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Return: variable

=head3 schema_meta_field_value

 my $obj_CassValue = $cass->schema_meta_field_value($field);

Gets the value for a schema metadata field 

Return: obj_CassValue

=head2 SSL

=head3 ssl_new

 my $obj_CassSsl = ssl_new($void);

Creates a new SSL context. 

Return: obj_CassSsl

=head3 ssl_free


Frees a SSL context instance. 

Return: undef

=head3 ssl_add_trusted_cert

 my $int_CassError = $cass->ssl_add_trusted_cert($ssl, $tcert_string);

Adds a trusted certificate. This is used to verify the peer's certificate. 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

=head3 ssl_set_verify_flags

 $cass->ssl_set_verify_flags($ssl, $flags);

Sets verifcation performed on the peer's certificate.  CASS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE - No verification is performed CASS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER_CERT - Certificate is present and valid CASS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER_IDENTITY - IP address matches the certificate's common name o...

Return: undef

=head3 ssl_set_cert

 my $int_CassError = $cass->ssl_set_cert($ssl, $cert);

Set client-side certificate chain. This is used to authenticate the client on the server-side. This should contain the entire Certificate chain starting with the certificate itself. 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

=head3 ssl_set_private_key

 my $int_CassError = $cass->ssl_set_private_key($ssl, $key, $password);

Set client-side private key. This is used to authenticate the client on the server-side. 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

=head2 Future

=head3 future_free


Frees a future instance. A future can be freed anytime. 

Return: undef

=head3 future_set_callback

 my $int_CassError = $cass->future_set_callback($future, $callback, $data);

Sets a callback that is called when a future is set 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

=head3 future_ready

 my $res = $cass->future_ready($future);

Gets the set status of the future. 

Return: variable

=head3 future_wait

 my $res = $cass->future_wait($future);

Wait for the future to be set with either a result or error.  Important: Do not wait in a future callback. Waiting in a future callback will cause a deadlock. 

Return: variable

=head3 future_wait_timed

 my $res = $cass->future_wait_timed($future, $timeout);

Wait for the future to be set or timeout. 

Return: variable

=head3 future_get_result

 my $obj_CassResult = $cass->future_get_result($future);

Gets the result of a successful future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set. The first successful call consumes the future, all subsequent calls will return NULL. 

Return: obj_CassResult

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