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    [from Keiji, Yoshimi <>]
    - Update lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/
    - fix hijacking message.

3.63 2012-11-20

    - Plugin::Web::JSON: micro optimization(cache user_agent value)

3.62 2012-11-12

    - switch to Module::Build.

3.61 2012-10-23

    - doc enhancements.

3.60 2012-10-20

    - depend to latest Amon2::DBI
      (latest Amon2::DBI have incompatible change. check it first.)
    - Dropped dotcloud support in setup script.

3.57 2012-10-16

    - upgrade es5shim.js to HEAD
    - [Plugin::Web::HTTPSession] do not use '__PACKAGE__' as a capsuling key.
      use +__PACKAGE__!
      (reported by anazawa++)

    [3.56 not released]

    - minor test fix(tokuhirom)
    - restrict return stmt in setup flavor(tokuhirom)
    - better startup page(tokuhirom)

3.55 2012-10-06

    - use jshint instead of jsl, for testing application.
      in setup script.

3.54 2012-10-05

    - jquery 1.8.0 => 1.8.2
    - bootstrap v2.0.4 => v2.1.1
    - add a context parameter ($c) to A::W::WebSocket::{on_error, on_eof}

3.53 2012-08-19

    - fixed testing issue
    - added micro-location.js

3.52 2012-08-09

    - upgrade jQuery 1.7.2 to 1.8.0

3.51 2012-08-08

    - streaming support

3.50 2012-08-06

    - websocket support

3.39 2012-08-05

    - Bundled es5shim.js, sprintf.js, strftime.js, micro_template.js

3.38 2012-08-01

    - generate a token only when needed
      (Masahiro Nagano <>)

3.37 2012-06-28

    - fixed typo(syohex++)

3.36 2012-06-25

    - upgrade bootstrap to 2.0.4
    - added AFTER_VC hook for flavors

3.35 2012-04-04

    - fixed error handler

3.34 2012-03-26

    - upgrade jquery 1.7.2 to 1.7.3
    - upgrade bootstrap 1.4.0 to 2.0.2

3.33 2012-03-23

    - fixed typo

3.32 2011-12-12

    - lib/Amon2/Setup/Flavor/ fixed typo (reported by pochy++)

3.31 2011-11-29

    - fixed testing deps

3.30 2011-11-27

    * Setup::Flavor::Large: added new show_error method.

3.29 2011-11-24

    * added JSON hijacking detection.
      I hope this detector does not have a false positive issue.
      If you got a issue, you should send a X-Requested-With header.
      (Thanks to hasegawayosuke)


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