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            open TMP_FILE, ">$tmp_filename"
                or die "Scooby: could not write to temporary encryption file: $!.\n";

            my $line_count = 0;

            # Write the agent's source code one line at a time to the temporary file.

            while ( my $line2send = <RELOCATE_FILE> )
                print TMP_FILE $line2send;

                # Check to see if we need to insert the "lexical init" code.

                if ( $line_count == ($linenum_mem-1) )
                    print TMP_FILE $stringified if defined( $stringified );

            close RELOCATE_FILE;

            close TMP_FILE;

            # The agent source code (which has mutated) is now in "$tmp_filename".

            open TOENCRYPT_FILE, "$tmp_filename"
                or die "Scooby: temporary encryption file could not be opened: $!.\n";

            my @entire_toencrypt = <TOENCRYPT_FILE>;

            close TOENCRYPT_FILE;

            # We are now done with the temporary file, so we can remove it from 
            # the local storage.

            unlink $tmp_filename;

            my $message = "@entire_toencrypt\n";
            my $public_key_filename = "$remote.$remote_port.public";

            my $public_key = new Crypt::RSA::Key::Public( 
                                     Filename => $public_key_filename 

            my $rsa = new Crypt::RSA;

            # Encrypt the mutated agent using the PK+ of the next Location.

            my $cyphertext = $rsa->encrypt(
                                 Message   => $message,
                                 Key       => $public_key,
                                 Armour    => $TRUE
                             ) or die $rsa->errstr, "\n";

            # Use the PK- of this Mobile::Executive invocation to 
            # sign the encrypted mobile agent.

            my $cypher_signature = $rsa->sign(
                                       Message  => $cyphertext,
                                       Key      => $Mobile::Executive::private_key,
                                       Armour   => $TRUE
                                   ) or die $rsa->errstr, "\n";

            # Networking code to send agent to the server starts here.

            my $trans_serv  = getprotobyname( 'tcp' );
            my $remote_host = gethostbyname( $remote ) or inet_aton( $remote );
            my $destination = sockaddr_in( $remote_port, $remote_host );

            socket( TCP_SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $trans_serv ) 
                or die "Scooby: socket creation failed: $!.\n";

            connect( TCP_SOCK, $destination )
                or die "Scooby: connect to remote system failed: $!.\n";

            # Turn on auto-flushing.

            my $previous = select TCP_SOCK;
            $| = 1;
            select $previous;

            # Send the filename of the agent to the remote Location. 

            print TCP_SOCK $filename_mem . "\n";

            # Send the line# for the next executable line to the Location. 

            print TCP_SOCK $linenum_mem . "\n";

            # We need to work out the port that this client is using "locally".
            # The Location will use this protocol port number to query the
            # keyserver for the just-about-to-be-sent public key.

            my ( $local_pport, $local_ip ) = sockaddr_in( getsockname( TCP_SOCK ) );

            # Prior to sending the signature and cyphertext to the next
            # Location, we need to update the keyserver with the appropriate
            # PK+ so that the next Location can verify the signature.  We 
            # write the PK+ to a disk-file, then read it back in, as this is 
            # the format that the keyserver expects to receive it in.

                Filename => "$0.$$.$local_pport.public"

            open LOCAL_KEYFILE, "$0.$$.$local_pport.public"
                or die "Scooby: the local public key file does not exist: $!.\n";

            my @entire_local_file = <LOCAL_KEYFILE>;

            close LOCAL_KEYFILE;

            # We have no further need for the public key file, so remove it.

            unlink "$0.$$.$local_pport.public";

            # Send the "local" protocol port number and PK+ to the keyserver.

            my $keysock_obj = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr  => $key_server,
                                                     PeerPort  => $REGISTER_PPORT,

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( run in 1.356 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2cc899e4a130 )