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libcares/test/gmock-1.8.0/gtest/gtest.h  view on Meta::CPAN


  static bool FullMatch(const ::string& str, const RE& re) {
    return FullMatch(str.c_str(), re);
  static bool PartialMatch(const ::string& str, const RE& re) {
    return PartialMatch(str.c_str(), re);


  static bool FullMatch(const char* str, const RE& re);
  static bool PartialMatch(const char* str, const RE& re);

  void Init(const char* regex);

  // We use a const char* instead of an std::string, as Google Test used to be
  // used where std::string is not available.  TODO( change to
  // std::string.
  const char* pattern_;
  bool is_valid_;


  regex_t full_regex_;     // For FullMatch().
  regex_t partial_regex_;  // For PartialMatch().


  const char* full_pattern_;  // For FullMatch();



// Formats a source file path and a line number as they would appear
// in an error message from the compiler used to compile this code.
GTEST_API_ ::std::string FormatFileLocation(const char* file, int line);

// Formats a file location for compiler-independent XML output.
// Although this function is not platform dependent, we put it next to
// FormatFileLocation in order to contrast the two functions.
GTEST_API_ ::std::string FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation(const char* file,
                                                               int line);

// Defines logging utilities:
//   GTEST_LOG_(severity) - logs messages at the specified severity level. The
//                          message itself is streamed into the macro.
//   LogToStderr()  - directs all log messages to stderr.
//   FlushInfoLog() - flushes informational log messages.

enum GTestLogSeverity {

// Formats log entry severity, provides a stream object for streaming the
// log message, and terminates the message with a newline when going out of
// scope.
class GTEST_API_ GTestLog {
  GTestLog(GTestLogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line);

  // Flushes the buffers and, if severity is GTEST_FATAL, aborts the program.

  ::std::ostream& GetStream() { return ::std::cerr; }

  const GTestLogSeverity severity_;


#if !defined(GTEST_LOG_)

# define GTEST_LOG_(severity) \
    ::testing::internal::GTestLog(::testing::internal::GTEST_##severity, \
                                  __FILE__, __LINE__).GetStream()

inline void LogToStderr() {}
inline void FlushInfoLog() { fflush(NULL); }

#endif  // !defined(GTEST_LOG_)

#if !defined(GTEST_CHECK_)
// GTEST_CHECK_ is an all-mode assert. It aborts the program if the condition
// is not satisfied.
//  Synopsys:
//    GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition);
//     or
//    GTEST_CHECK_(boolean_condition) << "Additional message";
//    This checks the condition and if the condition is not satisfied
//    it prints message about the condition violation, including the
//    condition itself, plus additional message streamed into it, if any,
//    and then it aborts the program. It aborts the program irrespective of
//    whether it is built in the debug mode or not.
# define GTEST_CHECK_(condition) \
    if (::testing::internal::IsTrue(condition)) \
      ; \
    else \
      GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << "Condition " #condition " failed. "
#endif  // !defined(GTEST_CHECK_)

// An all-mode assert to verify that the given POSIX-style function
// call returns 0 (indicating success).  Known limitation: this
// doesn't expand to a balanced 'if' statement, so enclose the macro
// in {} if you need to use it as the only statement in an 'if'
// branch.
#define GTEST_CHECK_POSIX_SUCCESS_(posix_call) \
  if (const int gtest_error = (posix_call)) \
    GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << #posix_call << "failed with error " \
                      << gtest_error

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