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docs/LoggingBigqueryApi.md  view on Meta::CPAN


my $service_id = "service_id_example"; # string | Alphanumeric string identifying the service.
my $version_id = 56; # int | Integer identifying a service version.
my $name = "name_example"; # string | The name of the BigQuery logging object. Used as a primary key for API access.
my $placement = "placement_example"; # string | Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `vcl_deliver`. 
my $response_condition = "response_condition_example"; # string | The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute.
my $format = "format_example"; # string | A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats). Must produce JSON that matches the schema of your BigQuery table.
my $format_version = 2; # int | The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver` if `format_version` is set to `1`. 
my $user = "user_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $secret_key = "secret_key_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $account_name = "account_name_example"; # string | The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.
my $dataset = "dataset_example"; # string | Your BigQuery dataset.
my $table = "table_example"; # string | Your BigQuery table.
my $template_suffix = "template_suffix_example"; # string | BigQuery table name suffix template. Optional.
my $project_id = "project_id_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->create_log_bigquery(service_id => $service_id, version_id => $version_id, name => $name, placement => $placement, response_condition => $response_condition, format => $format, format_version => $format_version, user =>...
    print Dumper($result);

docs/LoggingGcsApi.md  view on Meta::CPAN

my $placement = "placement_example"; # string | Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `vcl_deliver`. 
my $response_condition = "response_condition_example"; # string | The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute.
my $format = '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b'; # string | A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats).
my $format_version = 2; # int | The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver` if `format_version` is set to `1`. 
my $message_type = 'classic'; # string | How the message should be formatted.
my $timestamp_format = "timestamp_format_example"; # string | A timestamp format
my $compression_codec = "compression_codec_example"; # string | The codec used for compressing your logs. Valid values are `zstd`, `snappy`, and `gzip`. Specifying both `compression_codec` and `gzip_level` in the same API request will result in an er...
my $period = 3600; # int | How frequently log files are finalized so they can be available for reading (in seconds).
my $gzip_level = 0; # int | The level of gzip encoding when sending logs (default `0`, no compression). Specifying both `compression_codec` and `gzip_level` in the same API request will result in an error.
my $user = "user_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $secret_key = "secret_key_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $account_name = "account_name_example"; # string | The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.
my $bucket_name = "bucket_name_example"; # string | The name of the GCS bucket.
my $path = '/'; # string | 
my $public_key = 'null'; # string | A PGP public key that Fastly will use to encrypt your log files before writing them to disk.
my $project_id = "project_id_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->create_log_gcs(service_id => $service_id, version_id => $version_id, name => $name, placement => $placement, response_condition => $response_condition, format => $format, format_version => $format_version, message_type...
    print Dumper($result);

docs/LoggingGcsResponse.md  view on Meta::CPAN

**placement** | **string** | Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `vcl_deliver`.  | [optional] 
**response_condition** | **string** | The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute. | [optional] 
**format** | **string** | A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats). | [optional] [default to '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b']
**format_version** | **string** | The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver` if `format_version` is set to `1`...
**message_type** | **string** | How the message should be formatted. | [optional] [default to 'classic']
**timestamp_format** | **string** | A timestamp format | [optional] [readonly] 
**compression_codec** | **string** | The codec used for compressing your logs. Valid values are `zstd`, `snappy`, and `gzip`. Specifying both `compression_codec` and `gzip_level` in the same API request will result in an error. | [optional] 
**period** | **string** | How frequently log files are finalized so they can be available for reading (in seconds). | [optional] [default to '3600']
**gzip_level** | **string** | The level of gzip encoding when sending logs (default `0`, no compression). Specifying both `compression_codec` and `gzip_level` in the same API request will result in an error. | [optional] [default to '0']
**user** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. | [optional] 
**secret_key** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. | [optional] 
**account_name** | **string** | The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided. | [optional] 
**created_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**deleted_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**updated_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**service_id** | **string** |  | [optional] [readonly] 
**version** | **string** |  | [optional] [readonly] 
**bucket_name** | **string** | The name of the GCS bucket. | [optional] 
**path** | **string** |  | [optional] [default to '/']
**public_key** | **string** | A PGP public key that Fastly will use to encrypt your log files before writing them to disk. | [optional] [default to 'null']
**project_id** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required | [optional] 

docs/LoggingGooglePubsubResponse.md  view on Meta::CPAN

## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**name** | **string** | The name for the real-time logging configuration. | [optional] 
**placement** | **string** | Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `vcl_deliver`.  | [optional] 
**response_condition** | **string** | The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute. | [optional] 
**format** | **string** | A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats). | [optional] [default to '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b']
**format_version** | **string** | The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver` if `format_version` is set to `1`...
**user** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. | [optional] 
**secret_key** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. | [optional] 
**account_name** | **string** | The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided. | [optional] 
**topic** | **string** | The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic to which logs will be published. Required. | [optional] 
**project_id** | **string** | Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required | [optional] 
**created_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**deleted_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**updated_at** | **DateTime** | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] [readonly] 
**service_id** | **string** |  | [optional] [readonly] 
**version** | **string** |  | [optional] [readonly] 

