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      $build->log("Setting CCACHE_BASEDIR to " . getcwd());
      local $ENV{CCACHE_BASEDIR} = getcwd();
      $orig->($build, @args);

  #  might fix some rpath issues?
  my @rpath =
    $on_windows ? ()
    : $^O =~ /darwin/
      ? q{-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH='@loader_path'}

  my $cmake_cmd = [
    -G => '%{cmake_generator}',
    #"-DGEOS_ENABLE_TESTS=$run_tests_bool_text", #  seems not be in the source tree?
  #say join ' ', @$cmake_cmd;

  build [
    #\&set_rectangle_intersection,  #  disable
    #"%{configure} $with_local $with_cpp11 $build_static",
    #'echo %{make}',
    'mkdir _build',
    'cd _build',
    ($run_tests ? '%{make} test' : ()),


gather [
  #  get all the geos-config fields

#  needed for gcc-13
sub update_hilbert_encoder_h {
  my $build = shift;

  my @files
    = File::Find::Rule->file()
                      ->name( 'HilbertEncoder.h' )
                      ->in( '.' );

  log ("Updating " . path ($files[0])->absolute);
  my $replace = '#include <cstdint>';
  path($files[0])->edit (
    sub {
      s{(\Qinclude <vector>\E)([\r\n]+)}{$1\n$replace$2}xms;


#  a bit brute force
sub copy_geos_c_dll {
  my $build = shift;
  return unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
  log 'Searching for libgeos_c.dll';

  my @files
    = File::Find::Rule->file()
                      ->name( 'libgeos_c.dll' )
                      ->in( '.' );

  foreach my $from (@files) {
    my $to = Path::Tiny->new($from)->parent->child('libgeos_c-1.dll');
    if (!$to->exists) {
      log "copying $from to $to";
      eval {File::Copy::copy ("$from", "$to")};
      log $@ if $@;

sub set_rectangle_intersection {
    my ($build) = @_;
    #  disable as we get test failures in Biodiverse,
    #  which is probably for the same reasons this is
    #  disabled in GEOS in the first place
    return if $build->install_type ne 'share';

    say 'set_rectangle_intersection: Currently in ' . getcwd();
    use File::Find::Rule;
    use Path::Tiny qw /path/;
    my (@files)
      = File::Find::Rule
                ->name( 'Geometry.cpp' )
                ->in( $base_dir );
    #  loop is brute force
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        say "Modifying file $file";
        path($file)->edit (
            sub {
              s{^//(#define USE_RECTANGLE_INTERSECTION 1)}{$1}ms;

sub update_geos_config {
    my ($build) = @_;

    $build->log ('updating geos-config to use dynamic base dir');
    use File::Find::Rule;
    my ($geos_config)
      = $build->install_type eq 'share'
          ? File::Find::Rule
                ->name( 'geos-config' )
                ->in( getcwd() )
          : 'geos-config';

    $build->log("Updating $geos_config");

    open my $fh , '<', $geos_config
      or die "Could not open $geos_config for reading, $!";
    my $file_contents;

    while (defined (my $line = <$fh>)) {
        if ($line =~ /^\s*prefix=/) {
            #  MSYS1 does not have realpath
            my $part1
              = q{BASEPATH=`perl -MCwd -MFile::Basename -e"print File::Basename::dirname(Cwd::abs_path (qq{$0}))"`};
            #  some variants use an escape function
            my $part2 = $line =~ /`escape/
              ? 'prefix=`escape "${BASEPATH}"`'
              : 'prefix="${BASEPATH}"';
            my $part3 = 'prefix=$(dirname ${prefix})';
            $line = "$part1\n$part2\n$part3\n";
        $file_contents .= $line;
    my $permissions = (stat ($geos_config))[2];
    rename $geos_config, "$geos_config.bak";
    open my $ofh, '>', $geos_config
      or die "Could not open $geos_config for writing, $!";
    print {$ofh} $file_contents;
    $ofh->close or die $!;
    #  make sure we get the same permissions
    chmod $permissions, $geos_config or die $!;

sub set_runtime_props_from_config {
    my ($build) = @_;

    $build->log ('set_runtime_props_from_config: Currently in ' . getcwd());

    $build->log("UPDATING PKG_CONFIG_PATH");
    use Env qw /@PKG_CONFIG_PATH @PATH/;
    use Capture::Tiny;
    use Path::Tiny;

    # should use proper Alien::Build methods to get location of file     
    use File::Find::Rule;
    my ($pk_config)
      = $build->install_type eq 'share'
          ? File::Find::Rule

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