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lib/Algorithm/  view on Meta::CPAN

field 'report_class' => 'Algorithm::Accounting::Report::Text';

sub reset {

sub result {
  my $field = shift;
  if($field && grep /^$field$/,@{$self->fields}) {
    return $self->occurrence_hash->{$field};
  return $self->occurrence_array;

sub group_result {
  my ($group,@fv) = @_;
  my $occ   = $self->group_occurrence;
  return unless($group =~ /\d+/ && defined($occ->[$group]));
  # Exact match;
  my $cmp = Array::Compare->new;
  if(@fv == @{$self->field_groups->[$group]}) {
    for(keys %{$occ->[$group]}) {
      my @fv_ = thaw($_);
      next unless($cmp->compare(\@fv, \@fv_));
      return $occ->[$group]{$_};
  # Slurp whole thing, convert to multi-level hash.
  my $rv = {};
  for(keys %{$occ->[$group]}) {
    # would this be dangerous ?
    eval "\$rv->".join('',map {"{'$_'}"} thaw($_))."= $occ->[$group]{$_}";
  return $rv;

sub append_data {
  my $data = shift;

sub report {
    my $class = $self->report_class;
    my $obj;
    eval qq{
        require $class;
        \$obj = $class->new;
    die"report() error\n" if $@;

sub update_group_field {
  my $data = shift;
  my $groups = $self->field_groups || return;
  my $gocc = $self->group_occurrence;
  for my $i (0..@$groups-1) {
    my @index = $self->position_of($self->fields,$groups->[$i]);
    for my $row (@$data) {
      my $permutor = Algorithm::Accounting::Array::Iterator::LOL->new([@$row[@index]]);
      my %exclude;
      while(my $permutation = $permutor->getNext) {
 	my @_row = map {(ref($_) ? $_->[0] : $_)||''} @$permutation;
 	my $__row = freeze(@_row);
 	# One value-tuple would shows only one time,
 	# So it's excluded upon extra permutations.
 	unless($exclude{$__row}) {

sub update_single_field {
  my $data = shift;
  my $aocc = $self->occurrence_array;
  my $hocc = $self->occurrence_hash;
  my $fields = $self->fields;
  for my $i (0..@$fields-1) {
    my $occ = $aocc->[$i] || {};
    for(@$data) {
      last unless exists $_->[$i];
      if('ARRAY' eq ref($_->[$i])) {
	for my $v (@{$_->[$i]}) {$occ->{$v}++}
      } else {
    $aocc->[$i] = $occ;
    $hocc->{$fields->[$i]} = $occ;

# Find the position of wanted values in an array
sub position_of {
  my ($arr,$wanted) = @_;
  my @index;
  for my $w (@$wanted) {
    for my $i (0..@$arr-1) {
      push @index,$i if($arr->[$i] eq $w);
  return @index;

package Algorithm::Accounting::Array::Iterator::LOL;
use Array::Iterator::Reusable;
use Clone qw(clone);

sub new {
  my $class = $self;
  $self = {};
  bless $self,$class;
  my $lol = shift;
  my @lolp; # list of Array::Iterator::Reusable
  for (@$lol) {
     if(ref($_)) {
       push @lolp, Array::Iterator::Reusable->new($_);
     } else {
       push @lolp, Array::Iterator::Reusable->new([$_]);
  $self->{lol}  = $lol;
  $self->{lolp} = \@lolp ;
  return $self;

sub reset {
  $_->reset for @{$self->{lolp}};
  my @lov;
  push @lov, $self->{lolp}->[0]->peek;

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