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docs/LoggingPubsubApi.md  view on Meta::CPAN


my $service_id = "service_id_example"; # string | Alphanumeric string identifying the service.
my $version_id = 56; # int | Integer identifying a service version.
my $name = "name_example"; # string | The name for the real-time logging configuration.
my $placement = "placement_example"; # string | Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `vcl_deliver`. 
my $response_condition = "response_condition_example"; # string | The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute.
my $format = '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b'; # string | A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats).
my $format_version = 2; # int | The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver` if `format_version` is set to `1`. 
my $user = "user_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $secret_key = "secret_key_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.
my $account_name = "account_name_example"; # string | The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.
my $topic = "topic_example"; # string | The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic to which logs will be published. Required.
my $project_id = "project_id_example"; # string | Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->create_log_gcp_pubsub(service_id => $service_id, version_id => $version_id, name => $name, placement => $placement, response_condition => $response_condition, format => $format, format_version => $format_version, user ...
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling LoggingPubsubApi->create_log_gcp_pubsub: $@\n";

docs/RelationshipTlsPrivateKeys.md  view on Meta::CPAN

# WebService::Fastly::Object::RelationshipTlsPrivateKeys

## Load the model package
use WebService::Fastly::Object::RelationshipTlsPrivateKeys;

## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**tls_private_keys** | [**RelationshipTlsPrivateKeysTlsPrivateKeys**](RelationshipTlsPrivateKeysTlsPrivateKeys.md) |  | [optional] 

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docs/TlsPrivateKeysApi.md  view on Meta::CPAN

## Load the API package
use WebService::Fastly::Object::TlsPrivateKeysApi;

All URIs are relative to *https://api.fastly.com*

Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**create_tls_key**](TlsPrivateKeysApi.md#create_tls_key) | **POST** /tls/private_keys | Create a TLS private key
[**delete_tls_key**](TlsPrivateKeysApi.md#delete_tls_key) | **DELETE** /tls/private_keys/{tls_private_key_id} | Delete a TLS private key
[**get_tls_key**](TlsPrivateKeysApi.md#get_tls_key) | **GET** /tls/private_keys/{tls_private_key_id} | Get a TLS private key
[**list_tls_keys**](TlsPrivateKeysApi.md#list_tls_keys) | **GET** /tls/private_keys | List TLS private keys

# **create_tls_key**
> TlsPrivateKeyResponse create_tls_key(tls_private_key => $tls_private_key)

Create a TLS private key

Create a TLS private key.

### Example
use Data::Dumper;
use WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi;
my $api_instance = WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi->new(

    # Configure API key authorization: token
    api_key => {'Fastly-Key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'},
    # uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    #api_key_prefix => {'Fastly-Key' => 'Bearer'},

my $tls_private_key = WebService::Fastly::Object::TlsPrivateKey->new(); # TlsPrivateKey | 

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->create_tls_key(tls_private_key => $tls_private_key);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TlsPrivateKeysApi->create_tls_key: $@\n";

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description  | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
 **tls_private_key** | [**TlsPrivateKey**](TlsPrivateKey.md)|  | [optional] 

### Return type


### Authorization


### HTTP request headers

 - **Content-Type**: application/vnd.api+json
 - **Accept**: application/vnd.api+json

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# **delete_tls_key**
> delete_tls_key(tls_private_key_id => $tls_private_key_id)

Delete a TLS private key

Destroy a TLS private key. Only private keys not already matched to any certificates can be deleted.

### Example
use Data::Dumper;
use WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi;
my $api_instance = WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi->new(

    # Configure API key authorization: token
    api_key => {'Fastly-Key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'},
    # uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    #api_key_prefix => {'Fastly-Key' => 'Bearer'},

my $tls_private_key_id = "tls_private_key_id_example"; # string | Alphanumeric string identifying a private Key.

eval {
    $api_instance->delete_tls_key(tls_private_key_id => $tls_private_key_id);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TlsPrivateKeysApi->delete_tls_key: $@\n";

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description  | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
 **tls_private_key_id** | **string**| Alphanumeric string identifying a private Key. | 

### Return type

void (empty response body)

### Authorization


### HTTP request headers

 - **Content-Type**: Not defined
 - **Accept**: Not defined

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# **get_tls_key**
> TlsPrivateKeyResponse get_tls_key(tls_private_key_id => $tls_private_key_id)

Get a TLS private key

Show a TLS private key.

### Example
use Data::Dumper;
use WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi;
my $api_instance = WebService::Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi->new(

    # Configure API key authorization: token
    api_key => {'Fastly-Key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'},
    # uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    #api_key_prefix => {'Fastly-Key' => 'Bearer'},

my $tls_private_key_id = "tls_private_key_id_example"; # string | Alphanumeric string identifying a private Key.

