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      $master->add($entry) || croak $master->code;;
    } else {croak "Error: entry matched multiple entries in master!\n"}
  $msg = "Truncating slave\n";
  if ($args{debug}) {print $msg}
  if ($args{msg_function}) {&{$args{msg_function}}($msg)}
  $msg = "Adding master's records to slave\n";
  if ($args{debug}) {print $msg}
  if ($args{msg_function}) {&{$args{msg_function}}($msg)}
  while ($entry = $master->read) {

=head2 search

  while ($entry=$abook->read) {
    print $entry->dump;

\%filter is a list of cannonical attribute/value pairs. 


sub search {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented."

=head2 read


Returns an AddressBook::Entry object


sub read {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

=head2 update


\%filter is a list of cannonical attriute/value pairs used to identify the entry to
be updated.

$entry is an AddressBook::Entry object


sub update {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

=head2 add


$entry is an AddressBook::Entry object


sub add {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

=head2 delete


$entry is an AddressBook::Entry object


sub delete {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

=head2 truncate


Removes all records from the database.


sub truncate {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

=head2 get_attribute_names 

  @names = $abook->get_attribute_names;

Returns a list of valid backend-specific attribute names


sub get_attribute_names {

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