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Rexfile  view on Meta::CPAN

=head1 NAME

Rexfile - Rex task configuration for CPANTesters backend scripts


    # Deploy the latest backend scripts
    rex deploy


This file defines all the L<Rex|> tasks used to deploy
this application.

You must have already configured a user using the
repository, or been given an SSH key to use this Rexfile.

=head1 SEE ALSO



use Rex -feature => [ 1.4 ];
use Rex::Commands::Sync;

# Groups
group backend => '';

# Settings

user 'cpantesters';
private_key '~/.ssh/cpantesters-rex';

# Used to find local, dev copies of the dist
set 'dist_name' => 'CPAN-Testers-Backend';

# Environments
# The Vagrant VM for development purposes
environment vm => sub {
    group backend => ''; # the Vagrant VM IP
    set 'no_sudo_password' => 1;


=head1 TASKS

=head2 deploy

    rex deploy
    rex -E vm deploy

Deploy the CPAN Testers backend from CPAN. Do this task after releasing
a version of CPAN::Testers::Backend to CPAN.


desc "Deploy the CPAN Testers backend from CPAN";
task deploy =>
    group => 'backend',
    sub {
        run 'source ~/.profile; cpanm CPAN::Testers::Backend DBD::mysql';
        run_task 'deploy_config', on => connection->server;

=head2 deploy_dev

    rex -E vm deploy_dev

Deploy a pre-release, development version of the backend. Use this to
install to your dev VM to test things. Will run `dzil build` locally to
build the tarball, then sync that tarball to the remote and install
using `cpanm`.


task deploy_dev =>
    group => 'backend',
    sub {
        my $dist_name = get 'dist_name';
        my $dist;
        LOCAL {
            Rex::Logger::info( 'Building dist' );
            run 'dzil build';
            my @dists = sort glob "${dist_name}-*.tar.gz";
            $dist = $dists[-1];

        Rex::Logger::info( 'Syncing ' . $dist );
        file '~/dist/' . $dist,
            source => $dist;

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