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lib/AnyEvent/XMPP/  view on Meta::CPAN

   $self->{started} = 1;

=head2 update_connections ()

This method tries to connect all unconnected accounts.


sub update_connections {
   my ($self) = @_;

   Scalar::Util::weaken $self;

   for (values %{$self->{accounts}}) {
      my $acc = $_;

      if (!$acc->is_connected && !$self->{prep_connections}->{$acc->bare_jid}) {
         my %args = (initial_presence => 10);

lib/AnyEvent/XMPP/Ext/MUC/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub new {
   my $this = shift;
   my $class = ref($this) || $this;
   my $self = $class->SUPER::new (@_);

sub update {
   my ($self, $node) = @_;
   $self->SUPER::update ($node);
   my ($xuser) = $node->find_all ([qw/muc_user x/]);
   my $from = $node->attr ('from');
   my ($room, $srv, $nick) = split_jid ($from);

   my ($aff, $role, $stati, $jid, $new_nick);
   $self->{stati} ||= {};
   $stati = $self->{stati};

lib/AnyEvent/XMPP/IM/  view on Meta::CPAN

=item B<update ($item)>

This method wants a L<AnyEvent::XMPP::Node> in C<$item> which
should be a roster item received from the server. The method will
update the contact accordingly and return it self.


sub update {
   my ($self, $item) = @_;

   my ($jid, $name, $subscription, $ask) =
         $item->attr ('jid'),
         $item->attr ('name'),
         $item->attr ('subscription'),
         $item->attr ('ask')

lib/AnyEvent/XMPP/IM/  view on Meta::CPAN

object. There is no other way.


sub new {
   my $this = shift;
   my $class = ref($this) || $this;
   bless { @_ }, $class;

sub update {
   my ($self, $node) = @_;

   my ($query) = $node->find_all ([qw/roster query/]);
   return unless $query;

   my @upd;

   for my $item ($query->find_all ([qw/roster item/])) {
      my $jid = $item->attr ('jid');

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