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    return 1;
  elsif ( exists $CONNECTION_STACK[-1]->{server}->{auth}->{sudo}
    && $CONNECTION_STACK[-1]->{server}->{auth}->{sudo} == 0 )
    return 0;

  if ($GLOBAL_SUDO) { return 1; }

  if ( $CONNECTION_STACK[-1] ) {
    return $CONNECTION_STACK[-1]->{conn}->get_current_use_sudo;

  return 0;

sub global_sudo {
  my ($on) = @_;
  $GLOBAL_SUDO = $on;

  # turn cache on

=head2 get_sftp

Returns the sftp object for the current ssh connection.


sub get_sftp {
  if ( $CONNECTION_STACK[-1] ) {
    return $CONNECTION_STACK[-1]->{"conn"}->get_fs_connection_object();

  return 0;

sub get_cache {
  if ( $CONNECTION_STACK[-1] ) {
    return $CONNECTION_STACK[-1]->{"cache"};

  return Rex::Interface::Cache->create();

=head2 connect

Use this function to create a connection if you use Rex as a library.

 use Rex;
 use Rex::Commands::Run;
 use Rex::Commands::Fs;

   server    => "remotehost",
   user      => "root",
   password   => "f00b4r",
   private_key => "/path/to/private/key/file",
   public_key  => "/path/to/public/key/file",

 if(is_file("/foo/bar")) {
   print "Do something...\n";

 my $output = run("uptime");


sub connect {

  my ($param) = {@_};

  my $server      = $param->{server};
  my $port        = $param->{port}    || 22;
  my $timeout     = $param->{timeout} || 5;
  my $user        = $param->{"user"};
  my $pass        = $param->{"password"};
  my $cached_conn = $param->{"cached_connection"};

  if ( !$cached_conn ) {
    my $conn =

      user     => $user,
      password => $pass,
      server   => $server,
      port     => $port,
      timeout  => $timeout,

    unless ( $conn->is_connected ) {
      die("Connection error or refused.");

    # push a remote connection
    my $rex_conn = Rex::push_connection(
        conn     => $conn,
        ssh      => $conn->get_connection_object,
        server   => $server,
        cache    => Rex::Interface::Cache->create(),
        reporter => Rex::Report->create( Rex::Config->get_report_type ),
        notify   => Rex::Notify->new(),

    # auth unsuccessfull
    unless ( $conn->is_authenticated ) {
      Rex::Logger::info( "Wrong username or password. Or wrong key.", "warn" );

      # after jobs

      die("Wrong username or password. Or wrong key.");

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( run in 1.039 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1925d2aa809 )