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        $extensions, \&extensionCback,

    matrixSslNewClientSession( $ssl,
        $keys, $sessID, \@cipherSuites,
        \&certValidator, $expectedName,
        $extensions, \&extensionCback,

Return new object $ssl.
Throw exception if matrixSslNewClientSession() doesn't return
When this object will be destroyed will call:

    matrixSslDeleteSession( $ssl )

More information about callbacks L</certValidator> and L</extensionCback>
in the L</CALLBACKS> section.

=head2 Crypt::MatrixSSL3::Server

=head3 new

    $ssl = Crypt::MatrixSSL3::Server->new( $keys, \&certValidator );

    matrixSslNewServerSession( $ssl, $keys, \&certValidator )

Return new object $ssl.
Throw exception if matrixSslNewServerSession() doesn't return PS_SUCCESS.
When this object will be destroyed will call:

    matrixSslDeleteSession( $ssl )

More information about callback L</certValidator> in the L</CALLBACKS> section.

=head3 init_SNI

    $ssl->init_SNI( $sserver_index, $sni_params );

This function should be called only once when the server is initialized.



=item $server_index

Server structure index returned by C<create_SSL_server()>

=item $sni_params [{...},...] or undef

This is a reference to an array that contains one or more array references:

    $sni_params = [                                                     # virtual hosts support - when a client sends a TLS SNI extension, the settings below will apply
                                                                        #                         based on the requested hostname
        # virtual host 0 (also referred in the code as SNI entry 0)
            'hostname' => 'hostname',                                   # regular expression for matching the hostname
            'cert' => '/path/to/certificate;/path/to/CA-chain',         # KEY - certificate (the CA-chain is optional)
            'key' => '/path/to/private_key',                            # KEY - private key
            'DH_param' => /path/to/DH_params',                          # KEY - file containing the DH parameter used with DH ciphers
            'session_ticket_keys' => {                                  # session tickets setup
                'id' => '1234567890123456',                             # KEY - TLS session tickets - 16 bytes unique identifier
                'encrypt_key' => '12345678901234567890123456789012',    # KEY - TLS session tickets - 128/256 bit encryption key
                'hash_key' => '12345678901234567890123456789012',       # KEY - TLS session tickets - 256 bit hash key
            'OCSP_staple' => '/path/to/OCSP_staple.der',                # SESSION - file containing a OCSP staple that gets sent when a client
                                                                        #           send a TLS status request extension
            'SCT_params' => [                                           # SESSION - Certificate Transparency SCT files used to build the
                                                                        #           'signed_certificate_timestamp' TLS extension data buffer
            # instead of the Certificate Transparency SCT files you can specify a scalar with a single file that contains multiple SCT files
            # note that this file is not just a concatenation of the SCT files, but a ready-to-use 'signed_certificate_timestamp' TLS extension data buffer
            # see for more info
            #'SCT_params' => '/path/to/CT_extension_data_buffer',
            'ALPN' => ['protocol1', 'protocol2']                        # SESSION - server supported protocols
        # virtual host 1


=head3 set_server_params

    $ssl->set_server_params( $server_index, $sv_params );

Used to set the server supported protocols used when a client send a TLS
ALPN extension.

Note that this function call only affects the B<default server>. Virtual
hosts are managed by using the $ssl->init_SNI(...).

See $ssl->init_SNI(...) for usage.



=item $server_index

Server structure index returned by C<create_SSL_server()>

=item $sv_params {...} or undef

This is a reference to a hash with the following structure (all keys are optional):

    $sv_params = {
        'ALPN' => ['protocol1', 'protocol2']

If you specify the 'ALPN' parameter, you should also provide
an ALPN callback. More information about callback L</ALPNCallback>
in the L</CALLBACKS> section.


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