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lib/WWW/Suffit/JWT.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

        secret => "MySecret",
        payload => {foo => 'bar'},
    my $token = $jwt->encode->token or die $jwt->error;
    my $payload = $jwt->decode($token)->payload;
    die $jwt->error if $jwt->error;

    use WWW::Suffit::RSA;
    my $rsa = WWW::Suffit::RSA->new(key_size => 1024);
    my $private_key = $rsa->private_key;
    my $public_key = $rsa->public_key;
    my $jwt = WWW::Suffit::JWT->new(
        private_key => $private_key,
        payload => {foo => 'bar'},
        algorithm => 'RS512',
    my $token = $jwt->encode->token or die $jwt->error;
    my $payload = $jwt->public_key($public_key)->decode($token)->payload;
    die $jwt->error if $jwt->error;


JSON Web Token for Suffit authorization

lib/WWW/Suffit/RSA.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

WWW::Suffit::RSA - The RSA encryption and signing subclass


    use WWW::Suffit::RSA;

    my $rsa = WWW::Suffit::RSA->new;

    my $private_key = $rsa->private_key;
    my $public_key = $rsa->public_key;

    my $b64_cipher_text = $rsa->encrypt("test");
    my $plain_text = $rsa->decrypt($b64_cipher_text);

    my $signature = $rsa->sign("Text", 256) or die $rsa->error;
    $rsa->verify("Text", $signature, 256) or die $rsa->error || "Incorrect signature";


t/05-jwt.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Empty hmac key
    $jwt = WWW::Suffit::JWT->new(secret => "");
    $decoded_payload = $jwt->decode($token)->payload;
    like $jwt->error, qr/Symmetric\skey\s\(secret\)\snot\sspecified$/,
        "Decodes JWTs (HMAC) with empty hmac secret" or diag $jwt->error;

# Generate RSA keys
my $rsa = WWW::Suffit::RSA->new(key_size => 512);
my $private_key = $rsa->private_key;
my $public_key = $rsa->public_key;
ok(length $private_key // '', 'Private RSA key');
ok(length $public_key // '', 'Public RSA key');

    my $payload = {
            foo => 'bar',
            baz => 'qux',
    my $jwt = WWW::Suffit::JWT->new(
            private_key => $private_key,
            public_key  => $public_key,
            payload     => $payload,
            algorithm   => 'RS256',

    # Encode token
    my $token = $jwt->encode->token;
    ok $token, 'Encodes JWTs (RSA)' or diag $jwt->error;
    #note $token;
    #note explain $jwt;

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