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lib/OxdPackages/GetClientToken.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

        return $self->{_response_access_token};
    # @return int
    sub getResponseExpiresIn {
		my( $self ) = @_;
		$self->{_response_expires_in} = $self->getResponseData()->{expires_in};
        return $self->{_response_expires_in};
    # @return string
    sub getResponseRefreshToken {
		my( $self ) = @_;
		$self->{_response_refresh_token} = $self->getResponseData()->{refresh_token};
        return $self->{_response_refresh_token};
    # @return string
    sub getResponseScope {
		my( $self ) = @_;
		$self->{_response_scope} = $self->getResponseData()->{scope};
        return $self->{_response_scope};

    # Protocol command to oxd server
    # @return void
    sub setCommand{
		# my $command = 'get_client_token';
        my ( $self, $command ) = @_;
		$self->{_command} = 'get_client_token';
		return $self->{_command};
		#return $command;
    # Protocol command to oxd to http server
    # @return void
    sub sethttpCommand{
		# my $httpCommand = 'get-client-token';
        my ( $self, $httpCommand ) = @_;
		$self->{_httpcommand} = 'get-client-token';
		return $self->{_httpcommand};
		#return $httpcommand;
    # Method: setParams
    # This method sets the parameters for get_client_token command.
    # This module uses `request` method of OxdClient module for sending request to oxd-server
    # Parameters:
    #	string $client_id - (Required) Client Id from Client registration
    #	string $client_secret - (Required) Client Secret. Must be used together with ClientId.
    #	string $op_host - (Required) Url that must points to a valid OpenID Connect Provider that supports client registration like Gluu Server.
    #	string $op_discovery_path - (Optional) Path to discovery document
    #	array $scope - (Optional) Scope
    #	string $authentication_method - (Optional) If value is missed then basic authentication is used. Otherwise it's possible to set `private_key_jwt` value for Private Key authentication.
    #	string $algorithm - (Optional) Required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512
    #	string $key_id - (Optional) Required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. It has to be valid key id from key store.
    # Returns:
    #	void
    # This module uses `getResponseObject` method of OxdClient module for getting response from oxd.
    # *Example response from getResponseObject:*
    # --- Code
    # { "status": "ok", "data": { "access_token": "7ec389c5-64f8-49a3-a80c-e3e16d134bcb", "expires_in": 299, "refresh_token": null, "scope": "openid" } }
    # ---
    sub setParams{
		my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
		#use Data::Dumper;
		my $paramsArray = {
            "client_id"=> $self->getRequestClientId(),
            "client_secret"=> $self->getRequestClientSecret(),
            "op_host" => $self->getRequestOpHost(),
            "op_discovery_path" => $self->getRequestOpDiscoveryPath(),
            "scope" => $self->getRequestScope(),
            "authentication_method" => $self->getRequestAuthenticationMethod(),
            "algorithm" => $self->getRequestAlgorithm(),
            "key_id" => $self->getRequestKeyId()
		$self->{_params} = $paramsArray;
		return $self->{_params};
        #print Dumper( $params );
        #return $paramsArray;
1;		# this 1; is neccessary for our class to work

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