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=item SSL_EnableOptions : arrayref

A list of options to enable where the items are either numeric or a constant name from C<Crypt::NSS::SSL::Constants>.

=item SSL_DisableOptions : arrayref

A list of options to enable where the items are either numeric or a constant name from C<Crypt::NSS::SSL::Constants>.

=item SSL_URL : string

Sets the host/URL that the server certificate will be verified against. If ommited defaults to I<$DefaultURL> if defined, 
otherwise uses I<PeerHost>.


=item create_socket ( $type : string ) : Net::NSS::SSL

Creates a new socket of the I<TYPE> C<tcp> or C<udp>. Does not set any socket options nor imports it into 
the SSL layer. You probablly want to use C<new> instead of this method.

=item import_into_ssl_layer ( )

Imports the socket into NSS SSL layer if not already done. The constructor C<new> does this automatically for 



=head3 Connecting to a host

This is done for you if you use C<new>.

=over 4

=item connect ( $host : string, $port : integer )

=item connect ( $host : string, $port : integer, $timeout : integer)

Conencts to the host, I<$host>, on the given I<$port>. The optional argument I<$timeout> sets how many seconds 
connect has to complete the connection setup. If ommited C<PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT> is used.


=head3 Listening and accepting incoming connections

You don't need to bind and listen if you use C<new> to create your socket.

=over 4

=item bind ( $host : string, $port : integer ) 

Binds an the socket to a network address, ie host + port.

=item listen ( )
=item listen ( $queue_length : integer ) 

Listens for connections on the socket. The optional argument I<$queue_length> is the maximum length of the queue of 
pending connections. Defaults to 10.

=item configure_as_server ( $certificate : Crypt::NSS::Certificate, $private_key : Crypt::NSS::PrivateKey )

Configures a listening socket with the information needed to handshake as a SSL server. 

=item accept ( ) : Net::NSS::SSL
=item accept ( $timeout : integer ) : Net::NSS::SSL

Accepts a connection on the socket and returns the new socket used to communicate with the connected client. The 
optional argument I<$timeout> specified determined how long the connection setup might take. If ommited C<PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT> is used.

This method blocks the calling thread until either a new connection is successfully accepted or an error occurs. 


=head3 Handshaking

=over 4

=item reset_handshake ( $as_server : boolean )

Tells the the SSL library to start over with the handshake at the next I/O operation. This is not necessary for sockets 
that are already SSL:ed. The argument I<$as_server> tells whether the socket should handshake as server or client.


=head3 Socket settings and security options

=over 4

=item set_option ( $option : string | integer, $value : scalar )

=item get_option ( $option : string | integer ) : scalar

Gets and sets socket options. The following options are valid:

=over 4

=item KeepAlive : boolean

Periodically test whether connection is still alive.

=item NoDelay : boolean

Disable Nagle algorithm. Don't delay send to coalesce packets.

=item Blocking : boolean

Do blocking or non-blocking (network) I/O.


This method also works with SSL options if passed a numeric argument as exported by C<Crypt::NSS::Constants qw(:ssl)> and 
passing either C<SSL_OPTION_ENABLED> or C<SSL_OPTION_DISABLED> as the value.

=item set_pkcs11_pin_arg ( $arg : scalar  )

=item get_pkcs11_pin_arg ( ) : scalar

Sets or gets the argument that is passed along to pkcs11 callbacks for the given socket. I<$arg> can be any Perl scalar 
but in most cases you'll just want this to be a string. 

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