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src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h  view on Meta::CPAN

int dh_set_pg(const unsigned char *p, unsigned long plen,
              const unsigned char *g, unsigned long glen,
              dh_key *key);
int dh_set_pg_dhparam(const unsigned char *dhparam, unsigned long dhparamlen, dh_key *key);
int dh_set_pg_groupsize(int groupsize, dh_key *key);

int dh_set_key(const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen, int type, dh_key *key);
int dh_generate_key(prng_state *prng, int wprng, dh_key *key);

int dh_shared_secret(const dh_key  *private_key, const dh_key  *public_key,
                     unsigned char *out,         unsigned long *outlen);

void dh_free(dh_key *key);

int dh_export_key(void *out, unsigned long *outlen, int type, const dh_key *key);
#endif /* LTC_MDH */

/* ---- ECC Routines ---- */
#ifdef LTC_MECC

src/ltc/pk/dh/dh_shared_secret.c  view on Meta::CPAN

/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */

#include "tomcrypt_private.h"

#ifdef LTC_MDH

   Create a DH shared secret.
   @param private_key     The private DH key in the pair
   @param public_key      The public DH key in the pair
   @param out             [out] The destination of the shared data
   @param outlen          [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared data.
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int dh_shared_secret(const dh_key *private_key, const dh_key *public_key,
                     unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen)
   void *tmp;
   unsigned long x;
   int err;

   LTC_ARGCHK(private_key != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(public_key  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(out         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(outlen      != NULL);

   /* types valid? */
   if (private_key->type != PK_PRIVATE) {
      return CRYPT_PK_NOT_PRIVATE;

   /* same DH group? */
   if (mp_cmp(private_key->prime, public_key->prime) != LTC_MP_EQ) { return CRYPT_PK_TYPE_MISMATCH; }
   if (mp_cmp(private_key->base, public_key->base) != LTC_MP_EQ)   { return CRYPT_PK_TYPE_MISMATCH; }

   /* init big numbers */
   if ((err = mp_init(&tmp)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      return err;

   /* check public key */
   if ((err = dh_check_pubkey(public_key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto error;

   /* compute tmp = y^x mod p */
   if ((err = mp_exptmod(public_key->y, private_key->x, private_key->prime, tmp)) != CRYPT_OK)  {
      goto error;

   /* enough space for output? */
   x = (unsigned long)mp_unsigned_bin_size(tmp);
   if (*outlen < x) {
      *outlen = x;
      goto error;

src/ltc/pk/dsa/dsa_shared_secret.c  view on Meta::CPAN

  @file dsa_shared_secret.c
  DSA Crypto, Tom St Denis

#ifdef LTC_MDSA

  Create a DSA shared secret between two keys
  @param private_key      The private DSA key (the exponent)
  @param base             The base of the exponentiation (allows this to be used for both encrypt and decrypt)
  @param public_key       The public key
  @param out              [out] Destination of the shared secret
  @param outlen           [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared secret
  @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int dsa_shared_secret(void          *private_key, void *base,
                      const dsa_key *public_key,
                      unsigned char *out,         unsigned long *outlen)
   unsigned long  x;
   void          *res;
   int            err;

   LTC_ARGCHK(private_key != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(public_key  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(out         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(outlen      != NULL);

   /* make new point */
   if ((err = mp_init(&res)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      return err;

   if ((err = mp_exptmod(base, private_key, public_key->p, res)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      return err;

   x = (unsigned long)mp_unsigned_bin_size(res);
   if (*outlen < x) {
      *outlen = x;
      goto done;

src/ltc/pk/ec25519/ec25519_export.c  view on Meta::CPAN

   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ec25519_export(       unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen,
                                    int  which,
                   const curve25519_key *key)
   int err, std;
   const char* OID;
   unsigned long oid[16], oidlen;
   ltc_asn1_list alg_id[1];
   unsigned char private_key[34];
   unsigned long version, private_key_len = sizeof(private_key);

   LTC_ARGCHK(out       != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(outlen    != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(key       != NULL);

   std = which & PK_STD;
   which &= ~PK_STD;

   if (which == PK_PRIVATE) {
      if(key->type != PK_PRIVATE) return CRYPT_PK_INVALID_TYPE;

src/ltc/pk/ecc/ecc_shared_secret.c  view on Meta::CPAN

  @file ecc_shared_secret.c
  ECC Crypto, Tom St Denis

#ifdef LTC_MECC

  Create an ECC shared secret between two keys
  @param private_key      The private ECC key
  @param public_key       The public key
  @param out              [out] Destination of the shared secret (Conforms to EC-DH from ANSI X9.63)
  @param outlen           [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared secret
  @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ecc_shared_secret(const ecc_key *private_key, const ecc_key *public_key,
                      unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen)
   unsigned long  x;
   ecc_point     *result;
   void          *prime, *a;
   int            err;

   LTC_ARGCHK(private_key != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(public_key  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(out         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(outlen      != NULL);

   /* type valid? */
   if (private_key->type != PK_PRIVATE) {
      return CRYPT_PK_NOT_PRIVATE;

