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lib/Net/NSS/  view on Meta::CPAN

=item bind ( $host : string, $port : integer ) 

Binds an the socket to a network address, ie host + port.

=item listen ( )
=item listen ( $queue_length : integer ) 

Listens for connections on the socket. The optional argument I<$queue_length> is the maximum length of the queue of 
pending connections. Defaults to 10.

=item configure_as_server ( $certificate : Crypt::NSS::Certificate, $private_key : Crypt::NSS::PrivateKey )

Configures a listening socket with the information needed to handshake as a SSL server. 

=item accept ( ) : Net::NSS::SSL
=item accept ( $timeout : integer ) : Net::NSS::SSL

Accepts a connection on the socket and returns the new socket used to communicate with the connected client. The 
optional argument I<$timeout> specified determined how long the connection setup might take. If ommited C<PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT> is used.

This method blocks the calling thread until either a new connection is successfully accepted or an error occurs. 

t/lib/Test/Crypt/NSS/  view on Meta::CPAN

#    }
#    else {
        require Crypt::NSS;
        Crypt::NSS->import(config_dir => "db", cipher_suite => "US");

        my $private_cert = Crypt::NSS::PKCS11->find_cert_by_nickname("", DB_PASSWORD);
        if (!$private_cert) {
            print STDERR "Failed to get private cert\n";
        my $private_key = Crypt::NSS::PKCS11->find_key_by_any_cert($private_cert, DB_PASSWORD);
        if (!$private_key) {
            print STDERR "Failed to get private key\n";
        my $sock = Net::NSS::SSL->create_socket("tcp");
        $sock->set_option(Blocking => 1);
        $sock->bind("", $port);

        $sock->configure_as_server($private_cert, $private_key);
        my $client = $sock->accept();
        $client->set_option(Blocking => 1);
        $client->set_option(SSL_SECURITY, SSL_OPTION_ENABLE);
        $client->set_option(SSL_HANDSHAKE_AS_SERVER, SSL_OPTION_ENABLE);

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