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->get_tls_key(tls_private_key_id => $tls_private_key_id);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TlsPrivateKeysApi->get_tls_key: $@\n";

### Parameters

Name | Type | Description  | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
 **tls_private_key_id** | **string**| Alphanumeric string identifying a private Key. | 

### Return type


### Authorization


### HTTP request headers

lib/WebService/Fastly/LoggingBigqueryApi.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

# Create a BigQuery log endpoint
# @param string $service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required)
# @param int $version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required)
# @param string $name The name of the BigQuery logging object. Used as a primary key for API access. (optional)
# @param string $placement Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `v...
# @param string $response_condition The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute. (optional)
# @param string $format A Fastly [log format string](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/custom-log-formats). Must produce JSON that matches the schema of your BigQuery table. (optional)
# @param int $format_version The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver&#x60...
# @param string $user Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. (optional)
# @param string $secret_key Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. (optional)
# @param string $account_name The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided. (optional)
# @param string $dataset Your BigQuery dataset. (optional)
# @param string $table Your BigQuery table. (optional)
# @param string $template_suffix BigQuery table name suffix template. Optional. (optional)
# @param string $project_id Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required (optional)
    my $params = {
    'service_id' => {
        data_type => 'string',
        description => 'Alphanumeric string identifying the service.',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingBigqueryResponse.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingGcs.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingGcsCommon.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingGcsResponse.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingGooglePubsub.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/LoggingGooglePubsubResponse.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    'user' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'user',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'secret_key' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'secret_key',
        description => 'Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',
    'account_name' => {
        datatype => 'string',
        base_name => 'account_name',
        description => 'The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided.',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/RelationshipTlsPrivateKey.pm  view on Meta::CPAN


__PACKAGE__->class_documentation({description => '',
                                  class => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKey',
                                  required => [], # TODO
}                                 );

    'tls_private_key' => {
        datatype => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeyTlsPrivateKey',
        base_name => 'tls_private_key',
        description => '',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

__PACKAGE__->openapi_types( {
    'tls_private_key' => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeyTlsPrivateKey'
} );

__PACKAGE__->attribute_map( {
    'tls_private_key' => 'tls_private_key'
} );

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(keys %{__PACKAGE__->attribute_map});

__PACKAGE__->openapi_nullable( {
} );


lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/RelationshipTlsPrivateKeys.pm  view on Meta::CPAN


__PACKAGE__->class_documentation({description => '',
                                  class => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeys',
                                  required => [], # TODO
}                                 );

    'tls_private_keys' => {
        datatype => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeysTlsPrivateKeys',
        base_name => 'tls_private_keys',
        description => '',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

__PACKAGE__->openapi_types( {
    'tls_private_keys' => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeysTlsPrivateKeys'
} );

__PACKAGE__->attribute_map( {
    'tls_private_keys' => 'tls_private_keys'
} );

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(keys %{__PACKAGE__->attribute_map});

__PACKAGE__->openapi_nullable( {
} );


lib/WebService/Fastly/Object/RelationshipsForTlsCsr.pm  view on Meta::CPAN


__PACKAGE__->class_documentation({description => '',
                                  class => 'RelationshipsForTlsCsr',
                                  required => [], # TODO
}                                 );

    'tls_private_key' => {
        datatype => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeyTlsPrivateKey',
        base_name => 'tls_private_key',
        description => '',
        format => '',
        read_only => 'false',

__PACKAGE__->openapi_types( {
    'tls_private_key' => 'RelationshipTlsPrivateKeyTlsPrivateKey'
} );

__PACKAGE__->attribute_map( {
    'tls_private_key' => 'tls_private_key'
} );

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(keys %{__PACKAGE__->attribute_map});

__PACKAGE__->openapi_nullable( {
} );


lib/WebService/Fastly/TlsPrivateKeysApi.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    bless { api_client => $api_client }, $class;


# create_tls_key
# Create a TLS private key
# @param TlsPrivateKey $tls_private_key  (optional)
    my $params = {
    'tls_private_key' => {
        data_type => 'TlsPrivateKey',
        description => '',
        required => '0',
    __PACKAGE__->method_documentation->{ 'create_tls_key' } = {
        summary => 'Create a TLS private key',
        params => $params,
        returns => 'TlsPrivateKeyResponse',
# @return TlsPrivateKeyResponse
sub create_tls_key {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    # parse inputs
    my $_resource_path = '/tls/private_keys';

    my $_method = 'POST';
    my $query_params = {};
    my $header_params = {};
    my $form_params = {};

    # 'Accept' and 'Content-Type' header
    my $_header_accept = $self->{api_client}->select_header_accept('application/vnd.api+json');
    if ($_header_accept) {
        $header_params->{'Accept'} = $_header_accept;
    $header_params->{'Content-Type'} = $self->{api_client}->select_header_content_type('application/vnd.api+json');

    my $_body_data;
    # body params
    if ( exists $args{'tls_private_key'}) {
        $_body_data = $args{'tls_private_key'};

    # authentication setting, if any
    my $auth_settings = [qw(token )];

    # make the API Call
    my $response = $self->{api_client}->call_api($_resource_path, $_method,
                                           $query_params, $form_params,
                                           $header_params, $_body_data, $auth_settings);
    if (!$response) {

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