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field $nonce :reader :writer :param;
field $gas_limit :reader :writer :param;
field $to :reader :writer :param    //= '';
field $value :reader :writer :param //= '0x0';
field $data :reader :writer :param  //= '';
field $v :reader :writer :param = undef;
field $r :reader :writer :param = undef;
field $s :reader :writer :param = undef;

field $rlp :reader = Blockchain::Ethereum::RLP->new();

method serialize;

method generate_v;

method hash {

    return keccak256($self->serialize);

# In case of Math::BigInt given for any params, get the hex value
method _equalize_params ($params) {

    return [map { ref $_ eq 'Math::BigInt' ? $_->as_hex : $_ } $params->@*];




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Blockchain::Ethereum::Transaction - Ethereum transaction abstraction

=head1 VERSION

version 0.009


Ethereum transaction abstraction for signing and generating raw transactions

    # parameters can be hexadecimal strings or Math::BigInt instances
    my $transaction = Blockchain::Ethereum::Transaction::EIP1559->new(
        nonce                    => '0x0',
        max_fee_per_gas          => '0x9',
        max_priority_fee_per_gas => '0x0',
        gas_limit                => '0x1DE2B9',
        to                       => '0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535'
        value                    => Math::BigInt->new('1000000000000000000'),
        data                     => '0x',
        chain_id                 => '0x539'

    my $key = Blockchain::Ethereum::Keystore::Key->new(
        private_key => pack "H*",


    my $raw_transaction = $transaction->serialize;

    print unpack("H*", $raw_transaction);

Standalone version:

    ethereum-raw-tx --tx-type=legacy --chain-id=0x1 --nonce=0x9 --gas-price=0x4A817C800 --gas-limit=0x5208 --to=0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535 --value=0xDE0B6B3A7640000 --pk=0x46464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646...

Supported transaction types:

=over 4

=item * B<Legacy>

=item * B<EIP1559 Fee Market>


=head1 METHODS

=head2 serialize

To be implemented by the child classes, encodes the given transaction parameters to RLP

=over 4


Returns the RLP encoded transaction bytes

=head2 generate_v

Generate the transaction v field using the given y-parity

=over 4

=item * C<$y_parity> y-parity


Returns the v hexadecimal value also sets the v fields from transaction

=head2 hash

SHA3 Hash the serialized transaction object

=over 4


Returns the SHA3 transaction hash bytes

=head1 AUTHOR

Reginaldo Costa <>

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( run in 0.915 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-dad7e4baca0 )