# VERSION            => ['version',''],  # ignore

 clean      => 'HASH',
 depend     => 'HASH',
 dist       => 'HASH',
 dynamic_lib=> 'HASH',
 linkext    => 'HASH',
 macro      => 'HASH',
 postamble  => 'HASH',
 realclean  => 'HASH',
 test       => 'HASH',
 tool_autosplit => 'HASH',

 # special cases where you can use makemaker_append
 INC       => 'APPENDABLE',

sub makemaker_args {
	my ($self, %new_args) = @_;
	my $args = ( $self->{makemaker_args} ||= {} );
	foreach my $key (keys %new_args) {
		if ($makemaker_argtype{$key}) {
			if ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
				$args->{$key} = [] unless defined $args->{$key};
				unless (ref $args->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
					$args->{$key} = [$args->{$key}]
				push @{$args->{$key}},
					ref $new_args{$key} eq 'ARRAY'
						? @{$new_args{$key}}
						: $new_args{$key};
			elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'HASH') {
				$args->{$key} = {} unless defined $args->{$key};
				foreach my $skey (keys %{ $new_args{$key} }) {
					$args->{$key}{$skey} = $new_args{$key}{$skey};
			elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'APPENDABLE') {
				$self->makemaker_append($key => $new_args{$key});
		else {
			if (defined $args->{$key}) {
				warn qq{MakeMaker attribute "$key" is overriden; use "makemaker_append" to append values\n};
			$args->{$key} = $new_args{$key};
	return $args;

# For mm args that take multiple space-seperated args,
# append an argument to the current list.
sub makemaker_append {
	my $self = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	my $args = $self->makemaker_args;
	$args->{$name} = defined $args->{$name}
		? join( ' ', $args->{$name}, @_ )
		: join( ' ', @_ );

sub build_subdirs {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $subdirs = $self->makemaker_args->{DIR} ||= [];
	for my $subdir (@_) {
		push @$subdirs, $subdir;

sub clean_files {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $clean = $self->makemaker_args->{clean} ||= {};
	  %$clean = (
		FILES => join ' ', grep { length $_ } ($clean->{FILES} || (), @_),

sub realclean_files {
	my $self      = shift;
	my $realclean = $self->makemaker_args->{realclean} ||= {};
	  %$realclean = (
		FILES => join ' ', grep { length $_ } ($realclean->{FILES} || (), @_),

sub libs {
	my $self = shift;
	my $libs = ref $_[0] ? shift : [ shift ];
	$self->makemaker_args( LIBS => $libs );

sub inc {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->makemaker_args( INC => shift );

sub _wanted_t {

sub tests_recursive {
	my $self = shift;
	my $dir = shift || 't';
	unless ( -d $dir ) {
		die "tests_recursive dir '$dir' does not exist";
	my %tests = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, ($self->tests || '');
	require File::Find;
        sub { /\.t$/ and -f $_ and $tests{"$File::Find::dir/*.t"} = 1 },
	$self->tests( join ' ', sort keys %tests );

sub write {
	my $self = shift;
	die "&Makefile->write() takes no arguments\n" if @_;

	# Check the current Perl version
	my $perl_version = $self->perl_version;
	if ( $perl_version ) {
		eval "use $perl_version; 1"
			or die "ERROR: perl: Version $] is installed, "
			. "but we need version >= $perl_version";

	# Make sure we have a new enough MakeMaker
	require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

	if ( $perl_version and $self->_cmp($perl_version, '5.006') >= 0 ) {
		# This previous attempted to inherit the version of
		# ExtUtils::MakeMaker in use by the module author, but this
		# was found to be untenable as some authors build releases
		# using future dev versions of EU:MM that nobody else has.
		# Instead, #toolchain suggests we use 6.59 which is the most
		# stable version on CPAN at time of writing and is, to quote
		# ribasushi, "not terminally fucked, > and tested enough".
		# TODO: We will now need to maintain this over time to push
		# the version up as new versions are released.
		$self->build_requires(     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 );
		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 );
	} else {
		# Allow legacy-compatibility with 5.005 by depending on the
		# most recent EU:MM that supported 5.005.
		$self->build_requires(     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 );
		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 );

	# Generate the MakeMaker params
	my $args = $self->makemaker_args;
	$args->{DISTNAME} = $self->name;
	$args->{NAME}     = $self->module_name || $self->name;
	$args->{NAME}     =~ s/-/::/g;
	$args->{VERSION}  = $self->version or die <<'EOT';
ERROR: Can't determine distribution version. Please specify it
explicitly via 'version' in Makefile.PL, or set a valid $VERSION
in a module, and provide its file path via 'version_from' (or
'all_from' if you prefer) in Makefile.PL.

	if ( $self->tests ) {
		my @tests = split ' ', $self->tests;
		my %seen;
		$args->{test} = {
			TESTS => (join ' ', grep {!$seen{$_}++} @tests),
    } elsif ( $Module::Install::ExtraTests::use_extratests ) {
        # Module::Install::ExtraTests doesn't set $self->tests and does its own tests via harness.
        # So, just ignore our xt tests here.
	} elsif ( -d 'xt' and ($Module::Install::AUTHOR or $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) ) {
		$args->{test} = {
			TESTS => join( ' ', map { "$_/*.t" } grep { -d $_ } qw{ t xt } ),
	if ( $] >= 5.005 ) {

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