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package VAPID;
use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.01';
use Crypt::JWT qw(encode_jwt); use Crypt::PK::ECC; use URI;
use MIME::Base64 qw/encode_base64url decode_base64url/;
use base 'Import::Export';


	$DEFAULT_SECONDS = 12 * 60 * 60; # 12 hours
	$MAX_DEFAULT_SECONDS = 24 * 60 * 60; # 24 hours
	%EX = (
		generate_vapid_keys => [qw/all generate/],
		generate_future_expiration_timestamp => [qw/all generate/],
		generate_vapid_header => [qw/all generate/],
		validate_subject => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_public_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_private_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_expiration_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_expiration => [qw/all validate/],

sub generate_vapid_keys {
	my $curve = Crypt::PK::ECC->new();
	my $priv = $curve->export_key_raw('private');
	my $pub = $curve->export_key_raw('public');
	if (length($priv) < 32) {
		my $padding = 32 - length $priv;
		$priv = (0 x $padding) . $priv;
	if (length($pub) < 65) {
		my $padding = 65 - length $pub;
		$pub = (0 x $padding) . $pub;

	return (

sub generate_vapid_header {
	my ($aud, $subject, $pub, $priv, $expiration, $enc) = @_;

	if (!$aud) {
		die "No audience could be generated for VAPID.";

	if (ref $aud) {
		die "The audience value must be a string containing the origin of a push service";

	my $aud_uri = URI->new($aud);

	if (!$aud_uri->host) {
		die "VAPID audience is not a url.";

	$priv = validate_private_key($priv);

	if ($expiration) {
	} else {
		$expiration = generate_future_expiration_timestamp();

	my $payload = {
		aud => $aud,
    		exp => $expiration,
   		sub => $subject

	my $key = Crypt::PK::ECC->new
		->import_key_raw($priv, 'prime256v1')

	my $jwt_token = encode_jwt(
		extra_headers => { typ => 'JWT' }, 
		key => \$key

	return $enc 
		? {
			Authorization => "vapit t=${jwt_token}, k=${pub}"
		: {
			Authorization => 'WebPush ' . $jwt_token,
      			'Crypto-Key' => 'p256ecdsa=' . $pub

sub generate_future_expiration_timestamp {
	my ($add) = shift;
	return time + ($add || $DEFAULT_SECONDS);

sub validate_subject {
	my ($subject) = shift;
	if (!$subject) {
		die "No subject passed to validate_subject";

	if (ref $subject) {
		die "The subject value must be a string containing a URL or 'mailto: address.'";

	unless ($subject =~ m/^mailto\:/) {
		my $uri = URI->new($subject);
		if (!$uri->host) {
			die "VAPID subject is not a url or mailto: address";

	return $subject;

sub validate_public_key {
	my ($pub) = shift;

	if (!$pub) {
		die "No public key passed to validate_public_key";

	if (ref $pub) {
		die "Vapid public key is must be a URL safe Base 64 encoded string";

	$pub = decode_base64url($pub);

	if (length $pub != 65) {
		die "VAPID public key should be 65 bytes long when decoded.";
	return $pub;

sub validate_private_key {
	my ($priv) = shift;

	if (!$priv) {
		die "No private key passed to validate_private_key";

	if (ref $priv) {
		die "VAPID private key is must be a URL safe Base 64 encoded string";

	$priv = decode_base64url($priv);
	if (length $priv != 32) {
		die "VAPID private key should be 32 bytes long when decoded.";

	return $priv;

sub validate_expiration {
	my $expiration = shift;

	if (!$expiration || $expiration !~ m/^\d+$/) {
		die "expiration value must be a number";

	my $max = generate_future_expiration_timestamp($MAX_DEFAULT_SECONDS);

	if ($expiration >= $max) {
    		die "expiration value is greater than maximum of 24 hours";
	return $expiration;



=head1 NAME

VAPID - Voluntary Application Server Identification

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.01



	use VAPID qw/generate/;

	my ($public, $private) = generate_vapid_keys()



	my $auth_headers = generate_vapid_header(
		time + 60,


VAPID, which stands for Voluntary Application Server Identity, is a new way to send and receive website push notifications. Your VAPID keys allow you to send web push campaigns without having to send them through a service like Firebase Cloud Messagi...

=head1 EXPORT

=head2 generate_vapid_keys 

Generates vapid private and public keys.
=head2 generate_vapid_header

Generates the Authorization and Crypto-Key headers that should be passed when making a request to push a notification.
=head2 generate_future_expiration_timestamp 

Generates a time that is in future based upon the number of seconds if passed, the default is 12 hours.

=head2 validate_subject 
Validate the subject.

=head2 validate_public_key 

Validate the public key.
=head2 validate_private_key 
Validate the private key. 

=head2 validate_expiration 

Validate the expiration key.

=head1 Example

The following is pseudo code but it should get you started.

=head2 STEP 1 - generate private and public keys

	my ($public, $private) = generate_vapid_keys()


=head2 STEP 2 - main.js

	var publicKey = [% VAPID_USER_PUBLIC_KEY %];
        navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function (registrations) {
                navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js').then(function (worker) {
                        console.log('Service Worker Registered');
			worker.pushManager.getSubscription().then(function(sub) {
				if (sub === null) {
				// Update UI to ask user to register for Push
					console.log('Not subscribed to push service!');
				} else {
				// We have a subscription, update the database
					console.log('Subscription object: ', sub);

	function subscribeUser() {
		if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
			navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(reg) {
					userVisibleOnly: true,
					applicationServerKey: publicKey
				}).then(function(sub) {
				// We have a subscription, update the database
					console.log('Endpoint URL: ', sub.endpoint);
				}).catch(function(e) {
					if (Notification.permission === 'denied') {
						console.warn('Permission for notifications was denied');
					} else {
						console.error('Unable to subscribe to push', e);

=head2 STEP 3 - service-worker.js

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