   /* make new point */
   result = ltc_ecc_new_point();
   if (result == NULL) {
      return CRYPT_MEM;

   prime = private_key->;
   a     = private_key->dp.A;

   if ((err = ltc_mp.ecc_ptmul(private_key->k, &public_key->pubkey, result, a, prime, 1)) != CRYPT_OK)   { goto done; }

   x = (unsigned long)mp_unsigned_bin_size(prime);
   if (*outlen < x) {
      *outlen = x;
      goto done;
   zeromem(out, x);
   if ((err = mp_to_unsigned_bin(result->x, out + (x - mp_unsigned_bin_size(result->x))))   != CRYPT_OK) { goto done; }

src/ltc/pk/ed25519/ed25519_sign.c  view on Meta::CPAN

  @file ed25519_shared_secret.c
  Create an Ed25519 signature, Steffen Jaeckel

#ifdef LTC_CURVE25519

static int s_ed25519_sign(const unsigned char  *msg, unsigned long  msglen,
                                unsigned char  *sig, unsigned long *siglen,
                          const unsigned char  *ctx, unsigned long  ctxlen,
                          const curve25519_key *private_key)
   unsigned char *s;
   unsigned long long smlen;
   int err;

   LTC_ARGCHK(msg         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(sig         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(siglen      != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(private_key != NULL);

   if (private_key->algo != LTC_OID_ED25519) return CRYPT_PK_INVALID_TYPE;
   if (private_key->type != PK_PRIVATE) return CRYPT_PK_INVALID_TYPE;

   if (*siglen < 64uL) {
      *siglen = 64uL;

   smlen = msglen + 64;
   s = XMALLOC(smlen);
   if (s == NULL) return CRYPT_MEM;

   err = tweetnacl_crypto_sign(s, &smlen,
                               msg, msglen,
                               private_key->priv, private_key->pub,
                               ctx, ctxlen);

   XMEMCPY(sig, s, 64uL);
   *siglen = 64uL;

   zeromem(s, smlen);

   return err;

   Create an Ed25519ctx signature.
   @param msg             The data to be signed
   @param msglen          [in] The size of the date to be signed
   @param sig             [out] The destination of the shared data
   @param siglen          [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared data.
   @param ctx             [in] The context is a constant null terminated string
   @param private_key     The private Ed25519 key in the pair
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ed25519ctx_sign(const  unsigned char *msg, unsigned long  msglen,
                           unsigned char *sig, unsigned long *siglen,
                    const  unsigned char *ctx, unsigned long  ctxlen,
                    const curve25519_key *private_key)
   int err;
   unsigned char ctx_prefix[292];
   unsigned long ctx_prefix_size = sizeof(ctx_prefix);

   LTC_ARGCHK(ctx != NULL);

   if ((err = ec25519_crypto_ctx(ctx_prefix, &ctx_prefix_size, 0, ctx, ctxlen)) != CRYPT_OK)
      return err;

   return s_ed25519_sign(msg, msglen, sig, siglen, ctx_prefix, ctx_prefix_size, private_key);

   Create an Ed25519ph signature.
   @param msg             The data to be signed
   @param msglen          [in] The size of the date to be signed
   @param sig             [out] The destination of the shared data
   @param siglen          [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared data.
   @param ctx             [in] The context is a constant null terminated string
   @param private_key     The private Ed25519 key in the pair
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ed25519ph_sign(const  unsigned char *msg, unsigned long  msglen,
                          unsigned char *sig, unsigned long *siglen,
                   const  unsigned char *ctx, unsigned long  ctxlen,
                   const curve25519_key *private_key)
   int err;
   unsigned char msg_hash[64];
   unsigned char ctx_prefix[292];
   unsigned long ctx_prefix_size = sizeof(ctx_prefix);

   if ((err = ec25519_crypto_ctx(ctx_prefix, &ctx_prefix_size, 1, ctx, ctxlen)) != CRYPT_OK)
      return err;

   if ((err = tweetnacl_crypto_ph(msg_hash, msg, msglen)) != CRYPT_OK)
      return err;

   return s_ed25519_sign(msg_hash, sizeof(msg_hash), sig, siglen, ctx_prefix, ctx_prefix_size, private_key);

   Create an Ed25519 signature.
   @param msg             The data to be signed
   @param msglen          [in] The size of the date to be signed
   @param sig             [out] The destination of the shared data
   @param siglen          [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared data.
   @param private_key     The private Ed25519 key in the pair
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int ed25519_sign(const  unsigned char *msg, unsigned long msglen,
                        unsigned char *sig, unsigned long *siglen,
                 const curve25519_key *private_key)
   return s_ed25519_sign(msg, msglen, sig, siglen, NULL, 0, private_key);


src/ltc/pk/x25519/x25519_shared_secret.c  view on Meta::CPAN

  @file x25519_shared_secret.c
  Create a X25519 shared secret, Steffen Jaeckel

#ifdef LTC_CURVE25519

   Create a X25519 shared secret.
   @param private_key     The private X25519 key in the pair
   @param public_key      The public X25519 key in the pair
   @param out             [out] The destination of the shared data
   @param outlen          [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the shared data.
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int x25519_shared_secret(const    curve25519_key *private_key,
                         const    curve25519_key *public_key,
                               unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen)
   LTC_ARGCHK(private_key        != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(public_key         != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(out                != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(outlen             != NULL);

   if(private_key->type != PK_PRIVATE) return CRYPT_PK_INVALID_TYPE;

   if(*outlen < 32uL) {
      *outlen = 32uL;

   tweetnacl_crypto_scalarmult(out, private_key->priv, public_key->pub);
   *outlen = 32uL;

   return CRYPT_OK;


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