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example/lava_lamp.pl  view on Meta::CPAN

        } else {
            # It's already off, but remove any trigger marker
    } else {
        info("Notification: No state change. Type = ",$type,", State = ",$is_on ? "On" : "Off",
            " | Check Period: ",check_on_period());
} else {
    die "Unknow mode '",$mode,"'";

if ($DEBUG) {

# Logout, we are done


# ================================================================================================

sub info {
    if (open (F,">>$LOG_FILE")) {
        print F scalar(localtime),": ",join("",@_),"\n";
        close F;

# List the status file
sub list {
    my $status = retrieve $STATUS_FILE;
    my $hist_entries = $status->{hist};
    for my $hist (@{$hist_entries}) {
        print scalar(localtime($hist->[0])),": ",$hist->[1] ? "On " : "Off"," -- ",$hist->[2]," : ",$hist->[3],"\n";
    print "Content: ",Dumper($status) if $DEBUG;
    return 1;

# Create empty status file if necessary
sub init_status {
    my $status = {};
    $status->{hist} = [];
    if (! -e $STATUS_FILE) {
        store $status,$STATUS_FILE;

sub log_manual_switch {
    my $status = shift;
    my $is_on = shift;
    my $last = get_last_entry($status);
    if ($last && $is_on != $last->[1]) {
        # Change has been manualy in between the interval. Add an approx history entry

sub update_status {
    my $status = shift;
    my $is_on = shift;
    my $mode = shift;
    my $time = shift || time;
    my $label = shift;
    my $hist = $status->{hist};
    push @{$hist},[ $time, $is_on, $mode, $label];
    info($is_on ? "On " : "Off"," -- ",$mode, $label ? ": " . $label : "");

sub estimate_manual_time {
    my $status = shift;
    my $last_hist = get_last_entry($status);
    if ($last_hist) {
        my $now = time;
        my $last = $last_hist->[0];
        my $calc = $now - $MANUAL_DELTA;
        return $calc > $last ? $calc : $now - int(($now - $last) / 2);
    } else {
        return time - $MANUAL_DELTA;

sub get_last_entry {
    my $status = shift;
    if ($status) {
        my $hist = $status->{hist};
        return  $hist && @$hist ? $hist->[$#{$hist}] : undef;
    return undef;

sub check_on_period {
    my ($min,$hour,$wd) = (localtime)[1,2,6];
    my $day = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$wd];
    my $periods = $LAMP_ON_TIME_TABLE->{$day};
    for my $period (@$periods) {
        my ($low,$high) = @$period;
        my ($lh,$lm) = split(/:/,$low);
        my ($hh,$hm) = split(/:/,$high);
        my $m = $hour * 60 + $min;
        return 1 if $m >= ($lh * 60 + $lm) && $m <= ($hh * 60 + $hm);
    return 0;

sub lamp_on_for_too_long {
    my $status = shift;
    # Check if the lamp was on for more than max time in the duration now - max
    # time + 1 hour
    my $current = time;
    my $low_time = $current - $LAMP_MAX_TIME - $LAMP_REST_TIME;
    my $on_time = 0;
    my $hist = $status->{hist};
    my $i = $#{$hist};
    while ($current > $low_time && $i >= 0) {
        my $t = $hist->[$i]->[0];
        $on_time += $current - $t if $hist->[$i]->[1];
        $current = $t;

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